Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub DTDL Support

The Myriota connector supports the use of Digital Twin Definition Language(DTDL) for Azure IoT Hub Connection Strings and the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS).

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ApplicationInsights": "...",
    "UplinkQueueStorage": "...",
    "PayloadFormattersStorage": "..."
  "AzureIoT": {
 "ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping": {
   "tracker": "dtmi:myriotaconnector:Tracker_2lb;1",

The Digital Twin Definition Language(DTDL) configuration used when a device is provisioned or when it connects is determined by the payload application which is based on the Myriota Destination endpoint.

The Azure Function Configuration of Application to DTDL Model ID

BEWARE – They application in ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping is case sensitive!

Azure IoT Central Device Template Configuration

I used Azure IoT Central Device Template functionality to create my Azure Digital Twin definitions.

Azure IoT Hub Device Connection String

The DeviceClient CreateFromConnectionString method has an optional ClientOptions parameter which specifies the DTLDL model ID for the duration of the connection.

private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceConnectionStringConnectAsync(string terminalId, string application, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient;

    if (_azureIoTSettings.ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping.TryGetValue(application, out string? modelId))
        ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions()
            ModelId = modelId

        deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionString, terminalId, TransportSettings, clientOptions);
        deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionString, terminalId, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;
Azure IoT Explorer Telemetry message with DTDL Model ID

Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

The ProvisioningDeviceClient RegisterAsync method has an optional ProvisionRegistrationAdditionalData parameter. The PnpConnection CreateDpsPayload is used to generate the JsonData property which specifies the DTLDL model ID used when the device is initially provisioned.

private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceProvisioningServiceConnectAsync(string terminalId, string application, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient;

    string deviceKey;
    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.DeviceProvisioningService.GroupEnrollmentKey)))
        deviceKey = Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(terminalId)));

    using (var securityProvider = new SecurityProviderSymmetricKey(terminalId, deviceKey, null))
        using (var transport = new ProvisioningTransportHandlerAmqp(TransportFallbackType.TcpOnly))
            DeviceRegistrationResult result;

            ProvisioningDeviceClient provClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.Create(

            if (_azureIoTSettings.ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping.TryGetValue(application, out string? modelId))
                ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions()
                    ModelId = modelId

                ProvisioningRegistrationAdditionalData provisioningRegistrationAdditionalData = new ProvisioningRegistrationAdditionalData()
                    JsonData = PnpConvention.CreateDpsPayload(modelId)
                result = await provClient.RegisterAsync(provisioningRegistrationAdditionalData);
                result = await provClient.RegisterAsync();
            if (result.Status != ProvisioningRegistrationStatusType.Assigned)
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed ", terminalId, result.Status);

                throw new ApplicationException($"Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed");

            IAuthenticationMethod authentication = new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(result.DeviceId, (securityProvider as SecurityProviderSymmetricKey).GetPrimaryKey());

            deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(result.AssignedHub, authentication, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;
Azure IoT Central Device Connection Group configuration

An Azure IoT Central Device connection groups can be configured to “automagically” provision devices.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Connectivity

The Myriota connector supports the use of Azure IoT Hub Connection Strings and the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) for device management. I use Alastair Crabtree’s LazyCache to store Azure IoT Hub connections which are opened the first time they are used.

 public async Task<DeviceClient> GetOrAddAsync(string terminalId, object context)
     DeviceClient deviceClient;

     switch (_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionType)
         case Models.AzureIotHubConnectionType.DeviceConnectionString:
             deviceClient = await _azuredeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync(terminalId, (ICacheEntry x) => AzureIoTHubDeviceConnectionStringConnectAsync(terminalId, context));
         case Models.AzureIotHubConnectionType.DeviceProvisioningService:
             deviceClient = await _azuredeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync(terminalId, (ICacheEntry x) => AzureIoTHubDeviceProvisioningServiceConnectAsync(terminalId, context));
             _logger.LogError("Uplink- Azure IoT Hub ConnectionType unknown {0}", _azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionType);

             throw new NotImplementedException("AzureIoT Hub unsupported ConnectionType");

     return deviceClient;

The IAzureDeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync method returns an open Azure IoT Hub DeviceClient connection or uses the method specified in the application configuration.

Azure IoT Hub Device Connection String

The Azure IoT Hub delegate uses a Device Connection String which is retrieved from the application configuration.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ApplicationInsights": "...",
    "UplinkQueueStorage": "...",
    "PayloadFormattersStorage": "..."
  "AzureIoT": {
    "AzureIoTHub": {
      "ConnectionType": "DeviceConnectionString",
      "connectionString": ";SharedAccessKeyName=device;SharedAccessKey=...",
Azure Function with IoT Hub Device connection string configuration
private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceConnectionStringConnectAsync(string terminalId, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionString, terminalId, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;
Azure IoT Hub Device Shared Access Policy for Device Connection String

One of my customers uses an Azure Logic Application to manage Myriota and Azure IoT Connector configuration.

Azure IoT Hub manual Device configuration

Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

The Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) delegate uses Symmetric Key Attestation with the Global Device Endpoint, ID Scope and Group Enrollment Key retrieved from the application configuration.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ApplicationInsights": "...",
    "UplinkQueueStorage": "...",
    "PayloadFormattersStorage": "..."
  "AzureIoT": {
      "ConnectionType": "DeviceProvisioningService",
      "DeviceProvisioningServiceIoTHub": {
        "GlobalDeviceEndpoint": "",
        "IDScope": ".....",
        "GroupEnrollmentKey": "...."
Azure IoT Function with Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) configuration

Symmetric key attestation with the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) is performed using the same security tokens supported by Azure IoT Hubs to securely connect devices. The symmetric key of an enrollment group isn’t used directly by devices in the provisioning process. Instead, devices that provision through an enrollment group do so using a derived device key.

private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceProvisioningServiceConnectAsync(string terminalId, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient;

    string deviceKey;
    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.DeviceProvisioningService.GroupEnrollmentKey)))
        deviceKey = Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(terminalId)));

    using (var securityProvider = new SecurityProviderSymmetricKey(terminalId, deviceKey, null))
        using (var transport = new ProvisioningTransportHandlerAmqp(TransportFallbackType.TcpOnly))
            DeviceRegistrationResult result;

            ProvisioningDeviceClient provClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.Create(

            result = await provClient.RegisterAsync();
            if (result.Status != ProvisioningRegistrationStatusType.Assigned)
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed ", terminalId, result.Status);

                throw new ApplicationException($"Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed");

            IAuthenticationMethod authentication = new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(result.DeviceId, (securityProvider as SecurityProviderSymmetricKey).GetPrimaryKey());

            deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(result.AssignedHub, authentication, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;

The derived device key is a hash of the device’s registration ID and is computed using the symmetric key of the enrollment group. The device can then use its derived device key to sign the SAS token it uses to register with DPS.

Azure Device Provisioning Service Adding Enrollment Group Attestation
Azure Device Provisioning Service Add Enrollment Group IoT Hub(s) selection.
Azure Device Provisioning Service Manager Enrollments

For initial development and testing I ran the function application in the desktop emulator and simulated Myriota Device Manager webhook calls with Azure Storage Explorer and modified sample payloads.

Azure Storage Explorer Storage Account Queued Messages

I then used Azure IoT Explorer to configure devices, view uplink traffic etc.

Azure IoT Explorer Devices

When I connected to my Azure IoT Hub shortly after starting the Myriota Azure IoT Connector Function my test devices started connecting as messages arrived.

Azure IoT Explorer Device Telemetry

I then deployed my function to Azure and configured the Azure IoT Hub connection string, Azure Application Insights connection string etc.

Azure Portal Myriota Resource Group
Azure Portal Myriota IoT Hub Metrics

There was often a significant delay for the Device Status to update. which shouldn’t be a problem.

.NET nanoFramework RAK2305 – RAK4200 Library Usage (AS923 Sorted)

This post covers the usage of my RAK4200LoRaWAN-NetNF library with a RAK3205 WisBlock Wifi Interface Module on a RAK4200 Evaluation Board. This post was delayed because of the issue covered in .NET nanoFramework RAK2305 – RAK4200 Library Usage AS923 Issue. After posting in the RAKWireless formus RAKWireless support very quickly provided updated RAK4200 firmware which fixed the issue.

RAK2305 RAK4200 Evaluation Board based test rig

The RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient now reliably joins The Things Network, then sends and receives messages.

When I initially deployed the RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient the RAK4200LoRaWAN-NetNF library failed in the OtaaInitialise method. I think this was caused by the “at+set_config=lora:work_mode:0” command rebooting the RAK4200 Module. I have commented out the code but may move it to a standalone method if required.

// Set the Working mode to LoRaWAN, not/never going todo P2P with this library.
Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} at+set_config=lora:work_mode:0");
Result result = SendCommand("Initialization OK", "at+set_config=lora:work_mode:0", CommandTimeoutDefault);
if (result != Result.Success)
         Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} at+set_config=lora:work_mode:0 failed {result}");
	return result;

I think it would be reasonable to assume that the device is in the correct mode (the default after a reset to factory) on startup so I removed the LoRa® network work mode configuration code.

.NET nanoFramework RAK2305 – RAK4200 Library AS923 Issue

This post was going to be about how to the use my RAK4200LoRaWAN-NetNF library with a RAK3205 WisBlock Wifi Interface Module and RAK4200 Evaluation Board but there was a problem…

RAK2305 RAK4200 Evaluation Board based test rig

When I ran the RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient the first couple of join attempts failed which was odd as my sparkfun ESP32 thing plus with RAK4200 Breakout Board setup was very reliable.

Visual Studio Debug output for RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient Join failure
The Things Network RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient application Join failure

When I looked at The Things Network “Live data” tab the RAK4200 Module on the RAK4200 Evaluation Board wasn’t using the LoRaWAN AS923 Join-Request channels 923.20 & 923.40 MHz.

AS923 Join Channels

The RAK4200 Module on the appeared to be cycling through all the AS923 channels and every so often would use one the join request channels.

Visual Studio Debug output for RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient successful Join and Send
The Things Network RAK4200LoRaWANDeviceClient successful Join and Send

The RAK4200 Breakout Board module is running a later firmware version (V3.2.0.16) than the RAK4200 Evaluation Board module (V3.2.0.15) which is most probably the problem.

Visual Studio Debug output for RAK4200 Evaluation Board Version Request
Visual Studio Debug output for RAK4200 Breakout Board Version Request

The RAK811 module (which has been retired) also had similar issues with AS923.

.NET nanoFramework RAK2305 – RAK3172 Library Usage

This post covers the usage of my RAK3172LoRaWAN-NetNF library with a RAK3205 WisBlock Wifi Interface Module on a RAK3172 Evaluation Board.

RAK2305 RAK3172 Evaluation Board based test rig

The first time the RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient is run the following preprocessor directives may need to be defined to configure the RAK3172 module.

//#define ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY      // nanoff --target ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY --update 
//#define  SPARKFUN_ESP32_THING_PLUS  // nanoff --platform esp32 --serialport COM4 --update
//#define RAK_WISBLOCK_RAK2305 // nanoff --update --target ESP32_PSRAM_REV0 --serialport COM4
//#define PAYLOAD_BCD
#define OTAA
//#define ABP
//#define CONFIRMED
#define REGION_SET
#define ADR_SET
//#define SLEEP
namespace devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN
Visual Studio Debug output for RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient full configuration

Once the RAK3172 Module is the RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient can be run with only PAYLOAD_BCD or PAYLOAD_BYTES defined

//#define ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY      // nanoff --target ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY --update 
//#define  SPARKFUN_ESP32_THING_PLUS  // nanoff --platform esp32 --serialport COM4 --update
//#define RAK_WISBLOCK_RAK2305 // nanoff --update --target ESP32_PSRAM_REV0 --serialport COM4
//#define PAYLOAD_BCD
//#define OTAA
//#define ABP
//#define CONFIRMED
//#define REGION_SET
//#define ADR_SET
//#define SLEEP
namespace devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN
Visual Studio Debug output for RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient minimal configuration

When I initially deployed ran the RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient the RAK3172LoRaWAN-NetNF library crashed in the OtaaInitialise method. I think this was caused by the RAKwireless Unified Interface V3(RUIV3) “AT+NWM=1” command rebooting the RAK3172 Module.

// Set the Working mode to LoRaWAN, not/never going todo P2P with this library.
Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} AT+NWM=1");
Result result = SendCommand("Current Work Mode: LoRaWAN.", "AT+NWM=1", CommandTimeoutDefault);
if (result != Result.Success)
	Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} AT+NWM=1 failed {result}");
	return result;

I think it would be reasonable to assume that the device is in the correct mode (the default after a reset to factory) on startup so I removed the LoRa® network work mode configuration code.

.NET nanoFramework RAK3172 Library Usage

After a two week “soak test” using a Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM and RAK3172 Breakout Board completed with no failures, this final post covers the usage of the RAK3172LoRaWAN-NetNF library in a “real-world” application.

Before a factory reset the DevEUI, JoinEUI (was AppEUI), and AppKey were values I had configured earlier

12:02:04 0 TX:AT+DEVEUI=? bytes:11--------------------------------

12:03:05 0 TX:AT+APPEUI=? bytes:11--------------------------------

12:04:03 0 TX:AT+APPKEY=? bytes:11--------------------------------

After a factory reset the DevEUI, JoinEUI (was AppEUI), and AppKey were default values

12:00:21 0 TX:AT+DEVEUI=? bytes:11--------------------------------

12:01:09 0 TX:AT+APPEUI=? bytes:11--------------------------------

12:01:48 0 TX:AT+APPKEY=? bytes:11--------------------------------

I then ran the RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient with the following preprocessor directives defined to reconfigure the RAK3172 module.

//#define ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY      // nanoff --target ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY --update 
#define ESP32_WROOM   // nanoff --target ESP32_REV0 --serialport COM17 --update
///#define PAYLOAD_BCD
#define OTAA
//#define ABP
//#define CONFIRMED
#define REGION_SET
#define ADR_SET
//#define SLEEP
namespace devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN
Visual Studio Debug output for RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient full configuration

I could then run the RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient with only PAYLOAD_BCD or PAYLOAD_BYTES defined

//#define ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY      // nanoff --target ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY --update 
#define ESP32_WROOM   // nanoff --target ESP32_REV0 --serialport COM17 --update
///#define PAYLOAD_BCD
//#define OTAA
//#define ABP
//#define CONFIRMED
//#define REGION_SET
//#define ADR_SET
//#define SLEEP
namespace devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN
Visual Studio Debug output for RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient minimal configuration
public static void Main()
	Result result;

	Debug.WriteLine("devMobile.IoT.RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient starting");

		// set GPIO functions for COM2 (this is UART1 on ESP32)
		Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO17, DeviceFunction.COM2_TX);
		Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO16, DeviceFunction.COM2_RX);

		foreach (string port in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
			Debug.Write($" {port}");

		using (Rak3172LoRaWanDevice device = new Rak3172LoRaWanDevice())
			result = device.Initialise(SerialPortId, 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"Initialise failed {result}");

			MessageSendTimer = new Timer(SendMessageTimerCallback, device, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
			device.OnJoinCompletion += OnJoinCompletionHandler;
			device.OnReceiveMessage += OnReceiveMessageHandler;
			device.OnMessageConfirmation += OnMessageConfirmationHandler;

			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} FactoryReset");
			result = device.FactoryReset();
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"FactoryReset failed {result}");

			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Device EUI");
			result = device.DeviceEui(Config.devEui);
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"DeviceEUI set failed {result}");

			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Region{Band}");
			result = device.Band(Band);
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"Band on failed {result}");

			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} ADR On");
			result = device.AdrOn();
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"ADR on failed {result}");
			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Confirmed");
			result = device.UplinkMessageConfirmationOn();
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"Confirm on failed {result}");
			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Unconfirmed");
			result = device.UplinkMessageConfirmationOff();
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"Confirm off failed {result}");

#if OTAA
			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} OTAA");
			result = device.OtaaInitialise(Config.JoinEui, Config.AppKey);
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"OTAA Initialise failed {result}");

#if ABP
			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} ABP");
			result = device.AbpInitialise(Config.DevAddress, Config.NwksKey, Config.AppsKey);
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"ABP Initialise failed {result}");

			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Join start Timeout:{JoinTimeOut:hh:mm:ss}");
			result = device.Join(JoinTimeOut);
			if (result != Result.Success)
				Debug.WriteLine($"Join failed {result}");
			Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Join started");

	catch (Exception ex)

One of the major differences between the RAK4200 and RAK3127 libraries is the way a LoRaWAN network join is handled. The RAK4200 library Join method blocks until it succeeds of fails, the RAK3172 library Join method returns immediately then an EventHandler is called with the result.

private static void OnJoinCompletionHandler(bool result)
	Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Join finished:{result}");

	if (result)
		MessageSendTimer.Change(MessageSendTimerDue, MessageSendTimerPeriod);

The new RAK Wireless LoRaWAN modules use the RUI3 AT Commands so the RAK3172 library will most probably be retired and uses as the basis for a generic RUI3 library.

.NET nanoFramework RAK3172 Sleep

The RAKwireless RAK3172 module has “AT+SLEEP -Sleep mode command. To see how it worked I modified the BreakOutSerial application to send an AT-SLEEP command.

public static void Main()
	Thread readThread = new Thread(SerialPortProcessor);

	Debug.WriteLine("devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN.nanoFramework.RAK3172 BreakoutSerial starting");

		// set GPIO functions for COM2 (this is UART1 on ESP32)
		Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO17, DeviceFunction.COM2_TX);
		Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO16, DeviceFunction.COM2_RX);

		foreach (string port in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
			Debug.Write($" {port}");

		using (_SerialPort = new SerialPort(SerialPortId))
			// set parameters
			_SerialPort.BaudRate = 115200;
			_SerialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
			_SerialPort.DataBits = 8;
			_SerialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
			_SerialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
			_SerialPort.NewLine = "\r\n";
			_SerialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;

			//_SerialPort.WatchChar = '\n'; // May 2022 WatchChar event didn't fire github issue

			_SerialPort.DataReceived += SerialDevice_DataReceived;


			_SerialPort.WatchChar = '\n';

			_SerialPort.ReadExisting(); // Running at 115K2 this was necessary


			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				string atCommand;
				atCommand = "AT+VER=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+SN=?"; // Empty response?
				//atCommand = "AT+HWMODEL=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+HWID=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+DEVEUI=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+APPEUI=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+APPKEY=?";
				//atCommand = "ATR";
				//atCommand = "AT+SLEEP=4000";
				Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} {i} TX:{atCommand} bytes:{atCommand.Length}--------------------------------");

		_Continue = false;
	catch (Exception ex)

private static void SerialDevice_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
	SerialPort serialPort = (SerialPort)sender;

	switch (e.EventType)
		case SerialData.Chars:

		case SerialData.WatchChar:
			string response = serialPort.ReadExisting();
			//Debug.Write($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} RX:{response} bytes:{response.Length}");
			Debug.Assert(false, $"e.EventType {e.EventType} unknown");

I then ran the device in the debugger to see how the AT+SLEEP was handled.

BreakoutSerial application executing AT+SLEEP command

There was limited AT+SLEEP -Sleep mode documentation but it looks like the RAK3172 module sleeps, “wakes up” and then replies with “OK”.

Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM + RAK3172 Idle power consumption

Initially the Sleep method didn’t appear to work, the power consumption didn’t change….

private static void SendMessageTimerCallback(object state)
	Rak3172LoRaWanDevice device = (Rak3172LoRaWanDevice)state;

	Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} port:{MessagePort} payload HEX:{PayloadHex}");
	Result result = device.Send(MessagePort, PayloadHex, SendTimeout);
	Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} port:{MessagePort} payload bytes:{Rak3172LoRaWanDevice.BytesToHex(PayloadBytes)}");
	Result result = device.Send(MessagePort, PayloadBytes, SendTimeout);
	if (result != Result.Success)
		Debug.WriteLine($"Send failed {result}");

	Thread.Sleep(7500); //10000 Works 5000 to short

	Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} Sleep period:{SleepPeriod:hh:mm:ss}");
	result = device.Sleep(SleepPeriod);
	if (result != Result.Success)
		Debug.WriteLine($"Sleep failed {result}");

After some debugging and reading this helpful RAK Wireless forum post I added a short delay before sleeping the RAK3172 module and power consumption reduced.

Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM + RAK3172 Sleep mode power consumption

Initially the Sleep method timed out every time it was called. After some more debugging I figured out that I needed a slightly longer delay for the AutoResetEvent.Waitone as it was timing out just before the “OK” was processed.

public Result Sleep(TimeSpan period)
	return Sleep(period, SleepExtensionDefault);

public Result Sleep(TimeSpan period, TimeSpan extension)
	Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} AT+SLEEP {period.TotalMilliseconds:f0} mSec");
	Result result = SendCommand("OK", $"AT+SLEEP={period.TotalMilliseconds:f0}", period.Add(extension));
	if (result != Result.Success)
		Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} AT+SLEEP failed {result}");
		return result;

	return Result.Success;

I then disconnected RAK3172 module to see how much power the Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM was using.

The nanoFramework ESP32 support library has a LightSleep and DeepSleep functionality which significantly reduced the power consumption

Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM LightSleep power consumption
Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM DeepSleep power consumption

The Keweisi KWS-MX19 USB Tester DC 4V-30V 0-5A Current Voltage Detector is not a precision laboratory instrument but did show the power consumption of my setup could be reduced by sleeping the RAK3172 module and the Sparkfun Thing Plus ESP32 WROOM.

.NET nanoFramework RAK3172 Factory Reset

The RAKwireless RAK3172 module has “ATR – Restore to Default Parameters” command. To see what settings were “restored” I modified the BreakOutSerial application to send an ATR command to reset the device, then display the DevEUI, JoinEUI, and AppKey.

public static void Main()
	Debug.WriteLine("devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN.nanoFramework.RAK3172 BreakoutSerial starting");

		// set GPIO functions for COM2 (this is UART1 on ESP32)
		Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO17, DeviceFunction.COM2_TX);
		Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO16, DeviceFunction.COM2_RX);

		foreach (string port in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
			Debug.Write($" {port}");

		using (_SerialPort = new SerialPort(SerialPortId))
			// set parameters
			_SerialPort.BaudRate = 115200;
			_SerialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
			_SerialPort.DataBits = 8;
			_SerialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
			_SerialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
			_SerialPort.NewLine = "\r\n";
			_SerialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;

			//_SerialPort.WatchChar = '\n'; // May 2022 WatchChar event didn't fire github issue

			_SerialPort.DataReceived += SerialDevice_DataReceived;


			_SerialPort.WatchChar = '\n';

			_SerialPort.ReadExisting(); // Running at 115K2 this was necessary


			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				string atCommand;
				atCommand = "AT+VER=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+SN=?"; // Empty response?
				//atCommand = "AT+HWMODEL=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+HWID=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+DEVEUI=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+APPEUI=?";
				//atCommand = "AT+APPKEY=?";
				//atCommand = "ATR";
				//atCommand = "AT+SLEEP=4000";
				Debug.WriteLine($"{i} TX:{atCommand} bytes:{atCommand.Length}--------------------------------");

	catch (Exception ex)

After resetting the device I modified the code to display some of the configuration.

DevEUI after ATR command
JoinEUI after ATR command
AppKey after ATR command

To reconfigure the device I ran the RAK3172LoRaWANDeviceClient application with DEVICE_DEVEUI_SET, OTAA, UNCONFIRMED, REGION_SET and ADR_SET defined. The testrig could then successfully connect to The Things Network and when the device was power cycled the configuration was retained.

public Result FactoryReset()
	Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} ATR");
	Result result = SendCommand("OK", "ATR", CommandTimeoutDefault);
	if (result != Result.Success)
		Debug.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:hh:mm:ss} ATR failed {result}");
		return result;

	return Result.Success;

I have added a “FactoryReset” method to the RAK3172LoRaWANDevice library.

.NET nanoFramework RAK3172 LoRaWAN library ABP Join

After getting my RAKwireless RAK3172 module to reliably connect to The Things Network(TTN) using Over The Air Activation(OTAA) the next step was to built an Activation By Personalisation(ABP) sample application.

SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32 WROOM, RAK3172 Breakout board

I modified the NetworkJoinOTAA sample(based on the asynchronous version of BreakOutSerial) to send the required sequence of AT commands and displays the responses.

namespace devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN.nanoFramework.RAK3172
	using System;
	using System.Diagnostics;
	using System.IO.Ports;
	using System.Threading;
	using global::nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32; //need NuGet nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32

	public class Program
		private const string SerialPortId = "COM2";
		private const string SerialPortId = "COM6";
		private const string DevEui = "...";
		private const string DevAddress = "...";
		private const string NwksKey = "...";
		private const string AppsKey = "..."; 
		private const byte MessagePort = 1;
		private const string Payload = "A0EEE456D02AFF4AB8BAFD58101D2A2A"; // Hello LoRaWAN

		public static void Main()
			Debug.WriteLine("devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN.nanoFramework.RAK3172.NetworkJoinABP starting");

				// set GPIO functions for COM2 (this is UART1 on ESP32)
				Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO17, DeviceFunction.COM2_TX);
				Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO16, DeviceFunction.COM2_RX);

				foreach (string port in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
					Debug.Write($" {port}");

				using (SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(SerialPortId))
					// set parameters
					serialPort.BaudRate = 115200;
					serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
					serialPort.DataBits = 8;
					serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
					serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
					serialPort.NewLine = "\r\n";
					serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;

					serialPort.DataReceived += SerialDevice_DataReceived;


					serialPort.WatchChar = '\n';

					serialPort.ReadExisting(); // Running at 115K2 this was necessary

					// Set the Device EUI
					Console.WriteLine("Set Device EUI");

					// Set the Working mode to LoRaWAN
					Console.WriteLine("Set Work mode");

					// Set the Region to AS923
					Console.WriteLine("Set Region");

					// Set the JoinMode
					Console.WriteLine("Set Join mode");

					// Set the DevAddress
					Console.WriteLine("Set Device Address");

					// Set the Network Session Key
					Console.WriteLine("Set NwksKey");

					// Set the Application Session Key
					Console.WriteLine("Set AppsKey");

					// Set the Confirm flag
					Console.WriteLine("Set Confirm off");

					// Join the network
					Console.WriteLine("Start Join");

					// Wait for the +EVT:JOINED

					while (true)

			catch (Exception ex)

		private static void SerialDevice_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
			SerialPort serialPort = (SerialPort)sender;

			switch (e.EventType)
				case SerialData.Chars:

				case SerialData.WatchChar:
					string response = serialPort.ReadExisting();
					Debug.Assert(false, $"e.EventType {e.EventType} unknown");

The NetworkJoinABP application assumes that all of the AT commands succeed.

TTN Console live data tab connection process
Visual Studio Output windows displaying connection process and a D2C message
TTN Console live data tab connection process with a couple of D2C messages
Visual Studio Output windows displaying connection process and a couple of C2D messages

The Activation By Personalisation(ABP) sample was a bit more fragile than I expected. The The Things Network(TTN) Live Data Tab updates were often delayed or required a page refresh to be displayed (July 2022).

.NET nanoFramework RAK3172 LoRaWAN library OTAA Join

When I first tried Over The Air Activation(OTAA) to connect to The Things Network(TTN) with my RAKwireless RAK3172 module it didn’t work. I had flashed my Sparkfun Thing plus ESP32 WROOM with the ESP32 PSRAM binaries (Thanks AlbertK on the nanoFramework Discord).

nanoff --target ESP32_REV0 --serialport COM17 --update
RAK3172 Sparkfun ESP32 WROOM Testrig

I modified the NetworkJoinOTAA sample (based on the asynchronous version of BreakOutSerial) to send the sequence of AT commands to join The Things Network(TTN) and display the responses.

#define ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY      // nanoff --target ST_STM32F769I_DISCOVERY --update 
//#define ESP32_WROOM   //nanoff --target ESP32_REV0 --serialport COM17 --update

namespace devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN.nanoFramework.RAK3172
	using System;
	using System.Diagnostics;
	using System.IO.Ports;
	using System.Threading;
	using global::nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32; //need NuGet nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32

	public class Program
		private const string SerialPortId = "COM2";
		private const string SerialPortId = "COM6";
		private const string DevEui = "...";
		private const string AppEui = "...";
		private const string AppKey = "...";
		private const byte MessagePort = 1;
		private const string Payload = "A0EEE456D02AFF4AB8BAFD58101D2A2A"; // Hello LoRaWAN

		public static void Main()
			Debug.WriteLine("devMobile.IoT.LoRaWAN.nanoFramework.RAK3172 NetworkJoinOTAA starting");

				// set GPIO functions for COM2 (this is UART1 on ESP32)
				Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO17, DeviceFunction.COM2_TX);
				Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO16, DeviceFunction.COM2_RX);

				foreach (string port in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
					Debug.Write($" {port}");

				using (SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(SerialPortId))
					// set parameters
					serialPort.BaudRate = 115200;
					serialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
					serialPort.DataBits = 8;
					serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
					serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
					serialPort.NewLine = "\r\n";
					serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;

					serialPort.DataReceived += SerialDevice_DataReceived;


					serialPort.WatchChar = '\n';

					serialPort.ReadExisting(); // Running at 115K2 this was necessary

					// Set the devEUI
					Console.WriteLine("Set Dev Eui");

					// Set the Working mode to LoRaWAN
					Console.WriteLine("Set Work mode");

					// Set the Region to AS923
					Console.WriteLine("Set Region");

					// Set the JoinMode
					Console.WriteLine("Set Join mode");

					// Set the appEUI
					Console.WriteLine("Set App Eui");

					// Set the appKey
					Console.WriteLine("Set App Key");

					// Set the Confirm flag
					Console.WriteLine("Set Confirm off");

					// Join the network
					Console.WriteLine("Start Join");

					// Wait for the +EVT:JOINED

					while (true)

			catch (Exception ex)

		private static void SerialDevice_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
			SerialPort serialPort = (SerialPort)sender;

			switch (e.EventType)
				case SerialData.Chars:
				case SerialData.WatchChar:
					string response = serialPort.ReadExisting();
					Debug.Assert(false, $"e.EventType {e.EventType} unknown");
Visual Studio Debug Output displaying Configuration-Join-Send
Things Network(TTN) Live Data tab display successful join then D2C message

The NetworkJoinOTAA application assumes that all of the AT commands succeed. I usually step though the application in the debugger so I can monitor progress.