Airbnb Dataset – JSON Long Integer Issue

The Inside Airbnb London dataset has 87946 listings and the id column (which is the primary key) has a minimum value of 13913 and maximum of 973895808066047620 in the database.

Back in the early 90’s I used to live next to the Ealing Lawn Tennis Club in London

I used “Ealing” as the SearchText for my initial testing and tried different page numbers and sizes

Testing the search functionality with SwaggerUI

The listings search results JSON looked good but I missed one important detail…

    "id": 32458423,
    "name": "Bed and breakfast in Ealing  · ★5.0 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 private bath",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 7905935,
    "name": "Guest suite in Ealing Broadway · ★4.93 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 private bath",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 5262733,
    "name": "Home in Ealing · ★4.97 · 1 bedroom · 1 shared bath",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 685148830257321200,
    "name": "Home in Ealing London · ★5.0 · 4 bedrooms · 8 beds · 2.5 baths",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 10704599,
    "name": "Home in ealing, london · ★4.47 · 3 bedrooms · 4 beds · 1 bath",
    "listingURL": ""

To “smoke test” to the lookup functionality I tried a couple of the listing ids

Swagger user interface successful lookup listing 7905935
Swagger user interface unsuccessful lookup of listing 685148830257321200

The HTTP GET method routing parameter and the response Data Transfer Object(DTO) the Airbnb listing Id properties are long values (ulong might have been a better choice) which should have sufficient range

string LookupByIdSql = @"SELECT Id, [Name], Listing_URL AS ListingURL
                     FROM ListingsHosts
                     WHERE id = @Id";

public record ListingLookupDto
   public long Id { get; set; }
   public string? Name { get; set; }
   public string? ListingURL { get; set; }


app.MapGet("/Listing/Results/{id:long}", async (long id, IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      ListingLookupDto result = await connection.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<ListingLookupDto>(LookupByIdSql, new { id });
      if (result is null)
         return Results.Problem($"Listing {id} not found", statusCode: StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

      return Results.Ok(result);

The id values in the search response and lookup DTOs were correct

Visual Studio 2022 Debugger inspecting listing id value

I had missed the clue in the search response JSON the listing id and the listingURL id didn’t match.

 "id": 685148830257321200,
 "name": "Home in Ealing London · ★5.0 · 4 bedrooms · 8 beds · 2.5 baths",
 "listingURL": ""

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format(RFC7159) specification for numbers explains the discrepancy.

This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range
and precision of numbers accepted. Since software that implements
IEEE 754-2008 binary64 (double precision) numbers [IEEE754] is
generally available and widely used, good interoperability can be
achieved by implementations that expect no more precision or range
than these provide, in the sense that implementations will
approximate JSON numbers within the expected precision.
Airbnb listing from listingURL

Airbnb Dataset – Querying the Raw Listings

My initial ASP.NET Core Minimal AP exploration uses the Inside Airbnb London dataset which has 87946 listings. The data is pretty “nasty” with lots of nullable and wide columns so it took several attempts to import.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[listingsRaw](
	[id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[listing_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[scrape_id] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,
	[last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[source] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[description] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[neighborhood_overview] [nvarchar](1050) NULL,
	[picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[host_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_since] [date] NULL,
	[host_location] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
	[host_about] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[host_response_time] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_response_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_acceptance_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_is_superhost] [bit] NULL,
	[host_thumbnail_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_neighbourhood] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_total_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_verifications] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_has_profile_pic] [bit] NULL,
	[host_identity_verified] [bit] NULL,
	[neighbourhood] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
	[neighbourhood_cleansed] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[neighbourhood_group_cleansed] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[latitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[longitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[property_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[room_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[accommodates] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[bathrooms] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[bathrooms_text] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[bedrooms] [tinyint] NULL,
	[beds] [tinyint] NULL,
	[amenities] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[price] [money] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_minimum_nights] [smallint] NULL,
	[maximum_minimum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[minimum_maximum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[maximum_maximum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[minimum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NULL,
	[maximum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NULL,
	[calendar_updated] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[has_availability] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[availability_30] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_60] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_90] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_365] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[calendar_last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_ltm] [int] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_l30d] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[first_review] [date] NULL,
	[last_review] [date] NULL,
	[review_scores_rating] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_accuracy] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_cleanliness] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_checkin] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_communication] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_location] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_value] [float] NULL,
	[license] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[instant_bookable] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms] [int] NOT NULL,
	[reviews_per_month] [float] NULL

There are other data quality issues e.g. the host information is duplicated in each of their Listings e.g. host_id, host_name, host_since, host_* etc. which will need to be tidied up.

Swagger user interface for Raw Listings search functionality.

I have implemented basic (“incomplete”) OpenAPI support for functionality and stress testing.

Swagger user interface parameterised search functionality.

The search results are paginated and individual listings can be retrieved using the Airbnb listing “id”.

const string SearchPaginatedSql = @"SELECT Uid,Id,[Name], neighbourhood
                     FROM listings
                     WHERE[Name] LIKE N'%' + @SearchText + N'%'
                     ORDER By[Name] 
                     OFFSET @PageSize *(@PageNumber - 1) ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY";

public record ListingListDto
   public long Id { get; set; }
   public string? Name { get; set; }
   public string? Neighbourhood { get; set; }
Swagger user interface search functionality with untyped response.

The first HTTP GET implementation returns an untyped result-set which was not very helpful.

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search", async (string searchText, int pageNumber, int pageSize, [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText, pageNumber, pageSize });
Swagger user interface search functionality with typed response

The second HTTP GET implementation returns a typed result-set which improved the “usability” of clients generated from the OpenAPI definition file.

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/Typed", async (string searchText, int pageNumber, int pageSize, [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<ListingListDto>(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText, pageNumber, pageSize });

The third HTTP GET method uses the Listing id specified in a routing parameter to lookup a Listing

string LookupByIdSql = @"SELECT Id,[Name], neighbourhood
FROM ListingsHosts
WHERE id = @Id";

public record ListingLookupDto
public long Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? Neighbourhood { get; set; }
Swagger user interface Listing lookup functionality
app.MapGet("/Listing/{id:long}", async (long id, IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      ListingLookupDto result = await connection.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<ListingLookupDto>(LookupByIdSql, new { id });
      if (result is null)
         return Results.Problem($"Listing {id} not found", statusCode: StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

      return Results.Ok(result);

The lack of validation of the SearchText, PageSize and PageNumber parameters allow uses to enter invalid values which caused searches to fail.

Swagger user interface search functionality with an invalid page number

My initial approach was to decorate the parameters of the ValidatedQuery method with DataAnnotations to ensure only valid values were accepted.

const byte SearchTextMinimumLength = 3;
const byte SearchTextMaximumLength = 20;
const byte PageNumberMinimum = 1;
const byte PageNumberMaximum = 100;
const byte PageSizeMinimum = 5;
const byte PageSizeMaximum = 50;

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/ValidatedQuery", async (
   [FromQuery,Required, MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLength"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   string searchText,
   [FromQuery, Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   int pageNumber,
   [FromQuery, Range(PageSizeMinimum, PageSizeMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageSizeMinimum PageSizeMaximum")]
   int pageSize,
   [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<ListingListDto>(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText, pageNumber, pageSize });

This wasn’t a great solution because the validation of the parameters was declared as part of the user interface and would have to be repeated everywhere listing search functionality was provided.

Swagger user interface search functionality with parameter validation

The final HTTP GET method uses DataAnnotations on the SearchParameter(DTO) and AsParameters to bind the query string values.

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/Parameters", async ([AsParameters] SearchParameters searchParameters,
   [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<ListingListDto>(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText = searchParameters.SearchText, searchParameters.PageNumber, searchParameters.PageSize });

public record SearchParameters
   // possibly related?
   public const byte SearchTextMinimumLength = 3;
   public const byte SearchTextMaximumLength = 15;
   public const int PageNumberMinimum = 1;
   public const int PageNumberMaximum = 100;
   public const byte PageSizeMinimum = 5;
   public const byte PageSizeMaximum = 50;

   //[FromQuery, Required, MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMinimumLegth"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   //[Required, MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMinimumLegth"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   [MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMinimumLegth"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   public string SearchText { get; set; }

   //[FromQuery, Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   //[Required, Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   [Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   public int PageNumber { get; set; }

   [Range(PageSizeMinimum, PageSizeMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageSizeMinimum PageSizeMaximum")]
   public int PageSize { get; set; }
Swagger user interface search functionality with parameter validation

This last two implementations worked though the error messages I had embedded in the code were not displayed I think this is related to this Swashbuckle Issue.

There is also an issue looking up some listings with larger listing ids which I will need some investigation.

.NET Core web API + Dapper – Authorisation of Data Access

The theme of this post is controlling users’ ability to read and write rows in a table. The best scenario I could come up with using the World Wide Importers database was around controlling access to Customer information.

This would be a representative set of “project requirements”…

  • Salespeople tend to look after categories of Customers
    • Kayla – Novelty Shops
    • Hudson – Supermarkets
    • Issabella – Computer Stores
    • Sophia – Gift Stores, Novelty Shops
    • Amy – Corporates
    • Anthony – Novelty Stores
    • Alica – Coporates
    • Stella – Supermarkets
  • But some Salespeople have direct relationships with Customers
    • Kayla – Corporate customers Eric Torres & Cosmina
    • Hudson – Tailspin Toys Head Office
    • Issabell – Tailspin Toys (Sylvanite, MT), Tailspin Toys (Sun River, MT), Tailspin Toys (Sylvanite, MT)
  • No changes to the database which could break the existing solution

In a previous engagement we added CustomerCategoryPerson and CustomerPerson like tables to the database to control read/write access to Customers’ information.

The CustomerCategoryPerson table links the CustomerCategory and Person tables with a flag (IsWritable) which indicates whether the Person can read/write Customer information for all the Customers in a CustomerCategory.

CREATE TABLE [Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson](
	[CustomerCategoryPersonID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[CustomerCategoryId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[PersonId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[IsWritable] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[LastUpdatedBy] [int] NOT NULL,
	[CustomerCategoryPersonID] ASC

The CustomerPerson table links the Customer and Person tables with a flag (IsWritable) which indicates whether a Person can read/write a Customer’s information.

CREATE TABLE [Sales].[CustomerPerson](
	[CustomerPersonId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[PersonId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[IsWritable] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[LastEditedBy] [int] NOT NULL,
	[CustomerPersonId] ASC

Users can do “wildcard” searches for Customers and the results set has to be limited to “their” customers and customers in the customer categories they are assigned too.

ALTER PROCEDURE [Sales].[CustomersNameSearchUnionV1]
@UserId as int,
@SearchText nvarchar(20),
@MaximumRowsToReturn int
	-- Individual assignment
    SELECT TOP(@MaximumRowsToReturn) [Customers].[CustomerID] as "ID", [Customers].[CustomerName] as "Name", [Customers].[IsOnCreditHold] as "IsOnCreditHold"
    FROM Sales.Customers
	INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerPerson] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerId] = [Sales].[CustomerPerson].[CustomerId])
    WHERE ((CustomerName LIKE N'%' + @SearchText + N'%')
		AND ([Sales].[CustomerPerson].PersonId = @UserId))
    --ORDER BY [CustomerName]

	-- group assignment
   SELECT TOP(@MaximumRowsToReturn) [Customers].[CustomerID] as "ID", [Customers].[CustomerName] as "Name", [Customers].[IsOnCreditHold] as "IsOnCreditHold"
   FROM [Sales].[Customers]
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerCategories] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID] = [Sales].[CustomerCategories].[CustomerCategoryID])
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID] = [CustomerCategoryPerson].[CustomerCategoryID])
    WHERE ((CustomerName LIKE N'%' + @SearchText + N'%')
		AND ([Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson].PersonId = @UserId))


This approach increases the complexity and reduces the maintainability of stored procedures which have to control the reading/writing of Customer information. Several times I have extracted customer information read\write controls to a couple of database views, one for controlling read access.

CREATE VIEW [Sales].[CustomerPersonReadV1]
-- Individual assignment
   SELECT [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID], [Sales].[CustomerPerson].[PersonID], [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID]
   FROM [Sales].[Customers]
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerPerson] ON ( [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID] = CustomerPerson.CustomerID)

UNION -- Takes care of duplicates

-- Group assignment
   SELECT [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID], [Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson].[PersonID], [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID]
   FROM [Sales].[Customers]
      --INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerCategories] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID] = [Sales].[CustomerCategories].[CustomerCategoryID])
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID] = [CustomerCategoryPerson].[CustomerCategoryID])

The other database for controlling write access

CREATE VIEW [Sales].[CustomerPersonWriteV1]
-- Individual assignment
   SELECT [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID], [Sales].[CustomerPerson].[PersonID], [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID]
   FROM [Sales].[Customers]
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerPerson] ON (([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID] = [CustomerPerson].[CustomerID]) AND ([Sales].[CustomerPerson].[IsWritable] = 1))

UNION -- Takes care of duplicates

-- Group assignment
   SELECT [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID], [Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson].[PersonID], [Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID]
   FROM [Sales].[Customers]
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerCategories] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID] = [Sales].[CustomerCategories].[CustomerCategoryID])
      INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerCategoryID] = [CustomerCategoryPerson].[CustomerCategoryID] AND ([Sales].[CustomerCategoryPerson].[IsWritable] = 1))

The versioning of database views uses the same approach as stored procedures. When a view is updated (the columns returned changes , updated constraints etc.) the version number is incremented. Then we work through the dependencies list checking and updating the view version used and re-testing.

SQL Server Management Studio displaying objects which depend on the view

These two views are the UNION of the users individual and group access permissions. (If a user has Write they also have Read access). This reduces the complexity of stored procedures used for reading from and writing to the Customer table.

CREATE PROCEDURE [Sales].[CustomersListV1]
@UserId as int
SELECT [Customers].[CustomerID] as "ID", [Customers].[CustomerName] as "Name", [Customers].[IsOnCreditHold] as "IsOnCreditHold"
	FROM [Sales].[Customers]
		INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerPersonReadV1] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID] = [Sales].[CustomerPersonReadV1].CustomerID)
    WHERE ([Sales].[CustomerPersonReadV1].PersonId = @UserId)

The GET method of the Customer controller returns a list of all the Customers the current user has read only access to using their individual and group assignment.

[HttpGet(), Authorize(Roles = "SalesPerson,SalesAdministrator")]
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK, Type = typeof(List<Models.CustomerListDtoV1>))]
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Models.CustomerListDtoV1>>> Get()
      IEnumerable<Models.CustomerListDtoV1> response;

      using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString))
         response = await db.QueryWithRetryAsync<Models.CustomerListDtoV1>(sql: "[Sales].[CustomersListV1]", param: new { userId = HttpContext.PersonId() }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

   return this.Ok(response);

The CustomerPersonWriteV1 view is used to stop users without IsWritable set (individual or group) updating a Customers IsOnCreditHold flag.

CREATE PROCEDURE [Sales].[CustomerCreditHoldStatusUpdateV1]
@UserID int,
@CustomerId int,
@IsOnCreditHold Bit
    UPDATE [Sales].[Customers]
    SET IsOnCreditHold = @IsOnCreditHold, LastEditedBy = @UserID
	FROM [Sales].[Customers]
		INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerPersonWriteV1] ON ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID] = [Sales].[CustomerPersonWriteV1].CustomerID)
    WHERE (([Sales].[CustomerPersonWriteV1].PersonId = @UserId) 
		AND ([Sales].[Customers].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId )
		AND (IsOnCreditHold <> @IsOnCreditHold))

The PUT CreditHold method uses a combination of roles (Aministrator,SalesAdministrator,SalesPerson) and database views (CustomerPersonWriteV1) to control the updating of customer data.

[HttpPut("{customerId}/CreditStatus", Name ="CreditHold")]
[Authorize(Roles = "Aministrator,SalesAdministrator,SalesPerson")]
public async Task<IActionResult> CustomerCeditHold(int customerId, [FromBody] Models.CustomerCreditHoldUpdateV1 request )
    request.UserId = HttpContext.PersonId();
    request.CustomerId = customerId;

    using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        if (await db.ExecuteWithRetryAsync("[Sales].[CustomerCreditHoldStatusUpdateV1]", param: request, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure) != 1)
            logger.LogWarning("Person {UserId} Customer {CustomerId} IsOnCreditHold {IsOnCreditHold} update failed", request.UserId, request.CustomerId, request.IsOnCreditHold);

            return this.Conflict();

    return this.Ok();

My customers usually don’t have a lot of automated testing so minimising the impact of changes across the database and codebase is critical. Sometimes we duplicate code (definitely not DRY) so that the amount of functionality that has to be retested is reduced. We ensure this is time allocated for revisiting these decisions and remediating as required.

.NET Core web API + Dapper – Authorisation Permissions

The permissions required for an on-premises system running in a trusted environment are often minimalist. The World Wide Importers database People table has IsSystemUser, IsEmployee, IsSalesperson which is representative of the granularity of permissions I have encountered in Windows Forms .NET, ASP.NET Web Forms and other “legacy” applications.

CREATE TABLE [Application].[People](
    [PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [FullName] nvarchar NOT NULL,
    [PreferredName] nvarchar NOT NULL,
    [SearchName] AS (concat([PreferredName],N' ',[FullName])) PERSISTED NOT NULL,
    [IsPermittedToLogon] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [LogonName] nvarchar NULL,
    [IsExternalLogonProvider] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [HashedPassword] varbinary NULL,
    [IsSystemUser] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [IsEmployee] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [IsSalesperson] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [UserPreferences] nvarchar NULL,
    [PhoneNumber] nvarchar NULL,
    [FaxNumber] nvarchar NULL,
    [EmailAddress] nvarchar NULL,
    [Photo] varbinary NULL,
    [CustomFields] nvarchar NULL,
    [OtherLanguages] AS (json_query([CustomFields],N'$.OtherLanguages')),
    [LastEditedBy] [int] NOT NULL,
    [PersonID] ASC

The existing application appears to have a method for a Person to change their password which calls the [Website].[ChangePassword] stored procedure (I was surprised that the stored procedure didn’t set the LastEditedBy value).

CREATE PROCEDURE [Website].[ChangePassword]
@PersonID int,
@OldPassword nvarchar(40),
@NewPassword nvarchar(40)

    UPDATE [Application].People
    SET IsPermittedToLogon = 1,
        HashedPassword = HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @NewPassword + FullName)
    WHERE PersonID = @PersonID
    AND PersonID <> 1
    AND HashedPassword = HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @OldPassword + FullName);

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0
        PRINT N'The PersonID must be valid, and the old password must be valid.';
        PRINT N'If the user has also changed name, please contact the IT staff to assist.';
        THROW 51000, N'Invalid Password Change', 1;
        RETURN -1;

The new version removes the PersonId special case (Assumed that PersonId 1 can’t logon and the use of Throw). I think the use of Throw can add significant complexity to the exception handling of the WebAPI controller that calls the stored procedure

ALTER PROCEDURE [Website].[PersonPasswordChangeV1]
	@UserID int,
	@PasswordOld nvarchar(40),
	@PasswordNew nvarchar(40)
    UPDATE [Application].People
    SET IsPermittedToLogon = 1
        ,HashedPassword = HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @PasswordNew + FullName)
		,LastEditedBy = @UserID
    WHERE ((PersonID = @UserID )
		AND (HashedPassword = HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @PasswordOld + FullName)))

The PasswordChange method of the Person Controller only requires the caller to be authenticated.

/// <summary>
/// Changes current user's password.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request">Current password and new password</param>
/// <response code="200">Password changed.</response>
/// <response code="401">Unauthorised, bearer token missing or expired.</response>
/// <response code="409">Previous password invalid or User name has changed.</response>
[HttpPut(Name = "PasswordChange")]
public async Task<ActionResult> PasswordChange([FromBody] Models.PersonPasswordChangeRequest request)
    request.UserID = HttpContext.PersonId();

    using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        if (await db.ExecuteWithRetryAsync("[WebSite].[PersonPasswordChangeV1]", param: request, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure) != 1)
            logger.LogWarning("Person {0} password change failed", request.UserID);

            return this.Conflict();

    return this.Ok();

The new application will have functionality for resetting a Person’s password. Access to this functionality will be restricted to people with the “Administrator” and “PasswordReset” roles.

CREATE PROCEDURE [Website].[PersonPasswordResetV1]
@UserID int,
@PersonID int,
@Password nvarchar(40)
    UPDATE [Application].People
    SET IsPermittedToLogon = 1
        ,HashedPassword = HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @Password + FullName)
		,LastEditedBy = @UserID
    WHERE PersonID = @PersonID

One of the conventions we often use, is that the first parameter of any stored procedure that is called once a User has logged on is their unique identifier which is used for data access permissions and change tracking.

[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
[HttpPut("{personId:int}", Name = "PasswordReset")]
public async Task<ActionResult> PasswordReset([Range(1, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Person id must greater than 1")] int personId, [FromBody] Models.PersonPasswordResetRequest request)
    request.UserId = HttpContext.PersonId();
    request.PersonID = personId;

    using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        if (await db.ExecuteWithRetryAsync("[WebSite].[PersonPasswordResetV1]", param: request, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure) != 1)
            logger.LogWarning("Person {0} password change failed", request.PersonID);

            return this.Conflict();

    return this.Ok();

For a couple of applications, we have added “Permissions” and “PersonPermissions” tables alongside the existing authorisation functionality to reduce the likely hood of any unintended side effects.

CREATE TABLE [Application].[Permissions](
	[PermissionID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[Name] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL,
	[Description] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[LastEditedBy] [int] NOT NULL,
	[PermissionID] ASC

We try and keep the names of the permissions short, so the token doesn’t get too large.

CREATE TABLE [Application].[PersonPermissions](
	[PersonPermissionId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[PersonId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[PermIssionId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Active] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[PersonPermissionId] ASC
Permissions, PersonPermissions and People with Foreign Keys

The additional permissions (from the Person record) and the PersonPermissions table required some modifications to the PersonAuthenticateLookupByLogonNameV1 stored procedure and the addition of the PersonPermissionsByPersonIdV1 stored procedure.

ALTER PROCEDURE [Website].[PersonAuthenticateLookupByLogonNameV2]
@LogonName nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(40)
	FROM [Application].[People]
	WHERE (( LogonName = @LogonName)
		AND (IsPermittedToLogon = 1)
		AND (HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @Password + FullName) = HashedPassword))

The IsSystemUser, IsEmployee and IsSalesPerson bit flags were added to the stored procedure and Data Transfer Object(DTO)

private class PersonAuthenticateLogonDetailsDto
    public int PersonID { get; set; }    

    public string FullName { get; set; }

    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

    public bool IsSystemUser { get; set; }

    public bool IsEmployee { get; set; }

    public bool IsSalesPerson { get; set; }

The PersonPermissionsByPersonIdV1 retrieves a list of the permissions of the User who has been authenticated.

ALTER PROCEDURE [Website].[PersonPermissionsByPersonIdV1]
	@PersonId AS int

	SELECT [Application].[Permissions].[Name]
	FROM [Application].[Permissions]
		INNER JOIN [Application].[PersonPermissions] ON ([Application].[Permissions].PermissionID = [Application].[PersonPermissions].[PermissionId] )
	WHERE [Application].[PersonPermissions].[PersonId] = @PersonId
	ORDER BY [Application].[Permissions].[Name]


The Person’s permissions(effectively roles) are added as claims, the IsSystemUser, IsEmployee and IsSalesPerson flags are also added to the list of claims so they can be used in the new application.

public async Task<ActionResult> Logon([FromBody] Models.LogonRequest request )
    PersonAuthenticateLogonDetailsDto userLogonUserDetails;
    IEnumerable<string> permissions;
    var claims = new List<Claim>();

    using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(configuration.GetConnectionString("WorldWideImportersDatabase")))
        userLogonUserDetails = await db.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<PersonAuthenticateLogonDetailsDto>("[Website].[PersonAuthenticateLookupByLogonNameV2]", param: request, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
        if (userLogonUserDetails == null)
            logger.LogWarning("Login attempt by user {0} failed", request.LogonName);

           return this.Unauthorized();

        // Lookup the Person's permissions
        permissions = await db.QueryWithRetryAsync<string>("[Website].[PersonPermissionsByPersonIdV1]", new { userLogonUserDetails.PersonID }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

    // Setup the primary SID + name info
    claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.PrimarySid, userLogonUserDetails.PersonID.ToString()));
    if (userLogonUserDetails.IsSystemUser)
       claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "SystemUser"));
    if (userLogonUserDetails.IsEmployee)
       claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Employee"));
    if (userLogonUserDetails.IsSalesPerson)
        claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "SalesPerson"));

    foreach(string permission in permissions)
        claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, permission));

    var authSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jwtIssuerOptions.SecretKey));

    var token = new JwtSecurityToken(
         issuer: jwtIssuerOptions.Issuer,
          audience: jwtIssuerOptions.Audience, 
          expires: DateTime.UtcNow.Add(jwtIssuerOptions.TokenExpiresAfter),
          claims: claims,
          signingCredentials: new SigningCredentials(authSigningKey, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256));
    return this.Ok(new
        token = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token),
        expiration = token.ValidTo,

We try to reduce the number of roles a User requires by having core roles (Administrator, Sales consultant, Warehouse administrator etc.) with additional roles for each task that can be added as required (ResetPassword, CustomerIsOnCreditHold Set/Clear etc.)

The Get Method of Authorisation controller returns a list of the User’s Roles which can be used to enable/disable functionality of the user interface.

/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of the current User's roles.
/// </summary>
/// <response code="200">List of claims returned.</response>
/// <response code="401">Unauthorised, bearer token missing or expired.</response>
/// <returns>list of claims.</returns>
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK, Type = typeof(List<string>))]
public List<string> Get()
    List<string> claimNames = new List<string>();

    foreach (var claim in this.User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Role))

    return claimNames;

We have found this approach to be a robust way to add granular authorisation for new functionality to a “legacy’ application without breaking the existing solution. I have ignored a user being disabled after a number of failed logins, password complexity rules etc. as these tend to be application specific and not really related to the use of Dapper.

Most blog posts talk about building “green fields” applications, I have found hardly any cover “muddy fields” development where you have to deal with “legacy” code.

Not all “legacy” code is bad, I work on one code base which is nearly 20years old. It started as a spreadsheet plug-in and has grown of time to a SaaS application. There is very little of the original code left it has just been carefully re-factored over the years with time allocated to chip away at technical debt.

.NET Core web API + Dapper – Authentication

A couple of recent contracts have been maintaining and “remediating” legacy codebases which have been in production for upto a decade. The applications are delivering business value (can’t stop working) and the customer’s budgets are limited (they can only afford incremental change). As a result of this we end up making tactical decisions to keep the application working and longer-term ones to improve the “ilities“(taking into account the customer’s priorities).

It is rare to have a “green fields” project, so my plan was to use the next couple of WebAPI + Dapper posts to illustrate the sort of challenges we have encountered.

Customer: “we want to put a nice webby frontend on our existing bespoke solution” (“putting lipstick on a pig”).

Customer: The user’s login details are stored in the database and we can’t change the login process as the help desk won’t cope.

The remediation of Authentication and Authorisation(A&A) functionality can be particularly painful and is often driven by compliance issues e.g. EU GDPR, The Privacy Act 202 etc.

The World Wide Importers database would be a representative example of databases we have worked with.

CREATE TABLE [Application].[People](
	[PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[FullName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[PreferredName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[SearchName]  AS (concat([PreferredName],N' ',[FullName])) PERSISTED NOT NULL,
	[IsPermittedToLogon] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[LogonName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[IsExternalLogonProvider] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[HashedPassword] [varbinary](max) NULL,
	[IsSystemUser] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[IsEmployee] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[IsSalesperson] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[UserPreferences] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
	[FaxNumber] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
	[EmailAddress] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
	[Photo] [varbinary](max) NULL,
	[CustomFields] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[OtherLanguages]  AS (json_query([CustomFields],N'$.OtherLanguages')),
	[LastEditedBy] [int] NOT NULL,
	[PersonID] ASC
	PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ([ValidFrom], [ValidTo])
SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON (HISTORY_TABLE = [Application].[People_Archive])

Initial observations

  • The LogonName column doesn’t have an index and uniqueness is not enforced which is a bit odd.
  • The table has SYSTEM_VERSIONING enabled so any structural changes are going to be hard work.
  • There are a couple of computed columns, so we need to be careful with any changes.
  • A password hash is a varbinary max column, so we need to figure out how this is generated and updated
  • Surprising number of nullable columns
  • The code associated with IsExternalLogonProvider needs to be investigated.
  • Looks like the granularity of permissions i.e. IsSystemUser, IsEmployee, IsSalesperson is low.
  • The database must be old there is a FaxNumber column.
  • Looks like there are internal and external (maybe IsSystemUser, IsEmployee, IsSalesperson are all false) people.
  • The PersonId is a Sequence rather than an Identity column which is unusual.
  • IsPermittedToLogin indicates that login process might be a bit more complex than expected
  • The terms Login and Logon appear to be used interchangeably.
  • No lockout after several failed logon attempts, lockout until etc. functionality.
  • No concurrency control (optimistic or pessimistic) for updates (with TimeStamp or Version column) so last update wins.

The next step would be to have a look at the contents of the People table with SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)

SQL Server Management Studio [Application].[Person] table

Initial observations

  • Looks like the system administrators are in the first couple of rows. (makes Indirect Object Reference Attack easier).
  • Lots of NULL values which often makes application code more complex
  • Duplicates in LoginName column e.g. “NO LOGON”
  • Some “magic” values e.g. “NO LOGON”
  • Why does the “Data Conversion Only” person have a photo?
  • The IsExternalLogonProvider is always false.
  • The UserPreferences, CustomFields and OtherLanguages columns contain Java Script Object Notation(JSON), need to see how these a generated, updated and used.

The application must have an existing external user provisioning process. It looks like a Person record is created by an Administrator then the User sets their password on first Logon. (not certain if there are any password complexity rules enforced)

An application I worked on didn’t have any enforcement of password complexity and minimum length in earlier versions. This caused issues when a number of their clients couldn’t logon to the new application because their existing password was too short. We updated the logon field rules and retained minimum complexity and length rules on change and reset password field validation. We then forced 5-10% of users per month (so the helpdesk wasn’t overwhelmed by support calls) to update their passwords.

ALTER PROCEDURE [Website].[ActivateWebsiteLogon]
@PersonID int,
@LogonName nvarchar(50),
@InitialPassword nvarchar(40)

    UPDATE [Application].People
    SET IsPermittedToLogon = 1,
        LogonName = @LogonName,
        HashedPassword = HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @InitialPassword + FullName),
        UserPreferences = (SELECT UserPreferences FROM [Application].People WHERE PersonID = 1) -- Person 1 has User Preferences template
    WHERE PersonID = @PersonID
    AND PersonID <> 1
    AND IsPermittedToLogon = 0;

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0
        PRINT N'The PersonID must be valid, must not be person 1, and must not already be enabled';
        THROW 51000, N'Invalid PersonID', 1;
        RETURN -1;

Initial observations

  • The password hashing uses SHA2_256 which is good
  • The password hash is seeded with the persons FullName, this could be a problem if a user changes their name.
  • The user selects their LoginName, this needs further investigate as duplicates could be an issue
  • XACT_ABORT ON + THROW for validation and state management is odd, need to check how SqlExceptions are handled in application code.
  • PersonID magic number handling adds complexity and needs further investigation.
  • EXECUTE AS OWNER caught my attention, checked only one Database user for application.
  • The LastEditBy isn’t set to the PersonID which seems a bit odd.

Based on the [Website].[ActivateWebsiteLogon] (couldn’t find Logon so reviewed ChangePassword) this is my first attempt at a stored procedure which validates a user’s LogonName and Password.

CREATE PROCEDURE [Application].[PersonAuthenticateLookupByLogonNameV1]
@LogonName nvarchar(50),
@Password nvarchar(40)
	SELECT PersonID, FullName, EmailAddress
	FROM [Application].[People]
	WHERE (( LogonName = @LogonName)
		AND (IsPermittedToLogon = 1)
		AND (HASHBYTES(N'SHA2_256', @Password + FullName) = HashedPassword))

We use the ..VX approach to reduce issues when doing canary and rolling deployments. If the parameter list or return dataset of a stored procedure changes (even if we think it is backwards compatible) the version number is incremented so that different versions of the application can be run concurrently and backing out application updates is less fraught.

The next step was to create a Data Transfer Object(DTO) for the Logon request payload

public class LogonRequest
    public string LogonName { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }

Then a Proof of Concept (PoC) AuthenticationController to process a login request.

Swagger Docs Authentication controller Login

The Logon method calls the PersonAuthenticateLookupByLogonNameV1 stored procedure to validate the LoginName and password. In this iteration the only claim added to the JSON Web Token(JWT) is the PersonId. We try and keep the JWTs small as possible as one customer’s application failed randomly because a couple of user’s JWTs were so large (lots of roles) that some versions of browsers choked.

public AuthenticationController(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<AuthenticationController> logger, IOptions<Model.JwtIssuerOptions> jwtIssuerOptions)
    this.configuration = configuration;
    this.logger = logger;
    this.jwtIssuerOptions = jwtIssuerOptions.Value;

public async Task<ActionResult> Login([FromBody] Model.LoginRequest request )
    var claims = new List<Claim>();

    using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(configuration.GetConnectionString("WorldWideImportersDatabase")))
        UserLogonUserDetailsDto userLogonUserDetails = await db.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<UserLogonUserDetailsDto>("[Application].[PersonAuthenticateLookupByLogonNameV1]", param: request, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
        if (userLogonUserDetails == null)
             logger.LogWarning("Login attempt by user {0} failed", request.LogonName);

             return this.Unauthorized();

        // Setup the primary SID + name info
        claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.PrimarySid, userLogonUserDetails.PersonID.ToString()));

    var authSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jwtIssuerOptions.SecretKey));

    var token = new JwtSecurityToken(
              issuer: jwtIssuerOptions.Issuer,
              audience: jwtIssuerOptions.Audience, 
              expires: DateTime.UtcNow.Add(jwtIssuerOptions.TokenExpiresAfter),
              claims: claims,
              signingCredentials: new SigningCredentials(authSigningKey, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256));
        return this.Ok(new
            token = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token),
            expiration = token.ValidTo,

After a successful logon the Token has to be copied (I regularly miss the first or the last character) from the response payload to the Authorisation form.

The Swagger UI Authentication method after a successful Logon with the bearer token highlighted

I decorated the SystemController DeploymentVersion deployment with the [Authorize] attribute to force a check that the user is authenticated.

/// <summary>
/// WebAPI controller for handling System Dapper functionality.
/// </summary>
public class SystemController : ControllerBase
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the Application version in [Major].[Minor].[Build].Revision] format.
    /// </summary>
    /// <response code="200">List of claims returned.</response>
    /// <response code="401">Unauthorised, bearer token missing or expired.</response>
    /// <returns>Returns the Application version in [Major].[Minor].[Build].Revision] format.</returns>
    [HttpGet("DeploymentVersion"), Authorize]
    public string DeploymentVersion()
        return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

If the bearer token is missing, invalid (I accidentally didn’t copy either the first or last character) or expired the method call will fail with a 401 Unauthorized error.

Swagger UI System Controller DeploymentVersion method failing because the JWT is missing, invalid or expired

Controlling access to controllers and methods of controllers is probably not granular for most applications so adding “coarse” and “fine grained” authorisation to an existing application and the configuration of Swashbuckle and application request processing middleware to support JWTs will be covered in a couple of future posts.

For remediation projects we try to keep the code as simple as possible (but no simpler), by minimising the plumbing and only using advanced language features etc. where it adds value.

I’m leaning towards using Dependency Injection for configuration information, so the way connection strings and jwtIssuerOptions is going to be harmonised. In a future version of the application the jwtIssuerOptions will be migrated to an Azure Key Vault.

.NET Core web API + Dapper – Swagger

This is the first post in a series about my “learning journey” integrating Swagger/OpenAPI into my WebAPI + Dapper sample….

In the first iteration, I extracted the Title, Description etc. from the Assembly Version information.

// Extract application info for Swagger docs from assembly info
var fileVersionInfo = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);

builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
    new OpenApiInfo
        Title = fileVersionInfo.ProductName,
        Version = $"{fileVersionInfo.FileMajorPart}.{fileVersionInfo.FileMinorPart}",
        Description = fileVersionInfo.Comments,

        License = new OpenApiLicense
             Name = fileVersionInfo.LegalCopyright,
             //Url = new Uri(""),
        //TermsOfService = new Uri(""),

        Contact = new OpenApiContact
            Name = fileVersionInfo.CompanyName,
            //Url = new Uri(""),
    c.IncludeXmlComments(string.Format(@"{0}\WebAPIDapper.xml", System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));

This worked okay but there were still some fields which I had to manually update (or there was no matching property in the assembly information), so I abandoned this approach. I still use the version information property as this changes regularly as part of my build management process.

var version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;

builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
    new OpenApiInfo
        Title = ".NET Core web API + Dapper + Swagger",
        Version = $"{version.Major}.{version.Minor}",

        Description = "This sample application shows how .NET Core and Dapper can be used to build lightweight Web APIs described with Swagger",
        Contact = new()
            //Email = "", // Not certain this is a good idea
            Name = "Bryn Lewis",
            Url = new Uri("")
        License = new()
            Name = "MIT License",
            Url = new Uri(""),
    c.IncludeXmlComments(string.Format(@"{0}\WebAPIDapper.xml", System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));

I then updated the builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen parameters to include the XML documentation comments but the application failed with an exception when I started it up.

Application failed because of missing XML docs file
Enabling the Generation of XML Documentation file

I wanted my Swagger Interface Definition to have a Favicon. I used Favicon Generator which generates a zip file containing different resolution versions of Shaun The Sheep.

The first time I tried to edit one of the image files the “this file comes from and untrusted source..” warning was displayed.

Using File Properties to unblock contents.

I “unblocked” the downloaded zip file and extracted the contents again rather than having to unblock each file individually. I then launched the website in the Visual Studio 2002 debugger and the favicon was not displayed. I had forgotten to configure copying of the image files when the application was compiled.

Configuring the favicon images to be copied to the website root.

I added some javascript to display the favicon on the top of the browser toolbar as well.

(function () {
    var link = document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") || document.createElement('link');;
    link = document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") || document.createElement('link');
    link = document.createElement('link');
    link.type = 'image/x-icon';
    link.rel = 'shortcut icon';
    link.href = '../images/favicon.ico';

I used my “elite” Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) skills to change the colour of the Swagger API explorer toolbar to light blue

.swagger-ui .topbar {

Neither of these “enhancements” worked first time as I had neglected to configure the loading of static files.

app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "css")),
    RequestPath = "/css",

app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "images")),
    RequestPath = "/images",

app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
    FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "JavaScript")),
    RequestPath = "/JavaScript",

// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

    app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
        c.DocumentTitle = "Web API Dapper Sample";

Now the Swagger Docs interface is a “visual symphony” with customisations illustrating the options available.

Swager API Explorer with custom images and “elite” styling

This is the first in a series of success & fail posts. Now that the “eye candy” is sorted I can go back to coding.