Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Downlink logging refactor

After several refactorings the code stabilised and the Azure IoT Hub downlink message handler (configured with SetMethodDefaultHandlerAsync ) was ready for testing. I used Azure IoT Explorer to send some “hand-crafted” JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) Cloud to Device(C2D) messages.

Each logging message starts with the TerminalID (to simplify searching for all the messages sent to a device) and the message LockToken (to simplify searching for all the “steps” associated with sending a message) with the rest of the logging message containing “step” specific diagnostic information.

Successful Azure IoT Explorer C2D JSON Message

If there is no PayloadFormatter attribute the default in the PayloadFormatters section of the function configuration is used.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(IDictionary<string, string> properties, string terminalId, JObject payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes)
      byte? status = payloadJson.Value<byte?>("FanSpeed");

      if (!status.HasValue)
         return new byte[] { };

      return new byte[] { 1, status.Value };

The FanSpeed.cs payload formatter extracts the FanSpeed value from the JSON payload and returns a two byte array containing the message type and speed of the fan.

Azure IoT Function running waiting for a C2D message

After re-reading the SetMethodHandlerAync documentation I refactored the code (back to the approach used a couple of branches ago) with the “using” wrapping the try/catch.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{TermimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   using (message) //
         // Replace default formatter with message specific formatter if configured.
         if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out string? payloadFormatterName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatterName))
            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TermimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Context formatter:{payloadFormatterName} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatterName);

            payloadFormatterName = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;
            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TermimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Property formatter:{payloadFormatterName} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatterName);

         // If GetBytes fails payload really badly broken
         byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Message bytes:{messageBytes}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

         // Try converting the bytes to text then to JSON
         JObject? messageJson = null;
            // These will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
            string messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

               messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);

               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} JSON:{messageJson}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(messageJson, Formatting.Indented));
            catch (JsonReaderException jex)
               _logger.LogInformation(jex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} not valid JSON", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);
         catch (ArgumentException aex)
            _logger.LogInformation(aex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} message bytes not valid text", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

         // This shouldn't fail, but it could for invalid path to blob, timeout retrieving blob, payload formatter syntax error etc.
         IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatter = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatterName);

         // This will fail if payload formatter throws runtime exceptions like null reference, divide by zero, index out of range etc.
         byte[] payloadBytes = payloadFormatter.Evaluate(message.Properties, context.TerminalId, messageJson, messageBytes);

         // Validate payload before calling Myriota control message send API method
         if (payloadBytes is null)
            _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} Evaluate returned null", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatterName);

            await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);


         if ((payloadBytes.Length < Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength) || (payloadBytes.Length > Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength))
            _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} length:{Length} invalid must be {DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength} to {DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength} bytes", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, Convert.ToHexString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength);

            await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);


         // Finally send Control Message to device using the Myriota API
         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} Length:{Length} sending", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length);

         string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);

         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, messageId);

         await context.DeviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);
      catch (Exception ex)
         _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageHandler processing failed", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

         await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);

The first time I ran the myriotaAzureIoTConnector Azure function in the Core Tools debugging environment there were no errors and the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.DeviceClient connection cache loaded in the background.

Azure IoT Function failing with a SystemArgumentOutOfRangeException

The first time I sent a downlink message the handler failed spectacularly with a SystemArgumentOutOfRangeException

After adding some breakpoints, restarting the application, then single stepping through the code I found that I had accidentally used BitConverter.ToSingle(payloadBytes) instead of BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes) to get the Hexadecimal representation of the payload bytes.

// Finally send Control Message to device using the Myriota API
_logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} Length:{Length} sending", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length);

string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);
Azure IoT Function successfully sending downlink message.

The Encoding.UTF8.GetString and JObject.Parse are processed in a single Try with a specialised catch for when the payload cannot be converted to text. If the payload cannot be converted to JSON only the payloadBytes parameter of payload formatter is populated.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Downlink final refactoring

I often print code and review it away from a computer. I can’t be distracted by “tinkering” with the code and I find that drawing on it helps me visualise what is going on. The payload formatters are retrieved from Azure Storage blob which have a default retry policy, the Azure IoT Hub DeviceClient methods have a default retry policy, the Myriota Cloud API SendMessage has retries (Implemented with Polly) and if the CS-Script compilation fails there is nothing that can be done so the code could be simplified.

The Azure IoT Hub downlink message handler was a partial class and part of implementation of the IDeviceConnectionCache which was a hangover from one of the initial versions.

internal partial class DeviceConnectionCache : IDeviceConnectionCache
   public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
      Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

I replaced the IDeviceConnectionCache interface with IIoTHubDownlink which was declare in a new file in the interfaces folder.

namespace devMobile.IoT.MyriotaAzureIoTConnector.Connector
   public interface IIoTHubDownlink
      public Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext);

Then had to inject all the required dependencies which had been implemented in one of the other partial class files.

internal class IoTHubDownlink : IIoTHubDownlink
   private readonly ILogger<IoTHubDownlink> _logger;
   private readonly IPayloadFormatterCache _payloadFormatterCache;
   private readonly IMyriotaModuleAPI _myriotaModuleAPI;

   public IoTHubDownlink(ILogger<IoTHubDownlink> logger, IPayloadFormatterCache payloadFormatterCache, IMyriotaModuleAPI myriotaModuleAPI)
      _logger = logger;
      _payloadFormatterCache = payloadFormatterCache;
      _myriotaModuleAPI = myriotaModuleAPI;

The implementation had been extracted to a separate class so it had to be constructed by the Dependency Injection plumbing.

services.AddSingleton<IPayloadFormatterCache, PayloadFormatterCache>();
services.AddSingleton<IIoTHubDownlink, IoTHubDownlink>();
services.AddSingleton<IIoTCentralDownlink, IoTCentralDownlink>();
services.AddOptions<Models.MyriotaSettings>().Configure<IConfiguration>((settings, configuration) =>
 services.AddSingleton<IMyriotaModuleAPI, MyriotaModuleAPI>();

The lifetime of the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message was being managed manually which seemed a bit odd.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   // Use default formatter and replace with message specific formatter if configured.
   string payloadFormatter;
   if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out payloadFormatter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatter))
      payloadFormatter = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatter);

      // Mop up the non managed resources of message

I replaced this with a with a “using” which “automagically” manages the lifetime of any non-managed resources. I also added string Locktoken variable for DeviceClient.RejectAsync and DeviceClient.CompletedAsync so that the “using” could be inside the try/catch (there is scope to reduce the amount of code in the “using”)

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{TermimalId} LockToken:{lockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   // broken out so using for message only has to be inside try
   string lockToken = message.LockToken; 

      using (message)
      catch (Exception ex)
         _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{lockToken} MessageHandler processing failed", context.TerminalId, lockToken);

         await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(lockToken);

The handling of the Encoding.UTF8.GetString and JObject.Parse payload was broken. If the Encoding.UTF8.GetString threw an exception there was no point in calling the JObject.Parse

// If this fails payload broken
byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

// This will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
string messageText = string.Empty;
   messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);
catch (ArgumentException aex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageBytes:{2} not valid Text", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

// This will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
JObject? messageJson = null;
   messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);
catch ( JsonReaderException jex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageText:{2} not valid json", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

The Encoding.UTF8.GetString and JObject.Parse are now processed in a single Try with a specialised catch handling.

// These will fail for some messages, then payload formatter gets bytes only
string messageText = string.Empty;
JObject? messageJson = null;
   messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

   messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);
catch (ArgumentException aex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{lockToken} messageBytes:{messageBytes} not valid text exception:{Message}", context.TerminalId, lockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes), aex.Message);
catch (JsonReaderException jex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{lockToken} messageText:{messageText} not valid json exception:{Message}", context.TerminalId, lockToken, messageText, jex.Message);

// This shouldn't fail, but it could for lots of different reasons, invalid path to blob, syntax error, interface broken etc.
IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatter = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatterName);

This refactored code now looks an awful lot like the “sunny days” code checked in on the 3rd of November.

Myriota Connector – UplinkMessageProcessor Queue Output Binding

The myriota Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway uplink message handler Azure Storage Queue Trigger Function wasn’t processing “transient” vs. “permanent” failures well. Sometimes a “permanent” failure message would be retried multiple times by the function runtime before getting moved to the poison queue.

After some experimentation using an Azure Storage Queue Function Output binding to move messages to the poison queue looked like a reasonable approach. (Though, returning null to indicate the message should be removed from the queue was not obvious from the documentation)

[QueueOutput(queueName: "uplink-poison", Connection = "UplinkQueueStorage")]
public async Task<Models.UplinkPayloadQueueDto> UplinkMessageProcessor([QueueTrigger(queueName: "uplink", Connection = "UplinkQueueStorage")] Models.UplinkPayloadQueueDto payload, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   // Process each packet in the payload. Myriota docs say only one packet per payload but just incase...
   foreach (Models.QueuePacket packet in payload.Data.Packets)
      // Lookup the device client in the cache or create a new one
      Models.DeviceConnectionContext context;

         context = await _deviceConnectionCache.GetOrAddAsync(packet.TerminalId, cancellationToken);
      catch (DeviceNotFoundException dnfex)
         _logger.LogError(dnfex, "Uplink- PayloadId:{0} TerminalId:{1} terminal not found", payload.Id, packet.TerminalId);

         return payload;
      catch (Exception ex) // Maybe just send to poison queue or figure if transient error?
         _logger.LogError(ex, "Uplink- PayloadId:{0} TerminalId:{1} ", payload.Id, packet.TerminalId);

         // Proccessing successful, message can be deleted by QueueTrigger plumbing
         return null;

After building and testing an Azure Storage Queue Function Output binding implementation I’m not certain that it is a good approach. The code is a bit “chunky” and I have had to implement more of the retry process logic.

ML.Net YoloV5 + Security Camera “async” fail

While debugging my AzureIoTSmartEdgeCamera application I kept on getting file locked errors when the image from the security camera downloading which was a bit odd. So, I went back to basics and started with only the compiler directives required to build a “minimalist” version of the application.

If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the issue here. I had missed that in the first block of System.Console.Writelines that the image download finished after the YoloV5 inferencing started.

private void SecurityCameraImageCapture()
	_logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download start");

	NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential()
		UserName = _securityCameraSettings.CameraUserName,
		Password = _securityCameraSettings.CameraUserPassword,

	using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
		client.Credentials = networkCredential;

		client.DownloadFile(_securityCameraSettings.CameraUrl, _applicationSettings.ImageCameraFilepath);

	_logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download done");

I had replaced the System.Net.WebClient(deprecated) image download implementation with code that retrieved images from the security camera using System.Net.Http.HttpClient.

      private async Task SecurityCameraImageCapture()
         _logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download start");

         using (Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_securityCameraSettings.CameraUrl))
         using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(_applicationSettings.ImageCameraFilepath))
            await cameraStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

         _logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download done");

If I had been paying attention, I would have also noticed the issue here..

Console output of maximalist application

When I changed the compiler definitions to turn on pretty much every feature the issue became really really obvious because the “Security Camera Image download done” message wasn’t displayed.


The original code to get the image from the camera was synchronous and I had forgotten to add an await.

            await SecurityCameraImageCaptureAsync();

I then updated the code and the application worked as expected.

Console output of working maximalist application


Would have saved myself a lot of time if I had paid attention to the debugging information and compiler warnings.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Downlink refactoring

The myriota Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway downlink message handler was getting a bit “chunky”. So, I started by stripping the code back to the absolute bare minimum that would “work”.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);


      await context.DeviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);
   catch (Exception ex)
      await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);

      _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} failed", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken );

Then the code was then extended so it worked for “sunny day” scenarios. The payload formatter was successfully retrieved from the configured Azure Storage Blob, CS-Script successfully compiled the payload formatter, the message payload was valid text, the message text was valid Javascript Object Notation(JSON), the JSON was successfully processed by the compiled payload formatter, and finally the payload was accepted by the Myriota Cloud API.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   string payloadFormatter;

   // Use default formatter and replace with message specific formatter if configured.
   if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out payloadFormatter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatter))
      payloadFormatter = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatter);

      IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatterDownlink = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatter);

      byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

      string messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

      JObject messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);

      byte[] payloadBytes = payloadFormatterDownlink.Evaluate(message.Properties, context.TerminalId, messageJson, messageBytes);

      string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);

      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, messageId);
      await context.DeviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);
   catch (Exception ex)
      await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);

      _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} failed", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

Then code was then extended to handle message payloads which were problematic but not “failures”

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   string payloadFormatter;

   // Use default formatter and replace with message specific formatter if configured.
   if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out payloadFormatter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatter))
      payloadFormatter = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatter);

      // If this fails payload broken
      byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

      string messageText = string.Empty;
      JObject messageJson = null;

      // These will fail for some messages, gets bytes only
         messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

         messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);
      catch (ArgumentException aex)
         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink-DeviceID:{DeviceId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageBytes:{2} not valid Text", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));
      catch( JsonReaderException jex)
         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink-DeviceID:{DeviceId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageText:{2} not valid json", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

      IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatterDownlink = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatter);

      byte[] payloadBytes = payloadFormatterDownlink.Evaluate(message.Properties, context.TerminalId, messageJson, messageBytes);

      string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);

      await context.DeviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);

      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, messageId);
   catch (Exception ex)
      await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);

      _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} failed", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

Then finally the code was modified to gracefully handle broken payloads returned by the payload formatter evaluation, some comments were added, and the non-managed resources of the DeviceClient.Message disposed.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   // Use default formatter and replace with message specific formatter if configured.
   string payloadFormatter;
   if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out payloadFormatter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatter))
      payloadFormatter = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatter);

      // If this fails payload broken
      byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

      // This will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
      string messageText = string.Empty;
         messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);
      catch (ArgumentException aex)
         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageBytes:{2} not valid Text", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

      // This will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
      JObject? messageJson = null;
         messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);
      catch ( JsonReaderException jex)
         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageText:{2} not valid json", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

      // This shouldn't fail, but it could for lots of diffent reasons, invalid path to blob, syntax error, interface broken etc.
      IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatterDownlink = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatter);

      // This shouldn't fail, but it could for lots of different reasons, null references, divide by zero, out of range etc.
      byte[] payloadBytes = payloadFormatterDownlink.Evaluate(message.Properties, context.TerminalId, messageJson, messageBytes);

      // Validate payload before calling Myriota control message send API method
      if (payloadBytes is null)
         _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} Evaluate returned null", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatter);

         await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);


      if ((payloadBytes.Length < Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength) || (payloadBytes.Length > Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength))
         _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} payloadData length:{Length} invalid must be {DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength} to {DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength} bytes", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadBytes.Length, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength);

         await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);


      // This shouldn't fail, but it could few reasons mainly connectivity & message queuing etc.
      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadData:{payloadData} Length:{Length} sending", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, Convert.ToHexString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length);

      // Finally send the message using Myriota API
      string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);

      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, messageId);

      await context.DeviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);

      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, messageId);
   catch (Exception ex)
      await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);

      _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{terminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} failed", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);
      // Mop up the non managed resources of message

As the code was being extended, I tested different failures to make sure the Application Insights logging messages were useful. The first failure mode tested was the Azure Storage Blob, path was broken or the blob was missing.

Visual Studio 2022 Debugger blob not found exception message
Application Insights blob not found exception logging

Then a series of “broken” payload formatters were created to test CS-Script compile time failures.

// Broken interface implementation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(IDictionary<string, string> properties, string terminalId, byte[] payloadBytes)
      return payloadBytes;
Visual Studio 2022 Debugger interface implementation broken exception message
Application Insights interface implementation broken exception logging
// Broken syntax
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(IDictionary<string, string> properties, string terminalId, JObject payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes)
      return payloadBytes
Visual Studio 2022 Debugger syntax error exception message
Application Insights syntax error exception logging
// Runtime error
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(IDictionary<string, string> properties, string terminalId, JObject payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes)
      payloadBytes[20] = 0;

      return payloadBytes;
Visual Studio 2022 Debugger runtime error exception message
Application Insights syntax error exception logging

Invalid Myriota Cloud API send control message payload

Visual Studio 2022 Debugger Myriota send failure exception message
Application Insights Myriota send failure exception logging

The final test was sending a downlink message which was valid JSON, contained the correct information for the specified payload formatter and was successfully processed by the Myriota Cloud API.

Azure IoT Explorer with valid JSON payload and payload formatter name
Azure function output of successful downlink message
Application Insights successful downlink message logging

After a couple of hours the I think the downlink messageHandler implementation was significantly improved.