Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Central Downlink Methods

This post is about Azure IoT Central downlink methods and should be read in conjunction with the Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Central Downlink Methods post. My Myriota Sense and Locate template has 4 commands and in this post, I have focused on the fan speed command.

Sense and Locate Azure IoT Central Template

The Myriota Connector only supports Direct Methods which provide immediate confirmation of the result being queued by the Myriota Cloud API. The Myriota (API) control message send method responds with 400 Bad Request if there is already a message being sent to a device.

Myriota Azure Function Environment Variable configuration

The fan speed downlink payload formatter is specified in the Azure Function Environment Variables.

Sense and Locate Azure IoT Central Template Fan Speed Enumeration

The fan speed value in the message payload is configured in the fan speed enumeration.

Sense and Locate Azure IoT Central Command Fan Speed Selection

The FanSpeed.cs payload formatter extracts the FanSpeed value from the Javascript Object Notation(JSON) payload and returns a two-byte array containing the message type and speed of the fan.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(string terminalId, string methodName, JObject payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes)
      byte? status = payloadJson.Value<byte?>("FanSpeed");

      if (!status.HasValue)
         return new byte[] { };

      return new byte[] { 1, status.Value };

Sense and Locate Azure IoT Central Command Fan Speed History

Each Azure Application Insights log entry starts with the TerminalID (to simplify searching for all the messages related to device) and the requestId a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to simplify searching for all the “steps” associated with sending/receiving a message) with the rest of the logging message containing “step” specific diagnostic information.

Sense and Locate Azure IoT Central Command Fan Speed Application Insights

In the Myriota Device Manager the status of Control Messages can be tracked and they can be cancelled if in the “pending” state.

Myriota Control Message status Pending

A Control Message can take up to 24hrs to be delivered and confirmation of delivery has to be implemented by the application developer.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Downlink Methods

The Azure IoT Hub Cloud to Device(C2D) messaging approach didn’t work at all well with the Myriota Application Programming Interface(API). A downlink message can take up to 24hrs to be delivered and the Myriota (API) doesn’t currently queue control messages. Also, the Myriota (API) control message send method responds with 400 Bad Request if there is already a message being sent to a device. Azure IoT Hubs also support Direct Methods which provide immediate confirmation of the result of a request.

The Method Callback Delegate has different parameters, so I had to update the downlink formatter interface and update all of the sample downlink payload formatters.

public interface IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(string terminalId, string methodName, JObject? payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes);

How direct methods will be processed is configured in the application settings. For each direct method name the downlink payload formatter to be invoked and an optional Javascript Object Notation(JSON) payload can be configured.

"IoTHub": {
   "Methods": {
      "LightsGoOn": {
         "Formatter": "LightsOffOn.cs",
         "Payload": "{\"Light\": true}"
      "LightsGoOff": {
         "Formatter": "LightsOffOn.cs",
         "Payload": "{\"Light\": false}"
      "FanSpeed": {
         "Formatter": "FanSpeed.cs",
         "Payload": ""

If there is no configuration for the direct method name, the payload formatter specified in Myriota device “DownlinkDefault” Attribute is used, and if that is not configured the default formatter in the payloadFormatters section of the application settings is used.

namespace devMobile.IoT.MyriotaAzureIoTConnector.Connector
   internal class IoTHubDownlink(ILogger<IoTHubDownlink> _logger, IOptions<Models.AzureIoT> azureIoTSettings, IPayloadFormatterCache _payloadFormatterCache, IMyriotaModuleAPI _myriotaModuleAPI) : IIoTHubDownlink
      private readonly Models.AzureIoT _azureIoTSettings = azureIoTSettings.Value;

      public async Task<MethodResponse> IotHubMethodHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
         // DIY request identifier so processing progress can be tracked in Application Insights
         string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

         Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- TerminalId:{TerminalId} RequestId:{requestId} Name:{Name}", context.TerminalId, requestId, methodRequest.Name);

            // Lookup payload formatter name, none specified use context one which is from device attributes or the default in configuration
            string payloadFormatterName;
            if (_azureIoTSettings.IoTHub.Methods.TryGetValue(methodRequest.Name, out Models.AzureIoTHubMethod? method) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(method.Formatter))
               payloadFormatterName = method.Formatter;

               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TermimalId} RequestID:{requestId} Method formatter:{payloadFormatterName} ", context.TerminalId, requestId, payloadFormatterName);
               payloadFormatterName = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;

               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TermimalId} RequestID:{requestId} Context formatter:{payloadFormatterName} ", context.TerminalId, requestId, payloadFormatterName);

            // Display methodRequest.Data as Hex
            if (methodRequest.Data is not null)
               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Data:{Data}", context.TerminalId, requestId, BitConverter.ToString(methodRequest.Data));
               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Data:null", context.TerminalId, requestId);

            JObject? requestJson = null;

            if ((method is not null) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method.Payload))
               // There is a matching method with a possible JSON payload
               string payload = method.Payload.Trim();

               if ((payload.StartsWith('{') && payload.EndsWith('}')) || (payload.StartsWith('[') && payload.EndsWith(']')))
                  // The payload is could be JSON
                     requestJson = JObject.Parse(payload);
                  catch (JsonReaderException jex)
                     _logger.LogWarning(jex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Method Payload is not valid JSON", context.TerminalId, requestId);

                     return new MethodResponse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{{\"message\":\"RequestID:{requestId} Method payload is not valid JSON.\"}}"), (int)HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity);
                  // The payload couldn't be JSON
                  _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Method Payload is definitely not valid JSON", context.TerminalId, requestId);

                  return new MethodResponse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{{\"message\":\"RequestID:{requestId} Method payload is definitely not valid JSON.\"}}"), (int)HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity);

               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Method Payload:{requestJson}", context.TerminalId, requestId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestJson, Formatting.Indented));
               // If there was not matching method or the payload was "empty" see if the method request payload is valid
               if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodRequest.DataAsJson))
                  string payload = methodRequest.DataAsJson.Trim();

                  if ((payload.StartsWith('{') && payload.EndsWith('}')) || (payload.StartsWith('[') && payload.EndsWith(']')))
                     // The payload is could be JSON
                        requestJson = JObject.Parse(payload);

                        _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} DataAsJson:{requestJson}", context.TerminalId, requestId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestJson, Formatting.Indented));
                     catch (JsonReaderException jex)
                        _logger.LogInformation(jex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} DataAsJson is not valid JSON", context.TerminalId, requestId);

            // This "shouldn't" fail, but it could for invalid path to blob, timeout retrieving blob, payload formatter syntax error etc.
            IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatter = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatterName);

            if ( requestJson is null ) 
               requestJson = new JObject();

            // This also "shouldn't" fail, but the payload formatters can throw runtime exceptions like null reference, divide by zero, index out of range etc.
            byte[] payloadBytes = payloadFormatter.Evaluate(context.TerminalId, methodRequest.Name, requestJson, methodRequest.Data);

            // Validate payload before calling Myriota control message send API method
            if (payloadBytes is null)
               _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} Request:{requestId} Evaluate returned null", context.TerminalId, requestId);

               return new MethodResponse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{{\"message\":\"RequestID:{requestId} payload evaluate returned null.\"}}"), (int)HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity);

            if ((payloadBytes.Length < Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength) || (payloadBytes.Length > Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength))
               _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} length:{Length} invalid, must be {DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength} to {DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength} bytes", context.TerminalId, requestId, BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength); ;

               return new MethodResponse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{{\"message\":\"RequestID:{requestId} payload evaluation length invalid.\"}}"), (int)HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity);

            // Finally send Control Message to device using the Myriota API
            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestID} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} Length:{Length} sending", context.TerminalId, requestId, BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length);

            string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);

            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Myriota MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, requestId, messageId);
         catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} IotHubMethodHandler processing failed", context.TerminalId, requestId);

            return new MethodResponse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{{\"message\":\"TerminalID:{context.TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} method handler failed.\"}}"), (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

         return new MethodResponse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{{\"message\":\"TerminalID:{context.TerminalId} RequestID:{requestId} Message sent successfully.\"}}"), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK);

The validation of Direct Method MessageRequest DataAsJson and the method configuration payload is a three-step process, first any leading or trailing whitespace is removed, then the first and last characters are checked as a JSON payload has to enclosed in {}(an object) or [] (an array) characters, then finally JObject.Parse is used to populate a JObject.

If the method configuration payload is “broken” an HTTP 422 Unprocessable content is returned. If the MessageRequest DataAsJson is “broken” only the Direct Method MessageRequest Payload passed to the evaluator.

Azure IoT Explorer Invoking FanSpeed method with correct JSON payload

I used Azure IoT Explorer to invoke C2D methods with optional “hand-crafted” JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) payloads.

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(string terminalId, string methodName, JObject payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes)
      byte? status = payloadJson.GetValue("FanSpeed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)?.Value<byte>();

      if (!status.HasValue)
         return new byte[] { };

      return new byte[] { 1, status.Value };

The FanSpeed.cs payload formatter extracts the FanSpeed value from the JSON payload and returns a two byte array containing the message type and speed of the fan.

Azure Function application displaying Diagnostic information for control message

Each logging message starts with the TerminalID (to simplify searching for all the direct methods invoked on a device) and the requestId a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to simplify searching for all the “steps” associated with sending a message) with the rest of the logging message containing “step” specific diagnostic information.

Azure Application Insights displaying information diagnostic information
Myriota Device manager control message history displaying pending control message

The Azure IoT Explorer payload for an empty message contained two ” characters which is a bit odd. I will have to build a test application which uses the Azure IoT Hub C2D direct method API to see if this is a “feature”.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Downlink logging refactor

After several refactorings the code stabilised and the Azure IoT Hub downlink message handler (configured with SetMethodDefaultHandlerAsync ) was ready for testing. I used Azure IoT Explorer to send some “hand-crafted” JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) Cloud to Device(C2D) messages.

Each logging message starts with the TerminalID (to simplify searching for all the messages sent to a device) and the message LockToken (to simplify searching for all the “steps” associated with sending a message) with the rest of the logging message containing “step” specific diagnostic information.

Successful Azure IoT Explorer C2D JSON Message

If there is no PayloadFormatter attribute the default in the PayloadFormatters section of the function configuration is used.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class FormatterDownlink : PayloadFormatter.IFormatterDownlink
   public byte[] Evaluate(IDictionary<string, string> properties, string terminalId, JObject payloadJson, byte[] payloadBytes)
      byte? status = payloadJson.Value<byte?>("FanSpeed");

      if (!status.HasValue)
         return new byte[] { };

      return new byte[] { 1, status.Value };

The FanSpeed.cs payload formatter extracts the FanSpeed value from the JSON payload and returns a two byte array containing the message type and speed of the fan.

Azure IoT Function running waiting for a C2D message

After re-reading the SetMethodHandlerAync documentation I refactored the code (back to the approach used a couple of branches ago) with the “using” wrapping the try/catch.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{TermimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   using (message) //
         // Replace default formatter with message specific formatter if configured.
         if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out string? payloadFormatterName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatterName))
            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TermimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Context formatter:{payloadFormatterName} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatterName);

            payloadFormatterName = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;
            _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TermimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Property formatter:{payloadFormatterName} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatterName);

         // If GetBytes fails payload really badly broken
         byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Message bytes:{messageBytes}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

         // Try converting the bytes to text then to JSON
         JObject? messageJson = null;
            // These will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
            string messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

               messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);

               _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} JSON:{messageJson}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(messageJson, Formatting.Indented));
            catch (JsonReaderException jex)
               _logger.LogInformation(jex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} not valid JSON", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);
         catch (ArgumentException aex)
            _logger.LogInformation(aex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} message bytes not valid text", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

         // This shouldn't fail, but it could for invalid path to blob, timeout retrieving blob, payload formatter syntax error etc.
         IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatter = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatterName);

         // This will fail if payload formatter throws runtime exceptions like null reference, divide by zero, index out of range etc.
         byte[] payloadBytes = payloadFormatter.Evaluate(message.Properties, context.TerminalId, messageJson, messageBytes);

         // Validate payload before calling Myriota control message send API method
         if (payloadBytes is null)
            _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} Evaluate returned null", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatterName);

            await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);


         if ((payloadBytes.Length < Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength) || (payloadBytes.Length > Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength))
            _logger.LogWarning("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} length:{Length} invalid must be {DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength} to {DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength} bytes", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, Convert.ToHexString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMinimumLength, Constants.DownlinkPayloadMaximumLength);

            await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);


         // Finally send Control Message to device using the Myriota API
         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} Length:{Length} sending", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length);

         string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);

         _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageID:{messageId} sent", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, messageId);

         await context.DeviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);
      catch (Exception ex)
         _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} MessageHandler processing failed", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

         await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(message);

The first time I ran the myriotaAzureIoTConnector Azure function in the Core Tools debugging environment there were no errors and the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.DeviceClient connection cache loaded in the background.

Azure IoT Function failing with a SystemArgumentOutOfRangeException

The first time I sent a downlink message the handler failed spectacularly with a SystemArgumentOutOfRangeException

After adding some breakpoints, restarting the application, then single stepping through the code I found that I had accidentally used BitConverter.ToSingle(payloadBytes) instead of BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes) to get the Hexadecimal representation of the payload bytes.

// Finally send Control Message to device using the Myriota API
_logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} PayloadBytes:{payloadBytes} Length:{Length} sending", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(payloadBytes), payloadBytes.Length);

string messageId = await _myriotaModuleAPI.SendAsync(context.TerminalId, payloadBytes);
Azure IoT Function successfully sending downlink message.

The Encoding.UTF8.GetString and JObject.Parse are processed in a single Try with a specialised catch for when the payload cannot be converted to text. If the payload cannot be converted to JSON only the payloadBytes parameter of payload formatter is populated.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Downlink final refactoring

I often print code and review it away from a computer. I can’t be distracted by “tinkering” with the code and I find that drawing on it helps me visualise what is going on. The payload formatters are retrieved from Azure Storage blob which have a default retry policy, the Azure IoT Hub DeviceClient methods have a default retry policy, the Myriota Cloud API SendMessage has retries (Implemented with Polly) and if the CS-Script compilation fails there is nothing that can be done so the code could be simplified.

The Azure IoT Hub downlink message handler was a partial class and part of implementation of the IDeviceConnectionCache which was a hangover from one of the initial versions.

internal partial class DeviceConnectionCache : IDeviceConnectionCache
   public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
      Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

      _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

I replaced the IDeviceConnectionCache interface with IIoTHubDownlink which was declare in a new file in the interfaces folder.

namespace devMobile.IoT.MyriotaAzureIoTConnector.Connector
   public interface IIoTHubDownlink
      public Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext);

Then had to inject all the required dependencies which had been implemented in one of the other partial class files.

internal class IoTHubDownlink : IIoTHubDownlink
   private readonly ILogger<IoTHubDownlink> _logger;
   private readonly IPayloadFormatterCache _payloadFormatterCache;
   private readonly IMyriotaModuleAPI _myriotaModuleAPI;

   public IoTHubDownlink(ILogger<IoTHubDownlink> logger, IPayloadFormatterCache payloadFormatterCache, IMyriotaModuleAPI myriotaModuleAPI)
      _logger = logger;
      _payloadFormatterCache = payloadFormatterCache;
      _myriotaModuleAPI = myriotaModuleAPI;

The implementation had been extracted to a separate class so it had to be constructed by the Dependency Injection plumbing.

services.AddSingleton<IPayloadFormatterCache, PayloadFormatterCache>();
services.AddSingleton<IIoTHubDownlink, IoTHubDownlink>();
services.AddSingleton<IIoTCentralDownlink, IoTCentralDownlink>();
services.AddOptions<Models.MyriotaSettings>().Configure<IConfiguration>((settings, configuration) =>
 services.AddSingleton<IMyriotaModuleAPI, MyriotaModuleAPI>();

The lifetime of the Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message was being managed manually which seemed a bit odd.

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   // Use default formatter and replace with message specific formatter if configured.
   string payloadFormatter;
   if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(Constants.IoTHubDownlinkPayloadFormatterProperty, out payloadFormatter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payloadFormatter))
      payloadFormatter = context.PayloadFormatterDownlink;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{termimalId} LockToken:{LockToken} Payload formatter:{payloadFormatter} ", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, payloadFormatter);

      // Mop up the non managed resources of message

I replaced this with a with a “using” which “automagically” manages the lifetime of any non-managed resources. I also added string Locktoken variable for DeviceClient.RejectAsync and DeviceClient.CompletedAsync so that the “using” could be inside the try/catch (there is scope to reduce the amount of code in the “using”)

public async Task AzureIoTHubMessageHandler(Message message, object userContext)
   Models.DeviceConnectionContext context = (Models.DeviceConnectionContext)userContext;

   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalId:{TermimalId} LockToken:{lockToken}", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken);

   // broken out so using for message only has to be inside try
   string lockToken = message.LockToken; 

      using (message)
      catch (Exception ex)
         _logger.LogError(ex, "Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{lockToken} MessageHandler processing failed", context.TerminalId, lockToken);

         await context.DeviceClient.RejectAsync(lockToken);

The handling of the Encoding.UTF8.GetString and JObject.Parse payload was broken. If the Encoding.UTF8.GetString threw an exception there was no point in calling the JObject.Parse

// If this fails payload broken
byte[] messageBytes = message.GetBytes();

// This will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
string messageText = string.Empty;
   messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);
catch (ArgumentException aex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageBytes:{2} not valid Text", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

// This will fail for some messages, payload formatter gets bytes only
JObject? messageJson = null;
   messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);
catch ( JsonReaderException jex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{LockToken} messageText:{2} not valid json", context.TerminalId, message.LockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes));

The Encoding.UTF8.GetString and JObject.Parse are now processed in a single Try with a specialised catch handling.

// These will fail for some messages, then payload formatter gets bytes only
string messageText = string.Empty;
JObject? messageJson = null;
   messageText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageBytes);

   messageJson = JObject.Parse(messageText);
catch (ArgumentException aex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{lockToken} messageBytes:{messageBytes} not valid text exception:{Message}", context.TerminalId, lockToken, BitConverter.ToString(messageBytes), aex.Message);
catch (JsonReaderException jex)
   _logger.LogInformation("Downlink- IoT Hub TerminalID:{TerminalId} LockToken:{lockToken} messageText:{messageText} not valid json exception:{Message}", context.TerminalId, lockToken, messageText, jex.Message);

// This shouldn't fail, but it could for lots of different reasons, invalid path to blob, syntax error, interface broken etc.
IFormatterDownlink payloadFormatter = await _payloadFormatterCache.DownlinkGetAsync(payloadFormatterName);

This refactored code now looks an awful lot like the “sunny days” code checked in on the 3rd of November.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub DTDL Support

The Myriota connector supports the use of Digital Twin Definition Language(DTDL) for Azure IoT Hub Connection Strings and the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS).

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ApplicationInsights": "...",
    "UplinkQueueStorage": "...",
    "PayloadFormattersStorage": "..."
  "AzureIoT": {
 "ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping": {
   "tracker": "dtmi:myriotaconnector:Tracker_2lb;1",

The Digital Twin Definition Language(DTDL) configuration used when a device is provisioned or when it connects is determined by the payload application which is based on the Myriota Destination endpoint.

The Azure Function Configuration of Application to DTDL Model ID

BEWARE – They application in ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping is case sensitive!

Azure IoT Central Device Template Configuration

I used Azure IoT Central Device Template functionality to create my Azure Digital Twin definitions.

Azure IoT Hub Device Connection String

The DeviceClient CreateFromConnectionString method has an optional ClientOptions parameter which specifies the DTLDL model ID for the duration of the connection.

private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceConnectionStringConnectAsync(string terminalId, string application, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient;

    if (_azureIoTSettings.ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping.TryGetValue(application, out string? modelId))
        ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions()
            ModelId = modelId

        deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionString, terminalId, TransportSettings, clientOptions);
        deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionString, terminalId, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;
Azure IoT Explorer Telemetry message with DTDL Model ID

Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

The ProvisioningDeviceClient RegisterAsync method has an optional ProvisionRegistrationAdditionalData parameter. The PnpConnection CreateDpsPayload is used to generate the JsonData property which specifies the DTLDL model ID used when the device is initially provisioned.

private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceProvisioningServiceConnectAsync(string terminalId, string application, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient;

    string deviceKey;
    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.DeviceProvisioningService.GroupEnrollmentKey)))
        deviceKey = Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(terminalId)));

    using (var securityProvider = new SecurityProviderSymmetricKey(terminalId, deviceKey, null))
        using (var transport = new ProvisioningTransportHandlerAmqp(TransportFallbackType.TcpOnly))
            DeviceRegistrationResult result;

            ProvisioningDeviceClient provClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.Create(

            if (_azureIoTSettings.ApplicationToDtdlModelIdMapping.TryGetValue(application, out string? modelId))
                ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions()
                    ModelId = modelId

                ProvisioningRegistrationAdditionalData provisioningRegistrationAdditionalData = new ProvisioningRegistrationAdditionalData()
                    JsonData = PnpConvention.CreateDpsPayload(modelId)
                result = await provClient.RegisterAsync(provisioningRegistrationAdditionalData);
                result = await provClient.RegisterAsync();
            if (result.Status != ProvisioningRegistrationStatusType.Assigned)
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed ", terminalId, result.Status);

                throw new ApplicationException($"Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed");

            IAuthenticationMethod authentication = new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(result.DeviceId, (securityProvider as SecurityProviderSymmetricKey).GetPrimaryKey());

            deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(result.AssignedHub, authentication, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;
Azure IoT Central Device Connection Group configuration

An Azure IoT Central Device connection groups can be configured to “automagically” provision devices.

Myriota Connector – Azure IoT Hub Connectivity

The Myriota connector supports the use of Azure IoT Hub Connection Strings and the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) for device management. I use Alastair Crabtree’s LazyCache to store Azure IoT Hub connections which are opened the first time they are used.

 public async Task<DeviceClient> GetOrAddAsync(string terminalId, object context)
     DeviceClient deviceClient;

     switch (_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionType)
         case Models.AzureIotHubConnectionType.DeviceConnectionString:
             deviceClient = await _azuredeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync(terminalId, (ICacheEntry x) => AzureIoTHubDeviceConnectionStringConnectAsync(terminalId, context));
         case Models.AzureIotHubConnectionType.DeviceProvisioningService:
             deviceClient = await _azuredeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync(terminalId, (ICacheEntry x) => AzureIoTHubDeviceProvisioningServiceConnectAsync(terminalId, context));
             _logger.LogError("Uplink- Azure IoT Hub ConnectionType unknown {0}", _azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionType);

             throw new NotImplementedException("AzureIoT Hub unsupported ConnectionType");

     return deviceClient;

The IAzureDeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync method returns an open Azure IoT Hub DeviceClient connection or uses the method specified in the application configuration.

Azure IoT Hub Device Connection String

The Azure IoT Hub delegate uses a Device Connection String which is retrieved from the application configuration.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ApplicationInsights": "...",
    "UplinkQueueStorage": "...",
    "PayloadFormattersStorage": "..."
  "AzureIoT": {
    "AzureIoTHub": {
      "ConnectionType": "DeviceConnectionString",
      "connectionString": ";SharedAccessKeyName=device;SharedAccessKey=...",
Azure Function with IoT Hub Device connection string configuration
private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceConnectionStringConnectAsync(string terminalId, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.ConnectionString, terminalId, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;
Azure IoT Hub Device Shared Access Policy for Device Connection String

One of my customers uses an Azure Logic Application to manage Myriota and Azure IoT Connector configuration.

Azure IoT Hub manual Device configuration

Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

The Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) delegate uses Symmetric Key Attestation with the Global Device Endpoint, ID Scope and Group Enrollment Key retrieved from the application configuration.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "ApplicationInsights": "...",
    "UplinkQueueStorage": "...",
    "PayloadFormattersStorage": "..."
  "AzureIoT": {
      "ConnectionType": "DeviceProvisioningService",
      "DeviceProvisioningServiceIoTHub": {
        "GlobalDeviceEndpoint": "",
        "IDScope": ".....",
        "GroupEnrollmentKey": "...."
Azure IoT Function with Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) configuration

Symmetric key attestation with the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service(DPS) is performed using the same security tokens supported by Azure IoT Hubs to securely connect devices. The symmetric key of an enrollment group isn’t used directly by devices in the provisioning process. Instead, devices that provision through an enrollment group do so using a derived device key.

private async Task<DeviceClient> AzureIoTHubDeviceProvisioningServiceConnectAsync(string terminalId, object context)
    DeviceClient deviceClient;

    string deviceKey;
    using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(_azureIoTSettings.AzureIoTHub.DeviceProvisioningService.GroupEnrollmentKey)))
        deviceKey = Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(terminalId)));

    using (var securityProvider = new SecurityProviderSymmetricKey(terminalId, deviceKey, null))
        using (var transport = new ProvisioningTransportHandlerAmqp(TransportFallbackType.TcpOnly))
            DeviceRegistrationResult result;

            ProvisioningDeviceClient provClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.Create(

            result = await provClient.RegisterAsync();
            if (result.Status != ProvisioningRegistrationStatusType.Assigned)
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed ", terminalId, result.Status);

                throw new ApplicationException($"Uplink-DeviceID:{0} RegisterAsync status:{1} failed");

            IAuthenticationMethod authentication = new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(result.DeviceId, (securityProvider as SecurityProviderSymmetricKey).GetPrimaryKey());

            deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(result.AssignedHub, authentication, TransportSettings);

    await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

    return deviceClient;

The derived device key is a hash of the device’s registration ID and is computed using the symmetric key of the enrollment group. The device can then use its derived device key to sign the SAS token it uses to register with DPS.

Azure Device Provisioning Service Adding Enrollment Group Attestation
Azure Device Provisioning Service Add Enrollment Group IoT Hub(s) selection.
Azure Device Provisioning Service Manager Enrollments

For initial development and testing I ran the function application in the desktop emulator and simulated Myriota Device Manager webhook calls with Azure Storage Explorer and modified sample payloads.

Azure Storage Explorer Storage Account Queued Messages

I then used Azure IoT Explorer to configure devices, view uplink traffic etc.

Azure IoT Explorer Devices

When I connected to my Azure IoT Hub shortly after starting the Myriota Azure IoT Connector Function my test devices started connecting as messages arrived.

Azure IoT Explorer Device Telemetry

I then deployed my function to Azure and configured the Azure IoT Hub connection string, Azure Application Insights connection string etc.

Azure Portal Myriota Resource Group
Azure Portal Myriota IoT Hub Metrics

There was often a significant delay for the Device Status to update. which shouldn’t be a problem.

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Updateable Properties (not persisted)

This post builds on my Smartish Edge Camera -Azure IoT Direct Methods post adding two updateable properties for the image capture and processing timer the due and period values. The two properties can be updated together or independently but the values are not persisted.

When I was searching for answers I found this code in many posts and articles but it didn’t really cover my scenario.

private static async Task OnDesiredPropertyChanged(TwinCollection desiredProperties, 
  object userContext)
   Console.WriteLine("desired property chPleange:");
   Console.WriteLine("Sending current time as reported property");
   TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection
       ["DateTimeLastDesiredPropertyChangeReceived"] = DateTime.Now

    await Client.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties).ConfigureAwait(false);

When AZURE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES is defined in the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService project properties the device reports a number of properties on startup and SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync is used to configure the method called whenever the client receives a state update(desired or reported) from the Azure IoT Hub.

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service starting");

		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubConnection();
		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubDpsConnection();

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload start");

		TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();

		reportedProperties["OSVersion"] = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString;
		reportedProperties["MachineName"] = Environment.MachineName;
		reportedProperties["ApplicationVersion"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerDue"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod;
		reportedProperties["YoloV5ModelPath"] = _applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath;

		reportedProperties["PredictionScoreThreshold"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionScoreThreshold;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsOfInterest"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsOfInterest;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsMinimum"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsMinimum;

		await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties, stoppingToken);

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload done");

		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup start");
		_scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(_applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath);
		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup done");

		_ImageUpdatetimer = new Timer(ImageUpdateTimerCallback, null, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStart", ImageTimerStartHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStop", ImageTimerStopHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodDefaultHandlerAsync(DefaultHandler, null);

		await _deviceClient.SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync(OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync, null);

			await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, stoppingToken);
		catch (TaskCanceledException)
			_logger.LogInformation("Application shutown requested");
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "Application startup failure");

	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service shutdown");

// Lots of other code here

private async Task OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync(TwinCollection desiredProperties, object userContext)
	TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();

	_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged handler");

	// NB- This approach does not save the ImageTimerDue or ImageTimerPeriod, a stop/start with return to appsettings.json configuration values. If only
	// one parameter specified other is default from appsettings.json. If timer settings changed I think they won't take
	// effect until next time Timer fires.

		// Check to see if either of ImageTimerDue or ImageTimerPeriod has changed
		if (!desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerDue") && !desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerPeriod"))
			_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged neither ImageTimerDue or ImageTimerPeriod present");

		TimeSpan imageTimerDue = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue;

		// Check that format of ImageTimerDue valid if present
		if (desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerDue"))
			if (TimeSpan.TryParse(desiredProperties["ImageTimerDue"].Value, out imageTimerDue))
				reportedProperties["ImageTimerDue"] = imageTimerDue;
				_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged ImageTimerDue invalid");

		TimeSpan imageTimerPeriod = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod;

		// Check that format of ImageTimerPeriod valid if present
		if (desiredProperties.Contains("ImageTimerPeriod"))
			if (TimeSpan.TryParse(desiredProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"].Value, out imageTimerPeriod))
				reportedProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"] = imageTimerPeriod;
				_logger.LogInformation("OnDesiredPropertyChanged ImageTimerPeriod invalid");

		_logger.LogInformation("Desired Due:{0} Period:{1}", imageTimerDue, imageTimerPeriod);

		if (!_ImageUpdatetimer.Change(imageTimerDue, imageTimerPeriod))
			_logger.LogInformation("Desired Due:{0} Period:{1} failed", imageTimerDue, imageTimerPeriod);

		await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties);
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync handler failed");

The TwinCollection desiredProperties is checked for ImageTimerDue and ImageTimerPeriod properties and if either of these are present and valid the Timer.Change method is called.

The AzureMLMetSmartEdgeCamera supports both Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central so I have included images from Azure IoT Explorer and my Azure IoT Central Templates.

SmartEdge Camera Device Twin properties in Azure IoT Explorer

When I modified, then saved the Azure IoT Hub Device Twin desired properties JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) in Azure IoT Hub Explorer the method configured with SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync was invoked on the device.

In Azure IoT Central I added two Capabilities to the device template, the time properties ImageTimerDue, and ImageTimerPeriod.

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device template capabilities

I added a View to the template so the two properties could be changed (I didn’t configure either as required)

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device Default view designer

In the “Device Properties”, “Operation Tab” when I changed the ImageTimerDue and/or ImageTimerPeriod there was visual feedback that there was an update in progress.

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device Properties update start

Then on the device the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService the method configured with SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync was invoked on the device.

SmartEdge Camera Console application displaying updated properties

Once the properties have been updated on the device the UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync method is called

Then a message with the updated property values from the device was visible in the telemetry

Azure IoT Central SmartEdgeCamera Device Properties update done

Then finally the “Operation Tab” displayed a visual confirmation that the value(s) had been updated.

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Tagged Image Upload Error

The SmartEdgeCameraAzureStorageService uploads images with “tags” so it is easier to search for images that may need reviewing. When I added the same tagging functionality to the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService which uploads images to the Storage Account associated with my Azure IoT Hub it failed.

SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService error message
[16:39:30.66]fail: devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker[0]
      Camera image download, post processing, or telemetry failed
      Azure.RequestFailedException: This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.
      Status: 403 (This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.)
      ErrorCode: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>AuthorizationPermissionMismatch</Code><Message>This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission.

      Server: Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0,Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
      x-ms-request-id: 7a1747db-e01e-0019-484c-5c0499000000
      x-ms-client-request-id: d0e8eb36-9e01-4eac-a522-f84b9deafa32
      x-ms-version: 2021-04-10
      x-ms-error-code: AuthorizationPermissionMismatch
      Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 04:39:30 GMT
      Content-Length: 279
      Content-Type: application/xml

         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.BlockBlobRestClient.UploadAsync(Int64 contentLength, Stream body, Nullable`1 timeout, Byte[] transactionalContentMD5, String blobContentType, String blobContentEncoding, String blobContentLanguage, Byte[] blobContentMD5, String blobCacheControl, IDictionary`2 metadata, String leaseId, String blobContentDisposition, String encryptionKey, String encryptionKeySha256, Nullable`1 encryptionAlgorithm, String encryptionScope, Nullable`1 tier, Nullable`1 ifModifiedSince, Nullable`1 ifUnmodifiedSince, String ifMatch, String ifNoneMatch, String ifTags, String blobTagsString, Nullable`1 immutabilityPolicyExpiry, Nullable`1 immutabilityPolicyMode, Nullable`1 legalHold, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized.BlockBlobClient.UploadInternal(Stream content, BlobHttpHeaders blobHttpHeaders, IDictionary`2 metadata, IDictionary`2 tags, BlobRequestConditions conditions, Nullable`1 accessTier, BlobImmutabilityPolicy immutabilityPolicy, Nullable`1 legalHold, IProgress`1 progressHandler, String operationName, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized.BlockBlobClient.<>c__DisplayClass62_0.<<GetPartitionedUploaderBehaviors>b__0>d.MoveNext()
      --- End of stack trace from previous location ---
         at Azure.Storage.PartitionedUploader`2.UploadInternal(Stream content, Nullable`1 expectedContentLength, TServiceSpecificData args, IProgress`1 progressHandler, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized.BlockBlobClient.UploadAsync(Stream content, BlobUploadOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
         at devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker.UploadImage(List`1 predictions, String filepath, String blobpath) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\AzureMLNetSmartEdgeCamera\SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService\Worker.cs:line 581
         at devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker.UploadImage(List`1 predictions, String filepath, String blobpath) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\AzureMLNetSmartEdgeCamera\SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService\Worker.cs:line 606
         at devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker.ImageUpdateTimerCallback(Object state) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\AzureMLNetSmartEdgeCamera\SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService\Worker.cs:line 394
[16:39:30.72]info: devMobile.IoT.MachineLearning.SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService.Worker[0]

   FileUploadSasUriResponse sasUri = await _deviceClient.GetFileUploadSasUriAsync(fileUploadSasUriRequest);

	var blockBlobClient = new BlockBlobClient(sasUri.GetBlobUri());

   var blockBlobClient = new BlockBlobClient(uploadUri);

	BlobUploadOptions blobUploadOptions = new BlobUploadOptions()
		Tags = new Dictionary<string, string>()

	foreach (var prediction in predictionsTally)
		blobUploadOptions.Tags.Add(prediction.Label, prediction.Count.ToString());
    await blockBlobClient.UploadAsync(fileStreamSource, blobUploadOptions);
catch (Exception ex)

There were no relevant search results(April 2022) so I submitted a Microsoft Azure IoT SDK for .NET issue “UploadAsync fails when Tags added to blob uploading to Storage Account associated with an IoT Hub” which has been triaged and moved to “discussion”.

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Readonly Properties

This post builds on my Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Direct Methods post adding a number of read only properties. In this version the application reports the OSVersion, MachineName, ApplicationVersion, ImageTimerDue, ImageTimerPeriod, YoloV5ModelPath, PredictionScoreThreshold, PredictionLabelsOfInterest, and PredictionLabelsMinimum.

Azure IoT Explorer displaying the reported “readonly” property values

The AzureMLMetSmartEdgeCamera application supports both Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central connectivity so I have have covered inspecting the properties with Azure IoT Explorer and adding them to an Azure IoT Central Template.

Azure IoT Central Template Readonly properties

The code populates a TwinCollection then calls UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync to push the properties upto my Azure IoT Hub. (This functionality is not available on all Azure IoT hub Tiers)

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service starting");

		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubConnection();
		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubDpsConnection();

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload start");

		TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();

		reportedProperties["OSVersion"] = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString;
		reportedProperties["MachineName"] = Environment.MachineName;
		reportedProperties["ApplicationVersion"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerDue"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue;
		reportedProperties["ImageTimerPeriod"] = _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod;
		reportedProperties["YoloV5ModelPath"] = _applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath;

		reportedProperties["PredictionScoreThreshold"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionScoreThreshold;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsOfInterest"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsOfInterest;
		reportedProperties["PredictionLabelsMinimum"] = _applicationSettings.PredictionLabelsMinimum;

		await _deviceClient.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties, stoppingToken);

		_logger.LogTrace("ReportedPropeties upload done");

		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup start");
		_scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(_applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath);
		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup done");

Azure IoT Central Dashboard with readonly properties before UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync called
Azure IoT Central Telemetry displaying property update payloads
Azure IoT Central Dashboard displaying readonly properties

While testing the application I noticed the reported property version was increasing every time I deployed the application. I was retrieving the version information as the application started with AssemblyName.Version

reportedProperties["ApplicationVersion"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Program)).GetName().Version;
Visual Studio 2019 Application Package information

I had also configured the Assembly Version in the SmartEdgeCameraAzureIoTService project Package tab to update the assembly build number each time the application was compiled. This was forcing an update of the reported properties version every time the application started

Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Direct Methods

This post builds on my Smartish Edge Camera – Azure IoT Image-Upload post adding two Direct Methods for Starting and Stopping the image capture and processing timer. The AzureMLMetSmartEdgeCamera supports both Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central connectivity.

Azure IoT Explorer invoking a Direct Method

BEWARE – The Direct Method names are case sensitive which regularly trips me up when I use Azure IoT Explorer. If the Direct Method name is unknown a default handler is called, the issue logged and a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP) Not Implemented(501) error returned

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service starting");

		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubConnection();
		_deviceClient = await AzureIoTHubDpsConnection();

		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup start");
		_scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(_applicationSettings.YoloV5ModelPath);
		_logger.LogTrace("YoloV5 model setup done");

		_ImageUpdatetimer = new Timer(ImageUpdateTimerCallback, null, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStart", ImageTimerStartHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync("ImageTimerStop", ImageTimerStopHandler, null);
		await _deviceClient.SetMethodDefaultHandlerAsync(DefaultHandler, null);
			await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, stoppingToken);
		catch (TaskCanceledException)
			_logger.LogInformation("Application shutown requested");
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "Application startup failure");

	_logger.LogInformation("Azure IoT Smart Edge Camera Service shutdown");

private async Task<MethodResponse> ImageTimerStartHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
	_logger.LogInformation("ImageUpdatetimer Start Due:{0} Period:{1}", _applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

	_ImageUpdatetimer.Change(_applicationSettings.ImageTimerDue, _applicationSettings.ImageTimerPeriod);

	return new MethodResponse((short)HttpStatusCode.OK);

private async Task<MethodResponse> ImageTimerStopHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
	_logger.LogInformation("ImageUpdatetimer Stop");

	_ImageUpdatetimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);

	return new MethodResponse((short)HttpStatusCode.OK);

private async Task<MethodResponse> DefaultHandler(MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext)
	_logger.LogInformation("Direct Method default handler Name:{0}", methodRequest.Name);

	return new MethodResponse((short)HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

I created an Azure IoT Central Template with two command capabilities. (For more detail see my post TTI V3 Connector Azure IoT Central Cloud to Device(C2D)).

Azure IoT Central Template Direct Method configuration
Azure IoT Central Template Direct Method invocation
Azure Smart Edge Camera console application Start Direct Method call

Initially, I had one long post which covered Direct Methods, Readonly Properties and Updateable Properties but it got too long so I split it into three.