nRF24L01 Raspberry PI Gateway Hardware

For those who came to my MS Ignite AU Intelligent Cloud booth session

Building Wireless Field Gateways

Connecting wireless sensor nodes to the cloud is not the mission it used to be, because the Azure team (and many OS projects) have developed tooling which can help hobbyist and professional developers build solutions. How could you build a home scale robust, reliable and secure solution with off the shelf kit without blowing the budget?

Sparkfun nRF24L01 module &Adafruit perma proto hat

NRF24L01 Raspberry PI DIY Gateway Hardware

BoM (all prices as at Feb 2016)

You will also need some short lengths of wire and a soldering iron.

For those who want an “off the shelf” solution (still requires a minor modification for interrupt support) I have used the Raspberry Pi to NRF24l01+ Shield USD9.90


Instructions for modifications and software to follow.

Electric Vehicle Camp 2014-06

The Hardware

The software

Flash an LED

OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
while ( true)

Digital Input – Polled

InputPort button = new InputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_SW1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
while (true)

Digital Input – Interrupt

static OutputPort interuptled = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
InterruptPort button = new InterruptPort(Pins.ONBOARD_SW1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeHigh);
button.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button_OnInterrupt);</span></code>

static void button_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)

Analog Input

AnalogInput Sensor = new AnalogInput(Cpu.AnalogChannel.ANALOG_0);
while ( true)
   Debug.Print( "Value " + Sensor.Read("F2"));

Pulse Width Modulation Output

AnalogInput brightness = new AnalogInput(AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A0);
PWM led = new PWM(PWMChannels.PWM_PIN_D5, 1000, 0.0, false);


while (true)
   Debug.Print("Brightness " + led.DutyCycle.ToString("F2"));
   led.DutyCycle = brightness.Read();

Telemetry – Mobile station

Configure the NRF24L01 library for the  elecfreaks Joystick ShieldV2.4, for more detail see this post 

_module.OnDataReceived += OnReceive;
_module.OnTransmitFailed += OnSendFailure;
_module.OnTransmitSuccess += OnSendSuccess;
_module.Initialize(SPI.SPI_module.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D10, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D9, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1);
_module.Configure(myAddress, channel);

Timer joystickPositionUpdates = new Timer(JoyStickTimerProc, null, 500, 500);
Thread.Sleep( Timeout.Infinite ) ;

Send the data to the base station (converting it from Unicode to ASCII)

private void JoyStickTimerProc(object state)
   double xVal = x.Read();
   double yVal = y.Read();
   Debug.Print("X " + xVal.ToString("F1") + " Y &" + yVal.ToString("F1"));

   _module.SendTo(baseStationAddress, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( xVal.ToString("F1") + " " + yVal.ToString("F1")));

Telemetry – Base Station

Configure the NRF24L01 library for the Embedded Coolness board, for more detail see this post

private readonly NRF24L01Plus _module;

_module.OnDataReceived += OnReceive;
_module.OnTransmitFailed += OnSendFailure;
_module.OnTransmitSuccess += OnSendSuccess;

_module.Initialize(SPI.SPI_module.SPI1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D7, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D3, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D2);
_module.Configure(_myAddress, channel);

Display the inbound message (converting it from ASCII to Unicode)

private void OnReceive(byte[] data)
string message = new String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(data));
Debug.Print("Receive " + message); ;

Code Camp Christchurch 2014

The Hardware

Flash an LED

OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
while ( true)

Digital Input – Polled

InputPort button = new InputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_SW1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled);
OutputPort led = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
while (true)

Digital Input – Interrupt

static OutputPort interuptled = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
InterruptPort button = new InterruptPort(Pins.ONBOARD_SW1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeHigh);
button.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button_OnInterrupt);


static void button_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time)

Analog Input

AnalogInput Sensor = new AnalogInput(Cpu.AnalogChannel.ANALOG_0);
while ( true)
   Debug.Print( "Value " + Sensor.Read().ToString("F2"));

Pulse Width Modulation Output

AnalogInput brightness = new AnalogInput(AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A0);
PWM led = new PWM(PWMChannels.PWM_PIN_D5, 1000, 0.0, false);

while (true)
   Debug.Print("Brightness " + led.DutyCycle.ToString("F2"));
   led.DutyCycle = brightness.Read();

Power Consumption Monitor

Developing the software for the Energy Monitor Shield


Developing the software

  • Determine the distance to objects
  • Control the speed & direction of the motors using a Motor Shield Driver
  • Basic obstacle avoidance
  • Avoid obstacles using a state machine
  • Fine tune the motor speeds using a rotary encoder
  • Connect the GPS
  • Upload the position information to Xively

Heart Rate Monitor

Developing the software

  • Read the buttons using an AnalogInput
  • Count the number of button presses using an InterruptPort and a Timer
  • Determine the pulse rate in BPM by counting
  • Determine the average pulse rate in BPM
  • Display and manage the pulse rate info on the DFRobot 16×2 Lcd Shield
  • Upload the pulse rate information to xively


Canterbury Software Cluster Internet of Things Presentation

For my presentation last week I prepared a sample xively and Netduino based application to illustrate what could be built with off the shelf kit. I built a wireless home monitoring system which had two energy consumption monitoring devices and a dual temperature sensor device. These devices uploaded their data using MQTT to xively in close to real time. Prices as at May 2014

The devices connected to the internet via a gateway.


The software running on the Netduino was built using the NetMF library from KittyHawkMQ and the nRF24L01+ library from codeplex

Testing the solar powered temperature sensor monitoring my kitchen fridge. The fridge was 4° and the freezer was -18°


The software was based on the nRF24L01library on codeplex,  Brad’s One-Wire and DS18B20 library with fixes from here.

Testing the power consumption monitor devices, with my “modified” power lead.


The software was based on the approach in the Arduino code of the emon libraries from the Open Energy Monitor project which I’ll discuss in more detail in a future post.

Christchurch DNUG Internet of Things Presentation 5:30PM 26th March

I’m doing a presentation at the EPIC centre on the 26th of March about Windows Azure and the Internet of Things.

The local Java user group have been invited as well so I’ll be going into interop and connectivity considerations as well.  More information about the location and time is available from here.

Tim Carr from Mindkits has also kindly provided some swag. I have got a Fez Panda II and Robot Chassis to give away for the best two questions.