Azure Event Grid YoloV8- Basic MQTT Client Object Detection

The Azure.EventGrid.Image.Detect application downloads images from a security camera, processes them with the default YoloV8(by Ultralytic) object detection model, then publishes the results to an Azure Event Grid MQTT broker topic.

The Unv ADZK-10 camera used in this sample has a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Uniform Resource Locator(URL) for downloading the current image. Like the YoloV8.Detect.SecurityCamera.Stream sample the image “streamed” using the HttpClient.GetStreamAsync to the YoloV8 DetectAsync method.

private async void ImageUpdateTimerCallback(object? state)
   DateTime requestAtUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

   // Just incase - stop code being called while photo or prediction already in progress
   if (_ImageProcessing)
   _ImageProcessing = true;

      _logger.LogDebug("Camera request start");

      DetectionResult result;

      using (Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_applicationSettings.CameraUrl))
         result = await _predictor.DetectAsync(cameraStream);

      _logger.LogInformation("Speed Preprocess:{Preprocess} Postprocess:{Postprocess}", result.Speed.Preprocess, result.Speed.Postprocess);

      if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
         _logger.LogDebug("Detection results");

         foreach (var box in result.Boxes)
            _logger.LogDebug(" Class {box.Class} {Confidence:f1}% X:{box.Bounds.X} Y:{box.Bounds.Y} Width:{box.Bounds.Width} Height:{box.Bounds.Height}", box.Class, box.Confidence * 100.0, box.Bounds.X, box.Bounds.Y, box.Bounds.Width, box.Bounds.Height);

      var message = new MQTT5PublishMessage
         Topic = string.Format(_applicationSettings.PublishTopic, _applicationSettings.UserName),
         Payload = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new
         QoS = _applicationSettings.PublishQualityOfService,

      _logger.LogDebug("HiveMQ.Publish start");

      var resultPublish = await _mqttclient.PublishAsync(message);

      _logger.LogDebug("HiveMQ.Publish done");
   catch (Exception ex)
      _logger.LogError(ex, "Camera image download, processing, or telemetry failed");
      _ImageProcessing = false;

   TimeSpan duration = DateTime.UtcNow - requestAtUtc;

   _logger.LogDebug("Camera Image download, processing and telemetry done {TotalSeconds:f2} sec", duration.TotalSeconds);

The application uses a Timer(with configurable Due and Period times) to poll the security camera, detect objects in the image then publish a JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) representation of the results to Azure Event Grid MQTT broker topic using a HiveMQ client.

Console application displaying object detection results

The uses the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging library to publish diagnostic information to the console while debugging the application.

Visual Studio 2022 QuickWatch displaying object detection results.

To check the results I put a breakpoint in the timer just after DetectAsync method is called and then used the Visual Studio 2022 Debugger QuickWatch functionality to inspect the contents of the DetectionResult object.

Visual Studio 2022 JSON Visualiser displaying object detection results.

To check the JSON payload of the MQTT message I put a breakpoint just before the HiveMQ PublishAsync method. I then inspected the payload using the Visual Studio 2022 JSON Visualizer.

Security Camera image for object detection photo bombed by Yarnold our Standard Apricot Poodle.

This application can also be deployed as a Linux systemd Service so it will start then run in the background. The same approach as the YoloV8.Detect.SecurityCamera.Stream sample is used because the image doesn’t have to be saved on the local filesystem.

YoloV8-File, Stream, & Byte array Camera Images

After building some proof-of-concept applications I have decided to use the YoloV8 by dme-compunet NuGet because it supports async await and code with async await is always better (yeah right).

The YoloV8.Detect.SecurityCamera.File sample downloads images from the security camera to the local file system, then calls DetectAsync with the local file path.

private static async void ImageUpdateTimerCallback(object state)
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV8 Security Camera Image File processing start");

      using (Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_applicationSettings.CameraUrl))
      using (Stream fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(_applicationSettings.ImageFilepath))
         await cameraStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

      DetectionResult result = await _predictor.DetectAsync(_applicationSettings.ImageFilepath);

      Console.WriteLine($"Speed: {result.Speed}");

      foreach (var prediction in result.Boxes)
         Console.WriteLine($" Class {prediction.Class} {(prediction.Confidence * 100.0):f1}% X:{prediction.Bounds.X} Y:{prediction.Bounds.Y} Width:{prediction.Bounds.Width} Height:{prediction.Bounds.Height}");

      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV8 Security Camera Image processing done");
   catch (Exception ex)
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} YoloV8 Security camera image download or YoloV8 prediction failed {ex.Message}");
Console application using camera image saved on filesystem

The YoloV8.Detect.SecurityCamera.Bytes sample downloads images from the security camera as an array of bytes then calls DetectAsync.

private static async void ImageUpdateTimerCallback(object state)
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV8 Security Camera Image Bytes processing start");

      byte[] bytes = await _httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(_applicationSettings.CameraUrl);

      DetectionResult result = await _predictor.DetectAsync(bytes);

      Console.WriteLine($"Speed: {result.Speed}");

      foreach (var prediction in result.Boxes)
         Console.WriteLine($" Class {prediction.Class} {(prediction.Confidence * 100.0):f1}% X:{prediction.Bounds.X} Y:{prediction.Bounds.Y} Width:{prediction.Bounds.Width} Height:{prediction.Bounds.Height}");

      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV8 Security Camera Image processing done");
   catch (Exception ex)
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} YoloV8 Security camera image download or YoloV8 prediction failed {ex.Message}");
Console application downloading camera image as an array bytes.

The YoloV8.Detect.SecurityCamera.Stream sample “streams” the image from the security camera to DetectAsync.

private static async void ImageUpdateTimerCallback(object state)
   // ...
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV8 Security Camera Image Stream processing start");

      DetectionResult result;

      using (System.IO.Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_applicationSettings.CameraUrl))
         result = await _predictor.DetectAsync(cameraStream);

      Console.WriteLine($"Speed: {result.Speed}");

      foreach (var prediction in result.Boxes)
         Console.WriteLine($" Class {prediction.Class} {(prediction.Confidence * 100.0):f1}% X:{prediction.Bounds.X} Y:{prediction.Bounds.Y} Width:{prediction.Bounds.Width} Height:{prediction.Bounds.Height}");

      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV8 Security Camera Image processing done");
   catch (Exception ex)
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} YoloV8 Security camera image download or YoloV8 prediction failed {ex.Message}");
Console application streaming camera image.

The ImageSelector parameter of DetectAsync caught my attention as I hadn’t seen this approach use before. The developers who wrote the NuGet package are definitely smarter than me so I figured I might learn something useful digging deeper.

My sample object detection applications all call

public static async Task<DetectionResult> DetectAsync(this YoloV8 predictor, ImageSelector selector)
    return await Task.Run(() => predictor.Detect(selector));

Which then invokes

public static DetectionResult Detect(this YoloV8 predictor, ImageSelector selector)

    return predictor.Run(selector, (outputs, image, timer) =>
        var output = outputs[0].AsTensor<float>();

        var parser = new DetectionOutputParser(predictor.Metadata, predictor.Parameters);

        var boxes = parser.Parse(output, image);
        var speed = timer.Stop();

        return new DetectionResult
            Boxes = boxes,
            Image = image,
            Speed = speed,

    public TResult Run<TResult>(ImageSelector selector, PostprocessContext<TResult> postprocess) where TResult : YoloV8Result
        using var image = selector.Load(true);

        var originSize = image.Size;

        var timer = new SpeedTimer();


        var input = Preprocess(image);

        var inputs = MapNamedOnnxValues([input]);


        using var outputs = Infer(inputs);

        var list = new List<NamedOnnxValue>(outputs);


        return postprocess(list, originSize, timer);

It looks like most of the image loading magic of ImageSelector class is implemented using the SixLabors library…

public class ImageSelector<TPixel> where TPixel : unmanaged, IPixel<TPixel>
    private readonly Func<Image<TPixel>> _factory;

    public ImageSelector(Image image)
        _factory = image.CloneAs<TPixel>;

    public ImageSelector(string path)
        _factory = () => Image.Load<TPixel>(path);

    public ImageSelector(byte[] data)
        _factory = () => Image.Load<TPixel>(data);

    public ImageSelector(Stream stream)
        _factory = () => Image.Load<TPixel>(stream);

    internal Image<TPixel> Load(bool autoOrient)
        var image = _factory();

        if (autoOrient)
            image.Mutate(x => x.AutoOrient());

        return image;

    public static implicit operator ImageSelector<TPixel>(Image image) => new(image);
    public static implicit operator ImageSelector<TPixel>(string path) => new(path);
    public static implicit operator ImageSelector<TPixel>(byte[] data) => new(data);
    public static implicit operator ImageSelector<TPixel>(Stream stream) => new(stream);

Learnt something new must be careful to apply it only where it adds value.

YoloV8-One of these NuGets is not like the others

A couple of days after my initial testing the YoloV8 by dme-compunet NuGet was updated so I reran my test harnesses.

Then the YoloDotNet by NichSwardh NuGet was also updated so I reran my all my test harnesses again.

Even though the YoloV8 by sstainba NuGet hadn’t been updated I ran the test harness just incase.

The dme-compunet YoloV8 and NickSwardh YoloDotNet NuGets results are now the same (bar the 30% cutoff) and YoloV8 by sstainba results have not changed.

YoloV8-All of these NuGets are not like the others

As part investigating which YoloV8 NuGet to use, I built three trial applications using dme-compunet YoloV8, sstainba Yolov8.Net, and NickSwardh YoloDotNet NuGets.

All of the implementations load the model, load the sample image, detect objects in the image, then markup the image with the classification, minimum bounding boxes, and confidences of each object.

Input Image

The first implementation uses YoloV8 by dme-compunet which supports asynchronous operation. The image is loaded asynchronously, the prediction is asynchronous, then marked up and saved asynchronously.

using (var predictor = new Compunet.YoloV8.YoloV8(_applicationSettings.ModelPath))
   Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model load done");

   using (var image = await SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(_applicationSettings.ImageInputPath))
      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model detect start");

      var predictions = await predictor.DetectAsync(image);

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model detect done");

      Console.WriteLine($" Speed: {predictions.Speed}");

      foreach (var prediction in predictions.Boxes)
         Console.WriteLine($"  Class {prediction.Class} {(prediction.Confidence * 100.0):f1}% X:{prediction.Bounds.X} Y:{prediction.Bounds.Y} Width:{prediction.Bounds.Width} Height:{prediction.Bounds.Height}");

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} Plot and save : {_applicationSettings.ImageOutputPath}");

      SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image imageOutput = await predictions.PlotImageAsync(image);

      await imageOutput.SaveAsJpegAsync(_applicationSettings.ImageOutputPath);
dme-compunet YoloV8 test application output

The second implementation uses YoloDotNet by NichSwardh which partially supports asynchronous operation. The image is loaded asynchronously, the prediction is synchronous, the markup is synchronous, and then saved asynchronously.

using (var predictor = new Yolo(_applicationSettings.ModelPath, false))
   Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model load done");

   using (var image = await SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(_applicationSettings.ImageInputPath))
      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model detect start");

      var predictions = predictor.RunObjectDetection(image);

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model detect done");

      foreach (var predicition in predictions)
         Console.WriteLine($"  Class {predicition.Label.Name} {(predicition.Confidence * 100.0):f1}% X:{predicition.BoundingBox.Left} Y:{predicition.BoundingBox.Y} Width:{predicition.BoundingBox.Width} Height:{predicition.BoundingBox.Height}");

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} Plot and save : {_applicationSettings.ImageOutputPath}");


      await image.SaveAsJpegAsync(_applicationSettings.ImageOutputPath);
nickswardth YoloDotNet test application output

The third implementation uses YoloV8 by sstainba which partially supports asynchronous operation. The image is loaded asynchronously, the prediction is synchronous, the markup is synchronous, and then saved asynchronously.

using (var predictor = YoloV8Predictor.Create(_applicationSettings.ModelPath))
   Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model load done");

   using (var image = await SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(_applicationSettings.ImageInputPath))
      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model detect start");

      var predictions = predictor.Predict(image);

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} YoloV8 Model detect done");

      foreach (var prediction in predictions)
         Console.WriteLine($"  Class {prediction.Label.Name} {(prediction.Score * 100.0):f1}% X:{prediction.Rectangle.X} Y:{prediction.Rectangle.Y} Width:{prediction.Rectangle.Width} Height:{prediction.Rectangle.Height}");


      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} Plot and save : {_applicationSettings.ImageOutputPath}");

      // This is a bit hacky should be fixed up in future release
      Font font = new Font(SystemFonts.Get(_applicationSettings.FontName), _applicationSettings.FontSize);
      foreach (var prediction in predictions)
         var x = (int)Math.Max(prediction.Rectangle.X, 0);
         var y = (int)Math.Max(prediction.Rectangle.Y, 0);
         var width = (int)Math.Min(image.Width - x, prediction.Rectangle.Width);
         var height = (int)Math.Min(image.Height - y, prediction.Rectangle.Height);

         //Note that the output is already scaled to the original image height and width.

         // Bounding Box Text
         string text = $"{prediction.Label.Name} [{prediction.Score}]";
         var size = TextMeasurer.MeasureSize(text, new TextOptions(font));

         image.Mutate(d => d.Draw(Pens.Solid(Color.Yellow, 2), new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)));

         image.Mutate(d => d.DrawText(text, font, Color.Yellow, new Point(x, (int)(y - size.Height - 1))));

      await image.SaveAsJpegAsync(_applicationSettings.ImageOutputPath);
sstainba YoloV8 test application output

I don’t understand why the three NuGets produced different results which is worrying.

ML.Net YoloV5 + Security Camera “async” fail

While debugging my AzureIoTSmartEdgeCamera application I kept on getting file locked errors when the image from the security camera downloading which was a bit odd. So, I went back to basics and started with only the compiler directives required to build a “minimalist” version of the application.

If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the issue here. I had missed that in the first block of System.Console.Writelines that the image download finished after the YoloV5 inferencing started.

private void SecurityCameraImageCapture()
	_logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download start");

	NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential()
		UserName = _securityCameraSettings.CameraUserName,
		Password = _securityCameraSettings.CameraUserPassword,

	using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
		client.Credentials = networkCredential;

		client.DownloadFile(_securityCameraSettings.CameraUrl, _applicationSettings.ImageCameraFilepath);

	_logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download done");

I had replaced the System.Net.WebClient(deprecated) image download implementation with code that retrieved images from the security camera using System.Net.Http.HttpClient.

      private async Task SecurityCameraImageCapture()
         _logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download start");

         using (Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_securityCameraSettings.CameraUrl))
         using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(_applicationSettings.ImageCameraFilepath))
            await cameraStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

         _logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download done");

If I had been paying attention, I would have also noticed the issue here..

Console output of maximalist application

When I changed the compiler definitions to turn on pretty much every feature the issue became really really obvious because the “Security Camera Image download done” message wasn’t displayed.


The original code to get the image from the camera was synchronous and I had forgotten to add an await.

            await SecurityCameraImageCaptureAsync();

I then updated the code and the application worked as expected.

Console output of working maximalist application


Would have saved myself a lot of time if I had paid attention to the debugging information and compiler warnings.

ML.Net YoloV5 + Security Camera Revisited

This post is about “revisiting” my ML.Net YoloV5 + Camera on ARM64 Raspberry PI application, updating it to .NET 6, the latest version of the TechWings yolov5-net (library formerly from mentalstack) and the latest version of the ML.Net Open Neural Network Exchange(ONNX) libraries.

Visual Studio 2022 with updated NuGet packages

The updated TechWings yolov5-net library now uses Six Labors ImageSharp for markup rather than System.Drawing.Common. (I found System.Drawing.Common a massive Pain in the Arse (PiTA))

private static async void ImageUpdateTimerCallback(object state)
   DateTime requestAtUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

   // Just incase - stop code being called while photo already in progress
   if (_cameraBusy)
   _cameraBusy = true;

   Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} Image processing start");

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} Security Camera Image download start");

      using (Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_applicationSettings.CameraUrl))
      using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(_applicationSettings.ImageInputFilenameLocal))
         await cameraStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} Security Camera Image download done");

      List<YoloPrediction> predictions;

      // Process the image on local file system
      using (Image<Rgba32> image = await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(_applicationSettings.ImageInputFilenameLocal))
         Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV5 inferencing start");
         predictions = _scorer.Predict(image);
         Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} YoloV5 inferencing done");

         Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} Image markup start");

         var font = new Font(new FontCollection().Add(_applicationSettings.ImageOutputMarkupFontPath), _applicationSettings.ImageOutputMarkupFontSize);

         foreach (var prediction in predictions) // iterate predictions to draw results
            double score = Math.Round(prediction.Score, 2);

            var (x, y) = (prediction.Rectangle.Left - 3, prediction.Rectangle.Top - 23);

            image.Mutate(a => a.DrawPolygon(Pens.Solid(prediction.Label.Color, 1),
                  new PointF(prediction.Rectangle.Left, prediction.Rectangle.Top),
                  new PointF(prediction.Rectangle.Right, prediction.Rectangle.Top),
                  new PointF(prediction.Rectangle.Right, prediction.Rectangle.Bottom),
                  new PointF(prediction.Rectangle.Left, prediction.Rectangle.Bottom)

            image.Mutate(a => a.DrawText($"{prediction.Label.Name} ({score})",
                  font, prediction.Label.Color, new PointF(x, y)));

         await image.SaveAsJpegAsync(_applicationSettings.ImageOutputFilenameLocal);

         Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} Image markup done");

      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} Image classes start");
      foreach (var prediction in predictions)
         Console.WriteLine($"  Name:{prediction.Label.Name} Score:{prediction.Score:f2} Valid:{prediction.Score > _applicationSettings.PredictionScoreThreshold}");
      Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:fff} Image classes done");

      IEnumerable<string> predictionsOfInterest = predictions.Where(p => p.Score > _applicationSettings.PredictionScoreThreshold).Select(c => c.Label.Name).Intersect(_applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsOfInterest, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

      if (predictionsOfInterest.Any())
         Console.WriteLine($" {DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} Camera image comtains {String.Join(",", predictionsOfInterest)}");

   catch (Exception ex)
      Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} Camera image download, upload or post procesing failed {ex.Message}");
      _cameraBusy = false;

   TimeSpan duration = DateTime.UtcNow - requestAtUtc;

   Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow:yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} Image processing done {duration.TotalSeconds:f2} sec");

The names of the input image, output image and yoloV5 model file are configured in the appsettings.json (on device) or secrets.json (Visual Studio 2022 desktop) file. The location (ImageOutputMarkupFontPath) and size (ImageOutputMarkupFontSize) of the font used are configurable to make it easier run the application on different devices and operating systems.

   "ApplicationSettings": {
      "ImageTimerDue": "0.00:00:15",
      "ImageTimerPeriod": "0.00:00:30",

      "CameraUrl": "HTTP://",
      "CameraUserName": "",
      "CameraUserPassword": "",

      "ImageInputFilenameLocal": "InputLatest.jpg",
      "ImageOutputFilenameLocal": "OutputLatest.jpg",

      "ImageOutputMarkupFontPath": "C:/Windows/Fonts/consola.ttf",
      "ImageOutputMarkupFontSize": 16,

      "YoloV5ModelPath": "YoloV5/yolov5s.onnx",

      "PredictionScoreThreshold": 0.5,

      "PredictionLabelsOfInterest": [

The test-rig consisted of a Unv ADZK-10 Security Camera, Power over Ethernet(PoE) module and my development desktop PC.

My bicycle and “mother in laws” car in backyard
YoloV5ObjectDetectionCamera running on my desktop PC

Once the YoloV5s model was loaded, inferencing was taking roughly 0.47 seconds.

Marked up image of my bicycle and “mother in laws” car in backyard


Again, I was “standing on the shoulders of giants” the TechWings code just worked. With a pretrained yoloV5 model, the ML.Net Open Neural Network Exchange(ONNX) plumbing it took a couple of hours to update the application. Most of this time was learning about the Six Labors ImageSharp library to mark up the images.

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Updateable Properties (not persisted)

This post builds on my Smartish Edge Camera -Azure IoT Direct Methods post adding two updateable properties for the image capture and processing timer the due and period values. The two properties can be updated together or independently but the values are not persisted.

When I was searching for answers I found this code in many posts and articles but it didn’t really cover my scenario.

private static async Task OnDesiredPropertyChanged(TwinCollection desiredProperties, 
  object userContext)
   Console.WriteLine("desired property chPleange:");
   Console.WriteLine("Sending current time as reported property");
   TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection
       ["DateTimeLastDesiredPropertyChangeReceived"] = DateTime.Now

    await Client.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties).ConfigureAwait(false);

When AZURE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES is defined in the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService project properties the device reports a number of properties on startup and SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync is used to configure the method called whenever the client receives a state update(desired or reported) from the Azure IoT Hub.

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service starting");

		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubConnection();
		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubDpsConnection();

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload start");

		TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();

		reportedProperties["OSVersion"] = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString;
		reportedProperties["MachineName"] = Environment.MachineName;
		reportedProperties["ApplicationVersion"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerDue"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod;
		reportedProperties["YoloV5ModelPath"] = _applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath;

		reportedProperties["PredictionScoreThreshold"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionScoreThreshold;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsOfInterest"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsOfInterest;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsMinimum"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsMinimum;

		await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties, stoppingToken);

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload done");

		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup start");
		_scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(_applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath);
		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup done");

		_ImageUpdatetimer = new Timer(ImageUpdateTimerCallback, null, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStart", ImageTimerStartHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStop", ImageTimerStopHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodDefaultHandlerAsync(DefaultHandler, null);

		await _deviceClient.SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync(OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync, null);

			await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, stoppingToken);
		catch (TaskCanceledException)
			_logger.LogInformation("Application shutown requested");
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "Application startup failure");

	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service shutdown");

// Lots of other code here

private async Task OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync(TwinCollection desiredProperties, object userContext)
	TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();

	_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged handler");

	// NB- This approach does not save the ImageTimerDue or ImageTimerPeriod, a stop/start with return to appsettings.json configuration values. If only
	// one parameter specified other is default from appsettings.json. If timer settings changed I think they won't take
	// effect until next time Timer fires.

		// Check to see if either of ImageTimerDue or ImageTimerPeriod has changed
		if (!desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerDue") && !desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerPeriod"))
			_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged neither ImageTimerDue or ImageTimerPeriod present");

		TimeSpan imageTimerDue = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue;

		// Check that format of ImageTimerDue valid if present
		if (desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerDue"))
			if (TimeSpan.TryParse(desiredProperties["ImageTimerDue"].Value, out imageTimerDue))
				reportedProperties["ImageTimerDue"] = imageTimerDue;
				_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged ImageTimerDue invalid");

		TimeSpan imageTimerPeriod = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod;

		// Check that format of ImageTimerPeriod valid if present
		if (desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerPeriod"))
			if (TimeSpan.TryParse(desiredProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"].Value, out imageTimerPeriod))
				reportedProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"] = imageTimerPeriod;
				_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged ImageTimerPeriod invalid");

		_logger.LogInformation("Desired Due:{0} Period:{1}", imageTimerDue, imageTimerPeriod);

		if (!_ImageUpdatetimer.Change(imageTimerDue, imageTimerPeriod))
			_logger.LogInformation("Desired Due:{0} Period:{1} failed", imageTimerDue, imageTimerPeriod);

		await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties);
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync handler failed");

The TwinCollection desiredProperties is checked for ImageTimerDue and ImageTimerPeriod properties and if either of these are present and valid the Timer.Change method is called.

The AzureMLMetSmartEdgeCamera supports both Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central so I have included images from Azure IoT Explorer and my Azure IoT Central Templates.

SmartEdge Camera Device Twin properties in Azure IoT Explorer

When I modified, then saved the Azure IoT Hub Device Twin desired properties JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) in Azure IoT Hub Explorer the method configured with SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync was invoked on the device.

In Azure IoT Central I added two Capabilities to the device template, the time properties ImageTimerDue, and ImageTimerPeriod.

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device template capabilities

I added a View to the template so the two properties could be changed (I didn’t configure either as required)

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device Default view designer

In the “Device Properties”, “Operation Tab” when I changed the ImageTimerDue and/or ImageTimerPeriod there was visual feedback that there was an update in progress.

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device Properties update start

Then on the device the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService the method configured with SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync was invoked on the device.

SmartEdge Camera Console application displaying updated properties

Once the properties have been updated on the device the UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync method is called

Then a message with the updated property values from the device was visible in the telemetry

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device Properties update done

Then finally the “Operation Tab” displayed a visual confirmation that the value(s) had been updated.

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Tagged Image Upload Error

The SmartEdgeCameraAzureStorageService uploads images with “tags” so it is easier to search for images that may need reviewing. When I added the same tagging functionality to the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService which uploads images to the Storage Account associated with my Azure IoT Hub it failed.

SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService error message
[16:39:30.66]fail: devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker[0]
      Camera image download, post processing, or telemetry failed
      Azure.RequestFailedException: This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.
      Status: 403 (This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.)
      ErrorCode: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>AuthorizationPermissionMismatch</Code><Message>This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.

      Server: Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0,Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
      x-ms-request-id: 7a1747db-e01e-0019-484c-5c0499000000
      x-ms-client-request-id: d0e8eb36-9e01-4eac-a522-f84b9deafa32
      x-ms-version: 2021-04-10
      x-ms-error-code: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch
      Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 04:39:30 GMT
      Content-Length: 279
      Content-Type: application/xml

         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.BlockBlobRestClient.UploadAsync(Int64 contentLength, Stream body, Nullable`1 timeout, Byte[] transactionalContentMD5, String blobContentType, String blobContentEncoding, String blobContentLanguage, Byte[] blobContentMD5, String blobCacheControl, IDictionary`2 metadata, String leaseId, String blobContentDisposition, String encryptionKey, String encryptionKeySha256, Nullable`1 encryptionAlgorithm, String encryptionScope, Nullable`1 tier, Nullable`1 ifModifiedSince, Nullable`1 ifUnmodifiedSince, String ifMatch, String ifNoneMatch, String ifTags, String blobTagsString, Nullable`1 immutabilityPolicyExpiry, Nullable`1 immutabilityPolicyMode, Nullable`1 legalHold, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized.BlockBlobClient.UploadInternal(Stream content, BlobHttpHeaders blobHttpHeaders, IDictionary`2 metadata, IDictionary`2 tags, BlobRequestConditions conditions, Nullable`1 accessTier, BlobImmutabilityPolicy immutabilityPolicy, Nullable`1 legalHold, IProgress`1 progressHandler, String operationName, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized.BlockBlobClient.<>c__DisplayClass62_0.<<GetPartitionedUploaderBehaviors>b__0>d.MoveNext()
      --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
         at Azure.Storage.PartitionedUploader`2.UploadInternal(Stream content, Nullable`1 expectedContentLength, TServiceSpecificData args, IProgress`1 progressHandler, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized.BlockBlobClient.UploadAsync(Stream content, BlobUploadOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker.UploadImage(List`1 predictions, String filepath, String blobpath) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\AzureMLNetSmartEdgeCamera\SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService\Worker.cs:line 581
         at devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker.UploadImage(List`1 predictions, String filepath, String blobpath) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\AzureMLNetSmartEdgeCamera\SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService\Worker.cs:line 606
         at devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker.ImageUpdateTimerCallback(Object state) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\AzureMLNetSmartEdgeCamera\SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService\Worker.cs:line 394
[16:39:30.72]info: devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker[0]

   FileUploadSasUriResponse sasUri = await _deviceClient.GetFileUploadSasUriAsync(fileUploadSasUriRequest);

	var blockBlobClient = new BlockBlobClient(sasUri.GetBlobUri());

   var blockBlobClient = new BlockBlobClient(uploadUri);

	BlobUploadOptions blobUploadOptions = new BlobUploadOptions()
		Tags = new Dictionary<string, string>()

	foreach (var prediction in predictionsTally)
		blobUploadOptions.Tags.Add(prediction.Label, prediction.Count.ToString());
    await blockBlobClient.UploadAsync(fileStreamSource, blobUploadOptions);
catch (Exception ex)

There were no relevant search results(April 2022) so I submitted a Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for .NET issue “UploadAsync fails when Tags added to blob uploading to Storage Account associated with an IoT Hub” which has been triaged and moved to “discussion”.

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Readonly Properties

This post builds on my Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Direct Methods post adding a number of read only properties. In this version the application reports the OSVersion, MachineName, ApplicationVersion, ImageTimerDue, ImageTimerPeriod, YoloV5ModelPath, PredictionScoreThreshold, PredictionLabelsOfInterest, and PredictionLabelsMinimum.

Azure IoT Explorer displaying the reported “readonly” property values

The AzureMLMetSmartEdgeCamera application supports both Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central connectivity so I have have covered inspecting the properties with Azure IoT Explorer and adding them to an Azure IoT Central Template.

Azure IoT Central Template Readonly properties

The code populates a TwinCollection then calls UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync to push the properties upto my Azure IoT Hub. (This functionality is not available on all Azure IoT hub Tiers)

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service starting");

		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubConnection();
		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubDpsConnection();

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload start");

		TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();

		reportedProperties["OSVersion"] = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString;
		reportedProperties["MachineName"] = Environment.MachineName;
		reportedProperties["ApplicationVersion"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerDue"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod;
		reportedProperties["YoloV5ModelPath"] = _applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath;

		reportedProperties["PredictionScoreThreshold"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionScoreThreshold;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsOfInterest"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsOfInterest;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsMinimum"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsMinimum;

		await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties, stoppingToken);

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload done");

		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup start");
		_scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(_applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath);
		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup done");

Azure IoT Central Dashboard with readonly properties before UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync called
Azure IoT Central Telemetry displaying property update payloads
Azure IoT Central Dashboard displaying readonly properties

While testing the application I noticed the reported property version was increasing every time I deployed the application. I was retrieving the version information as the application started with AssemblyName.Version

reportedProperties["ApplicationVersion"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version;
Visual Studio 2019 Application Package information

I had also configured the Assembly Version in the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService project Package tab to update the assembly build number each time the application was compiled. This was forcing an update of the reported properties version every time the application started

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Direct Methods

This post builds on my Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Image-Upload post adding two Direct Methods for Starting and Stopping the image capture and processing timer. The AzureMLMetSmartEdgeCamera supports both Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central connectivity.

Azure IoT Explorer invoking a Direct Method

BEWARE – The Direct Method names are case sensitive which regularly trips me up when I use Azure IoT Explorer. If the Direct Method name is unknown a default handler is called, the issue logged and a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP) Not Implemented(501) error returned

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service starting");

		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubConnection();
		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubDpsConnection();

		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup start");
		_scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(_applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath);
		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup done");

		_ImageUpdatetimer = new Timer(ImageUpdateTimerCallback, null, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStart", ImageTimerStartHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStop", ImageTimerStopHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodDefaultHandlerAsync(DefaultHandler, null);
			await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, stoppingToken);
		catch (TaskCanceledException)
			_logger.LogInformation("Application shutown requested");
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "Application startup failure");

	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service shutdown");

private async Task<MethodResponse> ImageTimerStartHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
	_logger.LogInformation("ImageUpdatetimer Start Due:{0} Period:{1}", _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

	_ImageUpdatetimer.Change(_applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

	return new MethodResponse((short)HttpStatusCode.OK);

private async Task<MethodResponse> ImageTimerStopHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
	_logger.LogInformation("ImageUpdatetimer Stop");

	_ImageUpdatetimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

	return new MethodResponse((short)HttpStatusCode.OK);

private async Task<MethodResponse> DefaultHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
	_logger.LogInformation("Direct Method default handler Name:{0}", methodRequest.Name);

	return new MethodResponse((short)HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

I created an Azure IoT Central Template with two command capabilities. (For more detail see my post TTI V3 Connector Azure IoT Central Cloud to Device(C2D)).

Azure IoT Central Template Direct Method configuration
Azure IoT Central Template Direct Method invocation
Azure Smart Edge Camera console application Start Direct Method call

Initially, I had one long post which covered Direct Methods, Readonly Properties and Updateable Properties but it got too long so I split it into three.