Wisen Whisper Node – LoRa 915 MHz Payload Addressing Client

This is a demo Wizen Whisper NodeLoRa client (based on one of the examples from Arduino-LoRa) that uploads telemetry data to my Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry PI field gateway proof of concept(PoC).

The Wisen Bitbucket repository had sample code based on the RadioHead library which was useful for port numbers. This device family supports 433MHz, 868MHz & 915Mz modules. Wisen has other RFM69 based devices as well.

Bill of materials (Prices Sep 2018)

  • Wizen Whisper Node LoRa (433, 868 or 900 MHz) AUD27.90
  • Seeedstudio Temperature and Humidity Sensor Pro USD11.50
  • Seeedstudio 4 pin Male Jumper to Grove 4 pin Conversion CableĀ USD2.90

The code is pretty basic, it reads a value from the Seeedstudio temperature and humidity sensor, then packs the payload and sets the necessary RFM9X/SX127X LoRa module configuration. It has no power conservation, advanced wireless configuration etc.

I needed to use jumpers to connect my device up



  Adapted from LoRa Duplex communication with Sync Word

  Sends temperature & humidity data from Seeedstudio 


  To my Windows 10 IoT Core RFM 9X library


#include               // include libraries
const int csPin = 10;          // LoRa radio chip select
const int resetPin = 7;       // LoRa radio reset
const int irqPin = 2;         // change for your board; must be a hardware interrupt pin

// Field gateway configuration
const char FieldGatewayAddress[] = "LoRaIoT1";
const float FieldGatewayFrequency =  915000000.0;
const byte FieldGatewaySyncWord = 0x12 ;

// Payload configuration
const int PayloadSizeMaximum = 64 ;
byte payload[PayloadSizeMaximum] = "";
const byte SensorReadingSeperator = ',' ;

// Manual serial number configuration
const char DeviceId[] = {"Wisen01"};

const int LoopSleepDelaySeconds = 10 ;

void setup() {
  //while (!Serial);

  Serial.println("LoRa Setup");

  // override the default CS, reset, and IRQ pins (optional)
  LoRa.setPins(csPin, resetPin, irqPin);// set CS, reset, IRQ pin

  if (!LoRa.begin(FieldGatewayFrequency))
    Serial.println("LoRa init failed. Check your connections.");
    while (true);

  // Need to do this so field gateways pays attention to messsages from this device

  Serial.println("LoRa Setup done.");

  // Configure the Seeedstudio TH02 temperature & humidity sensor
  Serial.println("TH02 setup");
  Serial.println("TH02 Setup done");  

  Serial.println("Setup done");

void loop()
  int payloadLength = 0 ;
  float temperature ;
  float humidity ;

  Serial.println("Loop called");
  memset(payload, 0, sizeof(payload));

  // prepare the payload header with "To" Address length (top nibble) and "From" address length (bottom nibble)
  payload[0] = (strlen(FieldGatewayAddress) << 4) | strlen( DeviceId ) ;
  payloadLength += 1;

  // Copy the "To" address into payload
  memcpy(&payload[payloadLength], FieldGatewayAddress, strlen(FieldGatewayAddress));
  payloadLength += strlen(FieldGatewayAddress) ;

  // Copy the "From" into payload
  memcpy(&payload[payloadLength], DeviceId, strlen(DeviceId));
  payloadLength += strlen(DeviceId) ;

  // Read the temperature and humidity values then display nicely
  temperature = TH02.ReadTemperature();
  humidity = TH02.ReadHumidity();

  Serial.print( temperature, 1 ) ;
  Serial.print( "C" ) ;

  Serial.print(" H:");
  Serial.print( humidity, 0 ) ;
  Serial.println( "%" ) ;

  // Copy the temperature into the payload
  payload[ payloadLength] = 't';
  payloadLength += 1 ;
  payload[ payloadLength] = ' ';
  payloadLength += 1 ;
  payloadLength += strlen( dtostrf(temperature, -1, 1, (char*)&payload[payloadLength]));
  payload[ payloadLength] = SensorReadingSeperator;
  payloadLength += sizeof(SensorReadingSeperator) ;

  // Copy the humidity into the payload
  payload[ payloadLength] = 'h';
  payloadLength += 1 ;
  payload[ payloadLength] = ' ';
  payloadLength += 1 ;
  payloadLength += strlen( dtostrf(humidity, -1, 0, (char *)&payload[payloadLength]));  

  // display info about payload then send it (No ACK) with LoRa unlike nRF24L01
  Serial.print( "RFM9X/SX127X Payload length:");
  Serial.print( payloadLength );
  Serial.println( " bytes" );

  LoRa.write( payload, payloadLength );

  Serial.println("Loop done");

  delay(LoopSleepDelaySeconds * 1000l);

In the debug output window the messages from the device looked like this

20:38:30-RX From Wisen01 PacketSnr 10.0 Packet RSSI -48dBm RSSI -104dBm = 11 byte message "t 22.2,h 91"
Sensor Wisen01t Value 22.2
Sensor Wisen01h Value 91
AzureIoTHubClient SendEventAsync start
AzureIoTHubClient SendEventAsync finish
The thread 0x14c0 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x788 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
20:38:40-RX From Wisen01 PacketSnr 9.8 Packet RSSI -48dBm RSSI -103dBm = 11 byte message "t 22.5,h 91"
Sensor Wisen01t Value 22.5
Sensor Wisen01h Value 91
AzureIoTHubClient SendEventAsync start
AzureIoTHubClient SendEventAsync finish
The thread 0x1124 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x129c has exited with code 0 (0x0).
20:38:50-RX From Wisen01 PacketSnr 9.3 Packet RSSI -47dBm RSSI -96dBm = 11 byte message "t 22.7,h 91"
Sensor Wisen01t Value 22.7
Sensor Wisen01h Value 91
AzureIoTHubClient SendEventAsync start
AzureIoTHubClient SendEventAsync finish
The thread 0x664 has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Then at my Azure IoT hub the data stream looked like this
