Azure Event Grid MQTT-With HiveMQ & MQTTnet Clients

Most of the examples of connecting to Azure Event Grid’s MQTT broker use MQTTnet so for a bit of variety I started with a hivemq-mqtt-client-dotnet based client. (A customer had been evaluating HiveMQ for a project which was later cancelled)

BEWARE – ClientID parameter is case sensitive.

The HiveMQ client was “inspired” by the How to Guides > Custom Client Certificates documentation.

class Program
   private static Model.ApplicationSettings _applicationSettings;
   private static HiveMQClient _client;
   private static bool _publisherBusy = false;

   static async Task Main()
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} Hive MQ client starting");

         // load the app settings into configuration
         var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
               .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true)

         _applicationSettings = configuration.GetSection("ApplicationSettings").Get<Model.ApplicationSettings>();

         var optionsBuilder = new HiveMQClientOptionsBuilder();

            .WithClientCertificate(_applicationSettings.ClientCertificateFileName, _applicationSettings.ClientCertificatePassword)

         using (_client = new HiveMQClient(optionsBuilder.Build()))
            _client.OnMessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;

            var connectResult = await _client.ConnectAsync();
            if (connectResult.ReasonCode != ConnAckReasonCode.Success)
               throw new Exception($"Failed to connect: {connectResult.ReasonString}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Subscribed to Topic");
            foreach (string topic in _applicationSettings.SubscribeTopics.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries | StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries))
               var subscribeResult = await _client.SubscribeAsync(topic, _applicationSettings.SubscribeQualityOfService);

               Console.WriteLine($" Topic:{topic} Result:{subscribeResult.Subscriptions[0].SubscribeReasonCode}");
HiveMQ Client console application output

The MQTTnet client was “inspired” by the Azure MQTT .NET Application sample

class Program
   private static Model.ApplicationSettings _applicationSettings;
   private static IMqttClient _client;
   private static bool _publisherBusy = false;

   static async Task Main()
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} MQTTNet client starting");

         // load the app settings into configuration
         var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
               .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true)

         _applicationSettings = configuration.GetSection("ApplicationSettings").Get<Model.ApplicationSettings>();

         var mqttFactory = new MqttFactory();

         using (_client = mqttFactory.CreateMqttClient())
            // Certificate based authentication
            List<X509Certificate2> certificates = new List<X509Certificate2>
               new X509Certificate2(_applicationSettings.ClientCertificateFileName, _applicationSettings.ClientCertificatePassword)

            var tlsOptions = new MqttClientTlsOptionsBuilder()

            MqttClientOptions mqttClientOptions = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder()
                     .WithTcpServer(_applicationSettings.Host, _applicationSettings.Port)
                     .WithCredentials(_applicationSettings.UserName, _applicationSettings.Password)

            var connectResult = await _client.ConnectAsync(mqttClientOptions);
            if (connectResult.ResultCode != MqttClientConnectResultCode.Success)
               throw new Exception($"Failed to connect: {connectResult.ReasonString}");

            _client.ApplicationMessageReceivedAsync += OnApplicationMessageReceivedAsync;

            Console.WriteLine($"Subscribed to Topic");
            foreach (string topic in _applicationSettings.SubscribeTopics.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries | StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries))
               var subscribeResult = await _client.SubscribeAsync(topic, _applicationSettings.SubscribeQualityOfService);

               Console.WriteLine($" {topic} Result:{subscribeResult.Items.First().ResultCode}");
MQTTnet client console application output

The design of the MQTT protocol means that the hivemq-mqtt-client-dotnet and MQTTnet implementations are similar. Having used both I personally prefer the HiveMQ client library.

Azure Event Grid MQTT-Certificates

When configuring Root, Intermediate and Device certificates for my Azure Event Grid Devices using the smallstep step-ca or OpenSSL I made mistakes/typos which broke my deployment and in the end I was copying and pasting commands from Windows Notepad.

For one test deployment it took me an hour to generate the Root, Intermediate and a number of Devices certificates which was a waste of time. At this point I decided investigate writing some applications to simplify the process.

After some searching I stumbled across CREATING CERTIFICATES FOR X.509 SECURITY IN AZURE IOT HUB USING .NET CORE by Damien Bod which showed how to generate certificates for Azure IoT Hub solutions using his NuGet package Certificate Manager.

The AzureIoTHubDps repository had a sample showing how to generate the certificate chain for Azure IoT Hub devices. It worked really well but I accidentally overwrote my Root and Intermediate certificates, there were some “magic numbers” and hard coded passwords (it was a sample) so I decided to “chop” the sample up into three command line applications.

static void Main(string[] args)
   var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()

   // load the app settings into configuration
   var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
         .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true)

   _applicationSettings = configuration.GetSection("ApplicationSettings").Get<Model.ApplicationSettings>();
   Console.WriteLine($"validFrom:{validFrom} ValidTo:{validTo}");

   var serverRootCertificate = serviceProvider.GetService<CreateCertificatesClientServerAuth>();

   var root = serverRootCertificate.NewRootCertificate(
         new DistinguishedName { 
               CommonName = _applicationSettings.CommonName,
               Organisation = _applicationSettings.Organisation,
               OrganisationUnit = _applicationSettings.OrganisationUnit,
               Locality = _applicationSettings.Locality,
               StateProvince  = _applicationSettings.StateProvince,
               Country = _applicationSettings.Country
         new ValidityPeriod { 
         ValidFrom = validFrom,
         ValidTo = validTo,
   root.FriendlyName = _applicationSettings.FriendlyName;

   Console.Write("PFX Password:");
   string password = Console.ReadLine();
   if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
      Console.WriteLine("PFX Password invalid");

   var exportCertificate = serviceProvider.GetService<ImportExportCertificate>();

   var rootCertificatePfxBytes = exportCertificate.ExportRootPfx(password, root);
   File.WriteAllBytes(_applicationSettings.RootCertificateFilePath, rootCertificatePfxBytes);

   Console.WriteLine($"Root certificate file:{_applicationSettings.RootCertificateFilePath}");
   Console.WriteLine("press enter to exit");

The application’s configuration was split between application settings file(certificate file paths, validity periods, Organisation etc.) or entered at runtime ( certificate filenames, passwords etc.) The first application generates a Root Certificate using the distinguished name information from the application settings, plus file names and passwords entered by the user.

Root Certificate generation application output

The second application generates an Intermediate Certificate using the Root Certificate, the distinguished name information from the application settings, plus file names and passwords entered by the user.

static void Main(string[] args)
   var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()

   // load the app settings into configuration
   var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
         .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true)

   _applicationSettings = configuration.GetSection("ApplicationSettings").Get<Model.ApplicationSettings>();
   Console.WriteLine($"validFrom:{validFrom} be after ValidTo:{validTo}");

   Console.WriteLine($"Root Certificate file:{_applicationSettings.RootCertificateFilePath}");

   Console.Write("Root Certificate Password:");
   string rootPassword = Console.ReadLine();
   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rootPassword))
   var rootCertificate = new X509Certificate2(_applicationSettings.RootCertificateFilePath, rootPassword);

   var intermediateCertificateCreate = serviceProvider.GetService<CreateCertificatesClientServerAuth>();

   var intermediateCertificate = intermediateCertificateCreate.NewIntermediateChainedCertificate(
         new DistinguishedName
            CommonName = _applicationSettings.CommonName,
            Organisation = _applicationSettings.Organisation,
            OrganisationUnit = _applicationSettings.OrganisationUnit,
            Locality = _applicationSettings.Locality,
            StateProvince = _applicationSettings.StateProvince,
            Country = _applicationSettings.Country
      new ValidityPeriod
         ValidFrom = validFrom,
         ValidTo = validTo,
            _applicationSettings.DnsName, rootCertificate);
      intermediateCertificate.FriendlyName = _applicationSettings.FriendlyName;

   Console.Write("Intermediate certificate Password:");
   string intermediatePassword = Console.ReadLine();
   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(intermediatePassword))

   var importExportCertificate = serviceProvider.GetService<ImportExportCertificate>();

   Console.WriteLine($"Intermediate PFX file:{_applicationSettings.IntermediateCertificatePfxFilePath}");
   var intermediateCertificatePfxBtyes = importExportCertificate.ExportChainedCertificatePfx(intermediatePassword, intermediateCertificate, rootCertificate);
   File.WriteAllBytes(_applicationSettings.IntermediateCertificatePfxFilePath, intermediateCertificatePfxBtyes);

   Console.WriteLine($"Intermediate CER file:{_applicationSettings.IntermediateCertificateCerFilePath}");
   var intermediateCertificatePemText = importExportCertificate.PemExportPublicKeyCertificate(intermediateCertificate);
   File.WriteAllText(_applicationSettings.IntermediateCertificateCerFilePath, intermediateCertificatePemText);

   Console.WriteLine("press enter to exit");
Intermediate Certificate generation application output
Uploading the Intermediate certificate to Azure Event Grid

The third application generates Device Certificates using the Intermediate Certificate, distinguished name information from the application settings, plus device id, file names and passwords entered by the user.

static void Main(string[] args)
   var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()

   // load the app settings into configuration
   var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
         .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true)

   _applicationSettings = configuration.GetSection("ApplicationSettings").Get<Model.ApplicationSettings>();
   Console.WriteLine($"validFrom:{validFrom} ValidTo:{validTo}");

   Console.WriteLine($"Intermediate PFX file:{_applicationSettings.IntermediateCertificateFilePath}");

   Console.Write("Intermediate PFX Password:");
   string intermediatePassword = Console.ReadLine();
   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(intermediatePassword))
      Console.WriteLine("Intermediate PFX Password invalid");
   var intermediate = new X509Certificate2(_applicationSettings.IntermediateCertificateFilePath, intermediatePassword);

   Console.Write("Device ID:");
   string deviceId = Console.ReadLine();
   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceId))
      Console.WriteLine("Device ID invalid");

   var createClientServerAuthCerts = serviceProvider.GetService<CreateCertificatesClientServerAuth>();

   var device = createClientServerAuthCerts.NewDeviceChainedCertificate(
         new DistinguishedName
            CommonName = deviceId,
            Organisation = _applicationSettings.Organisation,
            OrganisationUnit = _applicationSettings.OrganisationUnit,
            Locality = _applicationSettings.Locality,
            StateProvince = _applicationSettings.StateProvince,
            Country = _applicationSettings.Country
      new ValidityPeriod
         ValidFrom = validFrom,
         ValidTo = validTo,
      deviceId, intermediate);
   device.FriendlyName = deviceId;

   Console.Write("Device PFX Password:");
   string devicePassword = Console.ReadLine();
   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(devicePassword))

   var importExportCertificate = serviceProvider.GetService<ImportExportCertificate>();

   string devicePfxPath = string.Format(_applicationSettings.DeviceCertificatePfxFilePath, deviceId);

   Console.WriteLine($"Device PFX file:{devicePfxPath}");
   var deviceCertificatePath = importExportCertificate.ExportChainedCertificatePfx(devicePassword, device, intermediate);
   File.WriteAllBytes(devicePfxPath,  deviceCertificatePath);

   Console.WriteLine("press enter to exit");
Device Certificate generation application output
Uploading the Intermediate certificate to Azure Event Grid

These applications wouldn’t have been possible without Damien Bod’s CREATING CERTIFICATES FOR X.509 SECURITY IN AZURE IOT HUB USING .NET CORE blog post, and his Certificate Manager NuGet package.

.Net Meadow nRF24L01 library Part3

While testing my initial port of the the techfooninja nRF24L01P library to a Wilderness Labs Meadow I noticed that the power level value was a bit odd.

nRF24L01P Test Harness
The program '[16720] App.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
 IsPowered: True
 Address: Dev01
 PA: 15
 IsAutoAcknowledge: True
 Channel: 15
 DataRate: DR250Kbps
 Power: 15
 IsDynamicAcknowledge: False
 IsDynamicPayload: True
 IsEnabled: False
 Frequency: 2415
 IsInitialized: True
 IsPowered: True
 00:00:18-TX 8 byte message hello 17
 Data Sent!
00:00:18-TX Succeeded!
 00:00:48-TX 8 byte message hello 48
 Data Sent!

Looking at nRF24L01P datasheet and how this has been translated into code

/// <summary>
///   The power level for the radio.
/// </summary>
public PowerLevel PowerLevel
      var regValue = Execute(Commands.R_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP, new byte[1])[1] & 0xF8;
      var newValue = (regValue - 1) >> 1;
      return (PowerLevel)newValue;
      var regValue = Execute(Commands.R_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP, new byte[1])[1] & 0xF8;

      byte newValue = (byte)((byte)value << 1 + 1);

      Execute(Commands.W_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP,
                     (byte) (newValue | regValue)

The power level enumeration is declared in PowerLevel.cs

namespace Radios.RF24
    /// <summary>
    ///   Power levels the radio can operate with
    /// </summary>
    public enum PowerLevel : byte
        /// <summary>
        ///   Minimum power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>
        Minimum = 0,

        /// <summary>
        ///   Low power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        ///   High power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        ///   Max power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        ///   Error with the power setting
        /// </summary>

No debugging support or Debug.WriteLine in beta 3.7 (March 2020) so first step was to insert a Console.Writeline so I could see what the RF_SETUP register value was.

The program '[11212] App.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
 Address: Dev01
 PowerLevel regValue 00100101
 PowerLevel: 15
 IsAutoAcknowledge: True
 Channel: 15
 DataRate: DR250Kbps
 IsDynamicAcknowledge: False
 IsDynamicPayload: True
 IsEnabled: False
 Frequency: 2415
 IsInitialized: True
 IsPowered: True
 00:00:18-TX 8 byte message hello 17
 Data Sent!
00:00:18-TX Succeeded!

The PowerLevel setting appeared to make no difference and the bits 5, 2 & 0 were set which meant 250Kbps & high power which I was expecting.

The RF_SETUP register in the datasheet, contains the following settings (WARNING – some nRF24L01 registers differ from nRF24L01P)

After looking at the code my initial “quick n dirty” fix was to mask out the existing power level bits and then mask in the new setting.

public PowerLevel PowerLevel
            byte regValue = Execute(Commands.R_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP, new byte[1])[1];;
            Console.WriteLine($"PowerLevel regValue {Convert.ToString(regValue, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')}");
            var newValue = (regValue & 0x06) >> 1;
            return (PowerLevel)newValue;
            byte regValue = Execute(Commands.R_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP, new byte[1])[1];
            regValue &= 0b11111000;
            regValue |= (byte)((byte)value << 1);

            Execute(Commands.W_REGISTER, Registers.RF_SETUP,

I wonder if the code mighty be simpler if I used a similar approach to my Windows 10 IoT RFM9X LoRa library

// RegModemConfig1
public enum RegModemConfigBandwidth : byte
	_7_8KHz = 0b00000000,
	_10_4KHz = 0b00010000,
	_15_6KHz = 0b00100000,
	_20_8KHz = 0b00110000,
	_31_25KHz = 0b01000000,
	_41_7KHz = 0b01010000,
	_62_5KHz = 0b01100000,
	_125KHz = 0b01110000,
	_250KHz = 0b10000000,
	_500KHz = 0b10010000
public const RegModemConfigBandwidth RegModemConfigBandwidthDefault = RegModemConfigBandwidth._125KHz;


enum RegIrqFlagsMask : byte
	RxTimeoutMask = 0b10000000,
	RxDoneMask = 0b01000000,
	PayLoadCrcErrorMask = 0b00100000,
	ValidHeadrerMask = 0b00010000,
	TxDoneMask = 0b00001000,
	CadDoneMask = 0b00000100,
	FhssChangeChannelMask = 0b00000010,
	CadDetectedMask = 0b00000001,

enum RegIrqFlags : byte
	RxTimeout = 0b10000000,
	RxDone = 0b01000000,
	PayLoadCrcError = 0b00100000,
	ValidHeadrer = 0b00010000,
	TxDone = 0b00001000,
	CadDone = 0b00000100,
	FhssChangeChannel = 0b00000010,
	CadDetected = 0b00000001,
	ClearAll = 0b11111111,

This would require some significant modifications to the Techfooninja library. e.g. the PowerLevel enumeration

namespace Radios.RF24
    /// <summary>
    ///   Power levels the radio can operate with
    /// </summary>
    public enum PowerLevel : byte
        /// <summary>
        ///   Minimum power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>
        Minimum = 0b00000000,

        /// <summary>
        ///   Low power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>
        Low = 0b00000010,

        /// <summary>
        ///   High power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>
        High = 0b00000100,

        /// <summary>
        ///   Max power setting for the radio
        /// </summary>
        Max = 0b00000110,

I need to do some more testing of the of library to see if the pattern is repeated.

Wilderness Labs nRF24L01 Wireless field gateway Meadow client

After a longish pause in development work on my nrf24L01 AdaFruit.IO and Azure IOT Hub field gateways I figured a client based on my port of the techfooninja nRF24 library to Wilderness Labs Meadow would be a good test.

This sample client is an Wilderness Labs Meadow with a Sensiron SHT31 Temperature & humidity sensor (supported by meadow foundation), and a generic nRF24L01 device connected with jumper cables.

Bill of materials (prices as at March 2020)

  • Wilderness Labs Meadow 7F Micro device USD50
  • Seeedstudio Temperature and Humidity Sensor(SHT31) USD11.90
  • Seeedstudio 4 pin Male Jumper to Grove 4 pin Conversion Cable USD2.90
  • 2.4G Wireless Module nRF24L01+PA USD9.90

The initial version of the code was pretty basic with limited error handling and no power conservation support.

namespace devMobile.IoT.FieldGateway.Client
   using System;
   using System.Text;
   using System.Threading;

   using Radios.RF24;

   using Meadow;
   using Meadow.Devices;
   using Meadow.Foundation.Leds;
   using Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Atmospheric;
   using Meadow.Hardware;
   using Meadow.Peripherals.Leds;

   public class MeadowClient : App<F7Micro, MeadowClient>
      private const string BaseStationAddress = "Base1";
      private const string DeviceAddress = "WLAB1";
      private const byte nRF24Channel = 15;
      private RF24 Radio = new RF24();
      private readonly TimeSpan periodTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 60);
      private readonly Sht31D sensor;
      private readonly ILed Led;

      public MeadowClient()
         Led = new Led(Device, Device.Pins.OnboardLedGreen);

            sensor = new Sht31D(Device.CreateI2cBus());

            var config = new Meadow.Hardware.SpiClockConfiguration(

            ISpiBus spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(
               Device.Pins.MISO, config);

            Radio.OnDataReceived += Radio_OnDataReceived;
            Radio.OnTransmitFailed += Radio_OnTransmitFailed;
            Radio.OnTransmitSuccess += Radio_OnTransmitSuccess;

            Radio.Initialize(Device, spiBus, Device.Pins.D09, Device.Pins.D10, Device.Pins.D11);
            //Radio.Address = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Environment.MachineName);
            Radio.Address = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(DeviceAddress);

            Radio.Channel = nRF24Channel;
            Radio.PowerLevel = PowerLevel.Low;
            Radio.DataRate = DataRate.DR250Kbps;
            Radio.IsEnabled = true;

            Radio.IsAutoAcknowledge = true;
            Radio.IsDyanmicAcknowledge = false;
            Radio.IsDynamicPayload = true;

            Console.WriteLine($"Address: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Radio.Address)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"PowerLevel: {Radio.PowerLevel}");
            Console.WriteLine($"IsAutoAcknowledge: {Radio.IsAutoAcknowledge}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Channel: {Radio.Channel}");
            Console.WriteLine($"DataRate: {Radio.DataRate}");
            Console.WriteLine($"IsDynamicAcknowledge: {Radio.IsDyanmicAcknowledge}");
            Console.WriteLine($"IsDynamicPayload: {Radio.IsDynamicPayload}");
            Console.WriteLine($"IsEnabled: {Radio.IsEnabled}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Frequency: {Radio.Frequency}");
            Console.WriteLine($"IsInitialized: {Radio.IsInitialized}");
            Console.WriteLine($"IsPowered: {Radio.IsPowered}");
         catch (Exception ex)

         while (true)

            Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-TX T:{sensor.Temperature:0.0}C H:{sensor.Humidity:0}%");

            Led.IsOn = true;

            string values = "T " + sensor.Temperature.ToString("F1") + ",H " + sensor.Humidity.ToString("F0");

            // Stuff the 2 byte header ( payload type & deviceIdentifierLength ) + deviceIdentifier into payload
            byte[] payload = new byte[1 + Radio.Address.Length + values.Length];
            payload[0] = (byte)((1 << 4) | Radio.Address.Length);
            Array.Copy(Radio.Address, 0, payload, 1, Radio.Address.Length);
            Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(values, 0, values.Length, payload, Radio.Address.Length + 1);

            Radio.SendTo(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BaseStationAddress), payload);


      private void Radio_OnDataReceived(byte[] data)
         // Display as Unicode
         string unicodeText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
         Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-RX Unicode Length {0} Unicode Length {1} Unicode text {2}", data.Length, unicodeText.Length, unicodeText);

         // display as hex
         Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-RX Hex Length {data.Length} Payload {BitConverter.ToString(data)}");

      private void Radio_OnTransmitSuccess()
         Led.IsOn = false;

         Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-TX Succeeded!");

      private void Radio_OnTransmitFailed()
         Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-TX failed!");

After sorting out power to the SHT31 (I had to push the jumper cable further into the back of the jumper cable plug). I could see temperature and humidity values getting uploaded to Adafruit.IO.

Visual Studio 2019 debug output

Adafruit.IO “automagically” provisions new feeds which is helpful when building a proof of concept (PoC)

Adafruit.IO feed with default feed IDs

I then modified the feed configuration to give it a user friendly name.

Feed Configuration

All up configuration took about 10 minutes.

Meadow device temperature and humidity

.Net Meadow nRF24L01 library Part2

After getting SPI connectivity going my next step porting the techfooninja nRF24L01P library to a Wilderness Labs Meadow was rewriting the SPI port initialisation, plus GetStatus and Execute methods.

nRF24L01P Test Harness

I added a digital output port for the Chip Select and because I can specify the interrupt trigger edge I removed the test from the interrupt handler.

 public void Initialize(IIODevice device, ISpiBus spiBus, IPin chipEnablePin, IPin chipSelectLine, IPin interruptPin)
   _SpiBus = spiBus;

   _cePin = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(chipEnablePin, false);

   _csPin = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(chipSelectLine, false);

   _irqPin = device.CreateDigitalInputPort(interruptPin, InterruptMode.EdgeFalling, resistorMode: ResistorMode.PullUp);
   _irqPin.Changed += InterruptGpioPin_ValueChanged;

   // Module reset time

   IsInitialized = true;

   // Set reasonable default values
   Address = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("NRF1");
   DataRate = DataRate.DR2Mbps;
   IsDynamicPayload = true;
   IsAutoAcknowledge = true;

   SetRetries(5, 60);

   // Setup, CRC enabled, Power Up, PRX

The core of the Initialise method was moved to the Meadow application startup.

public MeadowApp()
		var config = new Meadow.Hardware.SpiClockConfiguration(

		ISpiBus spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(

		Radio.OnDataReceived += Radio_OnDataReceived;
		Radio.OnTransmitFailed += Radio_OnTransmitFailed;
		Radio.OnTransmitSuccess += Radio_OnTransmitSuccess;

		Radio.Initialize(Device, spiBus, Device.Pins.D09, Device.Pins.D10, Device.Pins.D11);
		Radio.Address = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(DeviceAddress);

		Radio.Channel = nRF24Channel;
		Radio.PowerLevel = PowerLevel.High;
		Radio.DataRate = DataRate.DR250Kbps;
		Radio.IsEnabled = true;

		Radio.IsAutoAcknowledge = true;
		Radio.IsDyanmicAcknowledge = false;
		Radio.IsDynamicPayload = true;

		Console.WriteLine($"Address: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Radio.Address)}");
		Console.WriteLine($"PA: {Radio.PowerLevel}");
		Console.WriteLine($"IsAutoAcknowledge: {Radio.IsAutoAcknowledge}");
		Console.WriteLine($"Channel: {Radio.Channel}");
		Console.WriteLine($"DataRate: {Radio.DataRate}");
		Console.WriteLine($"Power: {Radio.PowerLevel}");
		Console.WriteLine($"IsDynamicAcknowledge: {Radio.IsDyanmicAcknowledge}");
		Console.WriteLine($"IsDynamicPayload: {Radio.IsDynamicPayload}");
		Console.WriteLine($"IsEnabled: {Radio.IsEnabled}");
		Console.WriteLine($"Frequency: {Radio.Frequency}");
		Console.WriteLine($"IsInitialized: {Radio.IsInitialized}");
		Console.WriteLine($"IsPowered: {Radio.IsPowered}");
	catch (Exception ex)


I modified the GetStatus and ExecuteMethods to use the ExchangeData method

   /// <summary>
      ///   Executes a command in NRF24L01+ (for details see module datasheet)
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name = "command">Command</param>
      /// <param name = "addres">Register to write to or read from</param>
      /// <param name = "data">Data to write or buffer to read to</param>
      /// <returns>Response byte array. First byte is the status register</returns>
      public byte[] Execute(byte command, byte addres, byte[] data)

         // This command requires module to be in power down or standby mode
         if (command == Commands.W_REGISTER)
            IsEnabled = false;

         // Create SPI Buffers with Size of Data + 1 (For Command)
         var writeBuffer = new byte[data.Length + 1];
         var readBuffer = new byte[data.Length + 1];

         // Add command and address to SPI buffer
         writeBuffer[0] = (byte)(command | addres);

         // Add data to SPI buffer
         Array.Copy(data, 0, writeBuffer, 1, data.Length);

         // Do SPI Read/Write
         _SpiBus.ExchangeData(_csPin, ChipSelectMode.ActiveLow, writeBuffer, readBuffer);

         // Enable module back if it was disabled
         if (command == Commands.W_REGISTER && _enabled)
            IsEnabled = true;

         // Return ReadBuffer
         return readBuffer;

      /// <summary>
      ///   Gets module basic status information
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>Status object representing the current status of the radio</returns>
      public Status GetStatus()

         var readBuffer = new byte[1];
         _SpiBus.ExchangeData(_csPin, ChipSelectMode.ActiveLow, new[] { Commands.NOP }, readBuffer);

         return new Status(readBuffer[0]);

After these modifications I can send and receive messages but the PowerLevel doesn’t look right.

The program '[16720] App.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
 IsPowered: True
 Address: Dev01
 PA: 15
 IsAutoAcknowledge: True
 Channel: 15
 DataRate: DR250Kbps
 Power: 15
 IsDynamicAcknowledge: False
 IsDynamicPayload: True
 IsEnabled: False
 Frequency: 2415
 IsInitialized: True
 IsPowered: True
 00:00:18-TX 8 byte message hello 17
 Data Sent!
00:00:18-TX Succeeded!
 00:00:48-TX 8 byte message hello 48
 Data Sent!

Time to dig into the nRF24L01P datasheet.

.Net Meadow nRF24L01 library Part1

After debugging Windows 10 IoT Core & .NetMF nRF24L01P libraries I figured a port to a Wilderness Labs Meadow device shouldn’t be “rocket science”.

I couldn’t source an nRF24L01 feather wing so built a test rig with jumpers

nRF24L01P Test Harness
// Copyright (c) Feb 2020, devMobile Software
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
namespace devMobile.IoT.nRf24L01
   using System;
   using System.Text;
   using System.Threading;
   using Meadow;
   using Meadow.Devices;
   using Meadow.Hardware;

   public class MeadowApp : App<F7Micro, MeadowApp>
      const byte SETUP_AW = 0x03;
      const byte RX_ADDR_P0 = 0x0A;
      const byte R_REGISTER = 0b00000000;
      const byte W_REGISTER = 0b00100000;
      ISpiBus spiBus;
      SpiPeripheral nrf24L01Device;
      IDigitalOutputPort spiPeriphChipSelect;
      IDigitalOutputPort ChipEnable;

      public MeadowApp()

      public void ConfigureSpiPort()
            ChipEnable = Device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(Device.Pins.D09, initialState: false);
            if (ChipEnable == null)
               Console.WriteLine("chipEnable == null");

            var spiClockConfiguration = new SpiClockConfiguration(2000, SpiClockConfiguration.Mode.Mode0);
            spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(Device.Pins.SCK,
            if (spiBus == null)
               Console.WriteLine("spiBus == null");

            Console.WriteLine("Creating SPI NSS Port...");
            spiPeriphChipSelect = Device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(Device.Pins.D10, initialState: true);
            if (spiPeriphChipSelect == null)
               Console.WriteLine("spiPeriphChipSelect == null");

            Console.WriteLine("nrf24L01Device Device...");
            nrf24L01Device = new SpiPeripheral(spiBus, spiPeriphChipSelect);
            if (nrf24L01Device == null)
               Console.WriteLine("nrf24L01Device == null");


            Console.WriteLine("ConfigureSpiPort Done...");
         catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("ConfigureSpiPort " + ex.Message);

      public void SetPipe0RxAddress(string address)
            // Read the Address width
            byte[] txBuffer1 = new byte[] { SETUP_AW | R_REGISTER, 0x0 };
            Console.WriteLine(" txBuffer:" + BitConverter.ToString(txBuffer1));

            // Appears to work but not certain it does
            Console.WriteLine(" nrf24L01Device.WriteRead...SETUP_AW");
            byte[] rxBuffer1 = nrf24L01Device.WriteRead(txBuffer1, (ushort)txBuffer1.Length);
            Console.WriteLine(" nrf24L01Device.WriteRead...SETUP_AW");

            byte[] rxBuffer1 = new byte[txBuffer1.Length];
            Console.WriteLine(" spiBus.ExchangeData...RX_ADDR_P0");
            spiBus.ExchangeData(spiPeriphChipSelect, ChipSelectMode.ActiveLow, txBuffer1, rxBuffer1);

            Console.WriteLine(" rxBuffer:" + BitConverter.ToString(rxBuffer1));

            // Extract then adjust the address width
            byte addressWidthValue = rxBuffer1[1];
            addressWidthValue &= 0b00000011;
            addressWidthValue += 2;
            Console.WriteLine("Address width 0x{0:x2} - Value 0X{1:x2} - Bits {2} Value adjusted {3}", SETUP_AW, rxBuffer1[1], Convert.ToString(rxBuffer1[1], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'), addressWidthValue);

            // Write Pipe0 Receive address
            Console.WriteLine("Address write 1");
            byte[] txBuffer2 = new byte[addressWidthValue + 1];
            txBuffer2[0] = RX_ADDR_P0 | W_REGISTER;
            Array.Copy(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(address), 0, txBuffer2, 1, addressWidthValue);
            Console.WriteLine(" txBuffer:" + BitConverter.ToString(txBuffer2));

            Console.WriteLine(" nrf24L01Device.Write...RX_ADDR_P0");

            // Read Pipe0 Receive address
            Console.WriteLine("Address read 1");
            byte[] txBuffer3 = new byte[addressWidthValue + 1];
            txBuffer3[0] = RX_ADDR_P0 | R_REGISTER;
            Console.WriteLine(" txBuffer:" + BitConverter.ToString(txBuffer3));

            // Broken returns  Address 0x0a - RX Buffer 5A-5A-5A-5A-59-58 RX Address 5A-5A-5A-59-58 Address ZZZYX
            Console.WriteLine(" nrf24L01Device.WriteRead...RX_ADDR_P0");
            byte[] rxBuffer3 = nrf24L01Device.WriteRead(txBuffer3, (ushort)txBuffer3.Length);

            byte[] rxBuffer3 = new byte[addressWidthValue + 1];
            Console.WriteLine(" spiBus.ExchangeData...RX_ADDR_P0");
            spiBus.ExchangeData(spiPeriphChipSelect, ChipSelectMode.ActiveLow, txBuffer3, rxBuffer3);

            Console.WriteLine("Address 0x{0:x2} - RX Buffer {1} RX Address {2} Address {3}", RX_ADDR_P0, BitConverter.ToString(rxBuffer3, 0), BitConverter.ToString(rxBuffer3, 1), UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rxBuffer3, 1, addressWidthValue));
         catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("ReadDeviceIDDiy " + ex.Message);

After lots of tinkering with SPI configuration options and trialing different methods (spiBus vs.SpiPeripheral) I can read and write my nRF24L01 device receive port address

 Creating SPI NSS Port...
 nrf24L01Device Device...
 ConfigureSpiPort Done...
 Address width 0x03 - Value 0X03 - Bits 00000011 Value adjusted 5
 Address write 1
 Address read 1
 Address 0x0a - RX Buffer 0E-5A-59-58-57-56 RX Address 5A-59-58-57-56 Address ZYXWV

I need to investigate why the first byte of the buffer returned by nrf24L01Device.ReadBytes and nrf24L01Device.WriteRead is wrong.

Meadow LoRa Radio 915 MHz Payload Addressing client

This is a demo Wilderness Labs Meadow client that uploads temperature and humidity data to my Azure IoT Hubs/Central, AdaFruit.IO or MQTT on Raspberry PI field gateways.

Bill of materials (Prices Jan 2020).

// Copyright (c) January 2020, devMobile Software
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
namespace devMobile.IoT.FieldGateway.Client
   using System;
   using System.Text;
   using System.Threading;

   using devMobile.IoT.Rfm9x;

   using Meadow;
   using Meadow.Devices;
   using Meadow.Foundation.Leds;
   using Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Atmospheric;
   using Meadow.Hardware;
   using Meadow.Peripherals.Leds;

   public class MeadowClient : App<F7Micro, MeadowClient>
      private const double Frequency = 915000000.0;
      private readonly byte[] fieldGatewayAddress = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("LoRaIoT1");
      private readonly byte[] deviceAddress = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Meadow");
      private readonly Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice;
      private readonly TimeSpan periodTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 60);
      private readonly Sht31D sensor;
      private readonly ILed Led;

      public MeadowClient()
         Led = new Led(Device, Device.Pins.OnboardLedGreen);

            sensor = new Sht31D(Device.CreateI2cBus());

            ISpiBus spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(500);

            rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(Device, spiBus, Device.Pins.D09, Device.Pins.D10, Device.Pins.D12);

            rfm9XDevice.Initialise(Frequency, paBoost: true, rxPayloadCrcOn: true);
            rfm9XDevice.OnReceive += Rfm9XDevice_OnReceive;
            rfm9XDevice.OnTransmit += Rfm9XDevice_OnTransmit;
         catch (Exception ex)

         while (true)

            Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-TX T:{sensor.Temperature:0.0}C H:{sensor.Humidity:0}%");

            string payload = $"t {sensor.Temperature:0.0},h {sensor.Humidity:0}";

            Led.IsOn = true;

            rfm9XDevice.Send(fieldGatewayAddress, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload));


      private void Rfm9XDevice_OnReceive(object sender, Rfm9XDevice.OnDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            string addressText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Address);
            string addressHex = BitConverter.ToString(e.Address);
            string messageText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Data);

            Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:HH:mm:ss}-RX PacketSnr {e.PacketSnr:0.0} Packet RSSI {e.PacketRssi}dBm RSSI {e.Rssi}dBm = {e.Data.Length} byte message {messageText}");
         catch (Exception ex)

      private void Rfm9XDevice_OnTransmit(object sender, Rfm9XDevice.OnDataTransmitedEventArgs e)
         Led.IsOn = false;

         Console.WriteLine("{0:HH:mm:ss}-TX Done", DateTime.Now);

The Meadow platform is a work in progress (Jan 2020) so I haven’t put any effort into minimising power consumption but will revisit this in a future post.

Meadow device with Seeedstudio SHT31 temperature & humidity sensor
Meadow sensor data in Field Gateway ETW logging
Meadow Sensor data in Azure IoT Central

RFM9X.Meadow on Github

After a month or so of posts the source code of V1.0 of my Wilderness Labs Meadow RFM9X/SX127X library is on GitHub. I included all of the source for my test harness and proof of concept(PoC) application so other people can follow along with “my meadow learning experience”.

I initially started with a Dragino LoRa Shield for Arduino and jumper cables. I did this so only the pins I was using on the shield were connected to the Meadow.

Dragino LoRa Shield for Arduino based test harness

I then moved to an Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing RFM95W 900MHz RadioFruit and Adafruit LoRa Radio FeatherWing – RFM95W 433 MHz – RadioFruit.

Adafruit FeatherWing based test harness

Using the jumper configuration above, the RFM9X constructor parameters are

  • Chip Select D9 (yellow wire)
  • Reset Pin D10 (grey wire)
  • Interrupt pin D12 (brown wire)
// Copyright (c) January 2020, devMobile Software
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
namespace devMobile.IoT.Rfm9x.LoRaDeviceClient
   using System;
   using System.Diagnostics;
   using System.Text;
   using System.Threading.Tasks;

   using Meadow;
   using Meadow.Devices;
   using Meadow.Hardware;

   public class MeadowApp : App<F7Micro, MeadowApp>
      private const double Frequency = 915000000.0;
      private byte MessageCount = Byte.MaxValue;
      private Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice;

      public MeadowApp()
            ISpiBus spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(500);
            if (spiBus == null)
               Console.WriteLine("spiBus == null");
            rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(Device, spiBus, Device.Pins.D09, Device.Pins.D10, Device.Pins.D12);

            rfm9XDevice.Initialise(Frequency, paBoost: true, rxPayloadCrcOn: true);

            rfm9XDevice.OnReceive += Rfm9XDevice_OnReceive;
            rfm9XDevice.OnTransmit += Rfm9XDevice_OnTransmit;
         catch (Exception ex)


         while (true)
            string messageText = string.Format("Hello from {0} ! {1}", Environment.MachineName, MessageCount);
            MessageCount -= 2;

            byte[] messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText);
            Console.WriteLine("{0:HH:mm:ss}-TX {1} byte message {2}", DateTime.Now, messageBytes.Length, messageText);
            this.rfm9XDevice.Send(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("AddressHere"), messageBytes);

      private void Rfm9XDevice_OnReceive(object sender, Rfm9XDevice.OnDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            string messageText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Data);

            string addressText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Address);

            Console.WriteLine(@"{0:HH:mm:ss}-RX From {1} PacketSnr {2:0.0} Packet RSSI {3}dBm RSSI {4}dBm = {5} byte message ""{6}""", DateTime.Now, addressText, e.PacketSnr, e.PacketRssi, e.Rssi, e.Data.Length, messageText);
            Console.WriteLine(@"{0:HH:mm:ss}-RX PacketSnr {1:0.0} Packet RSSI {2}dBm RSSI {3}dBm = {4} byte message ""{5}""", DateTime.Now, e.PacketSnr, e.PacketRssi, e.Rssi, e.Data.Length, messageText);
         catch (Exception ex)

      private void Rfm9XDevice_OnTransmit(object sender, Rfm9XDevice.OnDataTransmitedEventArgs e)
         Console.WriteLine("{0:HH:mm:ss}-TX Done", DateTime.Now);

My library works but some issues (Dec 2019) with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ReadRegister method, Debug.WriteLine and Console.WriteLine mean it should be treated as late beta.

The wilderness labs developers are regularly releasing updates which I will test with as soon as they are available.

.Net Meadow RFM95/96/97/98 LoRa library Part8

Transmit and Receive with Interrupts

For the final iteration of the “nasty” test harness I got the interrupts working for the transmitting and receiving of messages. It’s not quite simultaneous, the code sends a message every 10 seconds then goes back to receive continuous mode after each message has been sent.

      public Rfm9XDevice(IIODevice device, ISpiBus spiBus, IPin chipSelectPin, IPin resetPin, IPin interruptPin)
         // Chip select pin configuration
         ChipSelectGpioPin = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(chipSelectPin, initialState: true);
         if (ChipSelectGpioPin == null)
            Console.WriteLine("ChipSelectGpioPin == null");

         // Factory reset pin configuration
         IDigitalOutputPort resetGpioPin = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(resetPin);
         if (resetGpioPin == null)
            Console.WriteLine("resetGpioPin == null");
         resetGpioPin.State = false;
         resetGpioPin.State = true;

         // Interrupt pin for RX message & TX done notification 
         InterruptGpioPin = device.CreateDigitalInputPort(interruptPin, InterruptMode.EdgeRising);
         InterruptGpioPin.Changed += InterruptGpioPin_ValueChanged;

         Rfm9XLoraModem = new SpiPeripheral(spiBus, ChipSelectGpioPin);
         if (Rfm9XLoraModem == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Rfm9XLoraModem == null");

      private void InterruptGpioPin_ValueChanged(object sender, DigitalInputPortEventArgs args)
         byte irqFlags = this.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags
         byte numberOfBytes = 0;
         string messageText = "";
         bool transmitDone = false;

         //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RegIrqFlags:{0}", Convert.ToString(irqFlags, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')));
         if ((irqFlags & 0b01000000) == 0b01000000)
            byte currentFifoAddress = this.RegisterReadByte(0x10); // RegFifiRxCurrent
            this.RegisterWriteByte(0x0d, currentFifoAddress); // RegFifoAddrPtr

            numberOfBytes = this.RegisterReadByte(0x13); // RegRxNbBytes
            byte[] messageBytes = this.RegisterRead(0x00, numberOfBytes); // RegFifo
            messageText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

         if ((irqFlags & 0b00001000) == 0b00001000)  // TxDone
            this.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000101); // RegOpMode set LoRa & RxContinuous
            transmitDone = true;

         this.RegisterWriteByte(0x40, 0b00000000); // RegDioMapping1 0b00000000 DI0 RxReady & TxReady
         this.RegisterWriteByte(0x12, 0xff);// RegIrqFlags
         if (numberOfBytes > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Received {0} byte message {1}", numberOfBytes, messageText);
   public class MeadowApp : App<F7Micro, MeadowApp>
      private Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice;
      private byte NessageCount = Byte.MaxValue;

      public MeadowApp()
         ISpiBus spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(500);
         if (spiBus == null)
            Console.WriteLine("spiBus == null");

         rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(Device, spiBus, Device.Pins.D09, Device.Pins.D11, Device.Pins.D10);

         // Put device into LoRa + Sleep mode
         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000000); // RegOpMode 

         // Set the frequency to 915MHz
         byte[] frequencyWriteBytes = { 0xE4, 0xC0, 0x00 }; // RegFrMsb, RegFrMid, RegFrLsb
         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x06, frequencyWriteBytes);

         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0F, 0x0); // RegFifoRxBaseAddress 

         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x09, 0b10000000); // RegPaConfig

         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000101); // RegOpMode set LoRa & RxContinuous

         while (true)
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0E, 0x0); // RegFifoTxBaseAddress 

            // Set the Register Fifo address pointer
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0D, 0x0); // RegFifoAddrPtr 

            string messageText = "W10 IoT Core LoRa! " + NessageCount.ToString();
            NessageCount -= 1;

            // load the message into the fifo
            byte[] messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText);
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x0, messageBytes); // RegFifo 

            // Set the length of the message in the fifo
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x22, (byte)messageBytes.Length); // RegPayloadLength
            Console.WriteLine("Sending {0} bytes message {1}", messageBytes.Length, messageText);
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x40, 0b01000000); // RegDioMapping1 0b00000000 DI0 RxReady & TxReady
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000011); // RegOpMode 

            Debug.WriteLine("Sending {0} bytes message {1}", messageBytes.Length, messageText);


The diagnostic output shows inbound and outbound messages (Arduino then Meadow diagnostics)

21:15:56.070 -> 0x1: 0x81
21:15:56.070 -> 0x2: 0x1A
21:15:57.527 -> 0x7E: 0x0
21:15:57.527 -> 0x7F: 0x0
21:15:57.527 -> LoRa init succeeded.
21:15:58.101 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 0
21:16:06.958 -> Message: W10 IoT Core LoRa! 254
21:16:06.991 -> RSSI: -60
21:16:06.991 -> Snr: 9.50
21:16:06.991 ->
21:16:09.062 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 2
21:16:17.184 -> Message: W10 IoT Core LoRa! 253
21:16:17.218 -> RSSI: -61
21:16:17.218 -> Snr: 9.75
21:16:17.218 ->
21:16:19.876 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 4
21:16:21.946 -> Message: ⸮LoRaIoT1Maduino2at 65.3,ah 70,wsa 6,wsg 12,wd 167.25,r 0.00,
21:16:22.014 -> RSSI: -76
21:16:22.014 -> Snr: 9.50
21:16:22.014 ->
21:16:27.406 -> Message: W10 IoT Core LoRa! 252
21:16:27.429 -> RSSI: -60
21:16:27.429 -> Snr: 9.50
21:16:27.429 ->
21:16:30.153 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 6
'App.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll'. 
'App.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\RFM9X.Meadow\ReceiveTransmitInterrupt\bin\Debug\net472\App.exe'. Symbols loaded.
'App.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: App.exe): Loaded 'C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\RFM9X.Meadow\ReceiveTransmitInterrupt\bin\Debug\net472\Meadow.dll'. 
The program '[42104] App.exe: Program Trace' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[42104] App.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
 DirectRegisterAccess = True
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 255
 Received 15 byte message HeLoRa World! 0
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 254
 Received 15 byte message HeLoRa World! 2
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 253
 Received 15 byte message HeLoRa World! 4
 Received 61 byte message ???LoRaIoT1Maduino2at 65.3,ah 70,wsa 6,wsg 12,wd 167.25,r 0.00,
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 252
 Received 15 byte message HeLoRa World! 6
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 251
 Received 15 byte message HeLoRa World! 8
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 250
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 10
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 249
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 12
 Received 40 byte message ???LoRaIoT1#)#???c???h 55,t 24.9,s 3,v 4.01
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 248
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 14
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 247
 Received 16 byte message ???LoRaIoT1Maduino
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 246
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 18
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 245
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 20
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 244
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 22
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 243
 Received 16 byte message HeLoRa World! 24
 Sending 22 bytes message W10 IoT Core LoRa! 242

The RegIrqFlags 01011000 indicates the RxDone, ValidHeader, and TxDone flags were set which was what I was expecting. Note the interference, the 46 byte packet

Next step is some refactoring to extract the register access code and merging with my Windows 10 IoT Core RMF9X library code base.

.Net Meadow RFM95/96/97/98 LoRa library Part7

Transmit Interrupt

Starting with the TransmitBasic sample application I modified the code so that a hardware interrupt (specified in RegDioMapping1) was generated on TxDone (FIFO Payload Transmission completed).

The application inserts a message into the RFM95 transmit FIFO every 10 seconds with confirmation of transmission displayed shortly afterwards

      public Rfm9XDevice(IIODevice device, ISpiBus spiBus, IPin chipSelectPin, IPin resetPin, IPin interruptPin)
         // Chip select pin configuration
         ChipSelectGpioPin = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(chipSelectPin, initialState: true);
         if (ChipSelectGpioPin == null)
            Console.WriteLine("ChipSelectGpioPin == null");

         // Factory reset pin configuration
         IDigitalOutputPort resetGpioPin = device.CreateDigitalOutputPort(resetPin);
         if (resetGpioPin == null)
            Console.WriteLine("resetGpioPin == null");
         resetGpioPin.State = false;
         resetGpioPin.State = true;

         // Interrupt pin for RX message & TX done notification 
         InterruptGpioPin = device.CreateDigitalInputPort(interruptPin, InterruptMode.EdgeRising);
         InterruptGpioPin.Changed += InterruptGpioPin_ValueChanged;

         Rfm9XLoraModem = new SpiPeripheral(spiBus, ChipSelectGpioPin);
         if (Rfm9XLoraModem == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Rfm9XLoraModem == null");

      private void InterruptGpioPin_ValueChanged(object sender, DigitalInputPortEventArgs args)
        byte irqFlags = this.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags
        this.RegisterWriteByte(0x12, 0xff);// Clear RegIrqFlags

        //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RegIrqFlags:{0}", Convert.ToString(irqFlags, 2).PadLeft(8, '0')));
         if ((irqFlags & 0b00001000) == 0b00001000)  // TxDone
   public class MeadowApp : App<F7Micro, MeadowApp>
      private Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice;

      public MeadowApp()
         ISpiBus spiBus = Device.CreateSpiBus(500);
         if (spiBus == null)
            Console.WriteLine("spiBus == null");

         rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(Device, spiBus, Device.Pins.D09, Device.Pins.D11, Device.Pins.D10);

         // Put device into LoRa + Sleep mode
         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000000); // RegOpMode 

         // Set the frequency to 915MHz
         byte[] frequencyWriteBytes = { 0xE4, 0xC0, 0x00 }; // RegFrMsb, RegFrMid, RegFrLsb
         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x06, frequencyWriteBytes);

         // More power PA Boost
         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x09, 0b10000000); // RegPaConfig

         // Interrupt on TxDone
         rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x40, 0b01000000); // RegDioMapping1 0b00000000 DI0 TxDone

         while (true)
            // Set the Register Fifo address pointer
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0E, 0x00); // RegFifoTxBaseAddress 

            // Set the Register Fifo address pointer
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0D, 0x0); // RegFifoAddrPtr 

            string messageText = "Hello LoRa!";

            // load the message into the fifo
            byte[] messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText);
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x0, messageBytes); // RegFifo 

            // Set the length of the message in the fifo
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x22, (byte)messageBytes.Length); // RegPayloadLength
            Console.WriteLine("Sending {0} bytes message {1}", messageBytes.Length, messageText);
            rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000011); // RegOpMode 


The output in the debug window

'App.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll'. 
'App.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\RFM9X.Meadow\TransmitInterrupt\bin\Debug\net472\App.exe'. Symbols loaded.
'App.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: App.exe): Loaded 'C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\RFM9X.Meadow\TransmitInterrupt\bin\Debug\net472\Meadow.dll'. 
The program '[11164] App.exe: Program Trace' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[11164] App.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
DirectRegisterAccess = True
Sending 11 bytes message Hello LoRa!
Sending 11 bytes message Hello LoRa!
Sending 11 bytes message Hello LoRa!

On the Arduino test client the serial monitor displayed

13:02:09.098 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 4
13:02:19.130 -> Message: ⸮LoRaIoT1Maduino2at 79.7,ah 39,wsa 6,wsg 13,wd 28.13,r 0.00,
13:02:19.177 -> RSSI: -72
13:02:19.177 -> Snr: 9.25
13:02:19.177 -> 
13:02:19.431 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 6
13:02:29.994 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 8
13:02:32.000 -> Message: Hello LoRa!
13:02:32.000 -> RSSI: -46
13:02:32.047 -> Snr: 9.50
13:02:32.047 -> 
13:02:40.750 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 10
13:02:42.260 -> Message: Hello LoRa!
13:02:42.260 -> RSSI: -45
13:02:42.314 -> Snr: 9.50
13:02:42.314 -> 
13:02:51.286 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 12
13:02:52.541 -> Message: Hello LoRa!
13:02:52.541 -> RSSI: -45
13:02:52.541 -> Snr: 9.75
13:02:52.541 -> 
13:03:02.112 -> Sending HeLoRa World! 14
13:03:02.745 -> Message: Hello LoRa!
13:03:02.745 -> RSSI: -45
13:03:02.792 -> Snr: 9.50
13:03:02.792 -> 

Now that I’m confident my hardware is all working the next step will be building a full featured client based on my Windows 10 IoT Core library.