Fez Cobra III Analog Input read rates

In other blog posts I have measured the AnalogInput read rate of my Netduino, FEZ Lemur and FEZ Panda III devices and was surprised by some of the numbers. Now, I have another project which uses a GHI Electronics FEZ Covbra III so have done another quick test.

This is just a simple test, not terribly representative of real world I just wanted to get comparable numbers.

public static void Main()
   int value;
   AnalogInput x1 = new AnalogInput(FEZLemur.AnalogInput.D19);
   Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


   for (int i = 0; i <; SampleCount; i++)
      value = x1.ReadRaw();

   Debug.Print("Duration = " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " mSec " + (SampleCount * 1000 / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString() + "/sec";);

Fez CobraIII 120 MHz CPU
Duration = 9297 mSec 10756/sec
Duration = 9297 mSec 10756/sec
Duration = 9298 mSec 10755/sec
Duration = 9296 mSec 10757/sec
Duration = 9298 mSec 10755/sec

Something is not quite right here need to look at my code and the numbers some more.

Mikrobus.Net Quail Robot

In a previous post I had replaced a Netduino and Elecfreaks Joystick shield based remote control with a MikrobusNet Quail, thumbstick click and an nRF-C click. The next step was to replace the Netduino on the robot chassis with a MikrobusNet Quail, a pair of DC Motor Clicks and an nRF-C click.

Bill of materials (prices in USD as at Feb 2016)

The first version of the robot uses a pair of battery packs one for the motors the other for the Quail board.


The drivers developed by MikroBUSNet team greatly reduced the amount of code I had to write to get the robot to work.

public class Program
   private static double Scale = 100.0;
   private static byte RobotControlChannel = 10;
   private static byte[] ControllerAddress = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("RC1");
   private static byte[] RobotAddress = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("RB1");
   private static TimeSpan MessageMaximumInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
   private static DateTime _MessageLastReceivedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
   private static DCMotorClick motor1 = new DCMotorClick(Hardware.SocketOne);
   private static DCMotorClick motor2 = new DCMotorClick(Hardware.SocketTwo);

public static void Main()
   NRFC nrf = new NRFC(Hardware.SocketFour);
   nrf.Configure(RobotAddress, RobotControlChannel);
   nrf.OnTransmitFailed += nrf_OnTransmitFailed;
   nrf.OnTransmitSuccess += nrf_OnTransmitSuccess;
   nrf.OnDataReceived += nrf_OnDataReceived;

   Timer CommunicationsMonitorTimer = new Timer(CommunicationsMonitorTimerProc, null, 500, 500);


static void nrf_OnDataReceived(byte[] data)
   _MessageLastReceivedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;

   if (data.Length != 5)

   Debug.Print("M1D=" + data[0].ToString() + " M2D=" + data[1].ToString() + " M1S=" + data[2].ToString() + " M2S=" + data[3].ToString());
   if (data[0] == 1)
      motor1.Move(DCMotorClick.Directions.Forward, (data[2] / Scale ));
     motor1.Move(DCMotorClick.Directions.Backward, (data[2] / Scale ));

   if (data[1] == 1)
      motor2.Move(DCMotorClick.Directions.Forward, (data[3] / Scale ));
      motor2.Move(DCMotorClick.Directions.Backward, (data[3] / Scale ));

private static void CommunicationsMonitorTimerProc(object status)
   if ((DateTime.UtcNow - _MessageLastReceivedAt) > MessageMaximumInterval)
      Debug.Print("Communications timeout");

      motor1.Move(MBN.Modules.DCMotorClick.Directions.Forward, 0.0);
      motor2.Move(MBN.Modules.DCMotorClick.Directions.Forward, 0.0);

I have kept the communications monitoring functionality which stops the motors when the robot gets out of range of the remote control software fails.