Airbnb Dataset – Calendar information

As part of some scale testing of my WebAPIDapper and WebMinimalAPIDapper i have been “cleaning up” a portion of the Inside Airbnb London dataset. To make the scale testing results more realistic I wanted at least one table with lots of rows.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CalendarRawDetailed](
	[listing_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[Date] [date] NOT NULL,
	[Xavailable] [bit] NULL,
	[available] [nvarchar](5) NOT NULL,
	[Xprice] [money] NULL,
	[price] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL,
	[Xadjusted_price] [money] NULL,
	[adjusted_price] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL,
	[Xminimum_nights] [smallint] NULL,
	[minimum_nights] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL,
	[Xmaximum_nights] [smallint] NULL,
	[maximum_nights] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL

The CalendarRawDetailed had some invalid values which were most probably due formatting inconsistencies on the AirBnb website

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xminimum_nights IS NULL
SELECT * FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xminimum_nights IS NULL

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xmaximum_nights IS NULL
SELECT * FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xmaximum_nights IS NULL

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xadjusted_price IS NULL
SELECT * FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xadjusted_price IS NULL

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xprice IS NULL
SELECT * FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xprice IS NULL

Where possible I recovered the values with an “incorrect” format, but some rows had to be deleted.

UPDATE CalendarRawDetailed SET Xmaximum_nights =  TRY_CONVERT(smallint,  RTRIM(maximum_nights, '"')) WHERE Xmaximum_nights IS NULL

UPDATE CalendarRawDetailed SET XmINimum_nights =  TRY_CONVERT(smallint,  RTRIM(mINimum_nights, '"')) WHERE Xminimum_nights IS NULL

UPDATE CalendarRawDetailed SET Xadjusted_price =  TRY_CONVERT(money,  LTRIM(adjusted_price, '$')) --WHERE Xmaximum_nights IS NULL

FROM CalendarRawDetailed 
WHERE Xadjusted_price IS NULL 
DELETE FROM CalendarRawDetailed WHERE Xmaximum_nights IS NULL 

UPDATE CalendarRawDetailed set Xavailable = 1 where available = 't'

The Calendar table has 365 rows for each listing, and I will update Calendar dates, so they are in the “future”.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Calendar](
   [listing_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
   [date] [date] NOT NULL,
   [available] [bit] NOT NULL,
   [price] [money] NOT NULL,
   [adjusted_price] [money] NOT NULL,
   [minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
   [maximum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL

The Calendar table as approximately 31 million rows which should be plenty for my scale testing.

Airbnb Dataset – NetTopologySuite spatial searching

I have used Entity Framework Core a “full fat” Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for a couple of projects, and it supports mapping to spatial data types using the NetTopologySuite library. On Stackoverflow there was some discussion about Dapper’s spatial support so I thought I would try it out.

The DapperSpatialNetTopologySuite project has Dapper SQLMapper TypeHandler, Microsoft SQL Server stored procedure name and ASP.NET Core Minimal API for each location column handler implementation.

app.MapGet("/Spatial/NearbyGeography", async (double latitude, double longitude, int distance, [FromServices] IDapperContext dapperContext) =>
   var origin = new Point(longitude, latitude) { SRID = 4326 };

   using (var connection = dapperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      var results = await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<Model.ListingNearbyListGeographyDto>("ListingsSpatialNearbyNTS_____", new { origin, distance }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

      return results;

After adding the NetTopologySuite spatial library to the project the schemas list got a lot bigger.

NetTopology Suite additional schemas

My first attempt inspired by a really old Marc Gravell post and the NetTopologySuite.IO.SqlServerBytes documentation didn’t work.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ListingsSpatialNearbyNTSLocation]
	@distance AS INTEGER
DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Origin.STBuffer(@distance); 

	,listing_url as ListingUrl
	,Listing.Location.STDistance(@Origin) as Distance
FROM Listing
WHERE (Listing.Location.STWithin(@Circle) = 1) 
ORDER BY Distance
NetTopology Suite Microsoft.SqlServer.Types library load exception

I could see the Dapper SQLMapper TypeHandler for the @origin parameter getting called but the not locations

NetTopology Suite @Origin parameter typehandler in Visual Studio 2022 Debugger

Then found a Brice Lambson post about how to use the NetTopologySuite.IO.SqlServerBytes library to read and write geography and geometry columns.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ListingsSpatialNearbyNTSSerialize]
	@distance AS INTEGER
DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Origin.STBuffer(@distance); 

	,listing_url as ListingUrl
	,Listing.Location.STDistance(@Origin) as Distance
	,Location.Serialize() as Location
FROM [listing] 
WHERE (Location.STWithin(@Circle) = 1) 
ORDER BY Distance
class PointHandlerSerialise : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<Point>
   public override Point Parse(object value)
      var reader = new SqlServerBytesReader { IsGeography = true };

      return (Point)reader.Read((byte[])value);

   public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, Point? value)
      ((SqlParameter)parameter).SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Udt;  // @Origin parameter?
      ((SqlParameter)parameter).UdtTypeName = "GEOGRAPHY";

      var writer = new SqlServerBytesWriter { IsGeography = true };

      parameter.Value = writer.Write(value);

Once the location column serialisation was working (I could see a valid response in the debugger) the generation of the response was failing with a “System.Text.Json.JsonException: A possible object cycle was detected. This can either be due to a cycle or if the object depth is larger than the maximum allowed depth of 64″.

NetTopology Suite serialisation “possible object cycle detection” exception

After fixing that issue the response generation failed with “System.ArgumentException: .NET number values such as positive and negative infinity cannot be written as valid JSON.”

NetTopology Suite serialisation “possible object cycle detection” exception

Fixing these two issues required adjustment of two HttpJsonOptions

builder.Services.ConfigureHttpJsonOptions(options =>
   options.SerializerOptions.ReferenceHandler = ReferenceHandler.IgnoreCycles;
   options.SerializerOptions.NumberHandling = JsonNumberHandling.AllowNamedFloatingPointLiterals;

var app = builder.Build();
Swagger NetTopology Suite location serialisation response

After digging into the Dapper source code I wondered how ADO.Net handled loading Microsoft.SQLServer.Types library

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/Ado", async (double latitude, double longitude, int distance, [FromServices] IDapperContext dapperContext) =>
   var origin = new Point(longitude, latitude) { SRID = 4326 };

   using (SqlConnection connection = (SqlConnection)dapperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      await connection.OpenAsync();

      var geographyWriter = new SqlServerBytesWriter { IsGeography = true };

      using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
         command.CommandText = "ListingsSpatialNearbyNTSLocation";
         command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

         var originParameter = command.CreateParameter();
         originParameter.ParameterName = "Origin";
         originParameter.Value = new SqlBytes(geographyWriter.Write(origin));
         originParameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Udt;
         originParameter.UdtTypeName = "GEOGRAPHY";

         var distanceParameter = command.CreateParameter();
         distanceParameter.ParameterName = "Distance";
         distanceParameter.Value = distance;
         distanceParameter.DbType = DbType.Int32;

         var geographyReader = new SqlServerBytesReader { IsGeography = true };

         using (var dbDataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
            List<Model.ListingNearbyListGeographyDto> listings = new List<Model.ListingNearbyListGeographyDto>();

            int listingUIDColumn = dbDataReader.GetOrdinal("ListingUID");
            int nameColumn = dbDataReader.GetOrdinal("Name");
            int listingUrlColumn = dbDataReader.GetOrdinal("ListingUrl");
            int distanceColumn = dbDataReader.GetOrdinal("Distance");
            int LocationColumn = dbDataReader.GetOrdinal("Location");

            while (await dbDataReader.ReadAsync())
               listings.Add(new Model.ListingNearbyListGeographyDto
                  ListingUID = dbDataReader.GetGuid(listingUIDColumn),
                  Name = dbDataReader.GetString(nameColumn),
                  ListingUrl = dbDataReader.GetString(listingUrlColumn),
                  Distance = (int)dbDataReader.GetDouble(distanceColumn),
                  Location = (Point)geographyReader.Read(dbDataReader.GetSqlBytes(LocationColumn).Value)

            return listings;

The ADO.Net implementation worked and didn’t produce any exceptions.

Swagger ADO.Net location serialisation response

In the Visual Studio 2022 debugger I could see the Microsoft.SQLServer.Types exception but this wasn’t “bubbling” up to the response generation code.

ADO.Net location serialisation Microsoft.SqlServer.Types load failure

The location columns could also be returned as Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well-Known Binary (WKB) format using the STAsBinary method.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ListingsSpatialNearbyNTSWkb]
	@distance AS INTEGER
DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Origin.STBuffer(@distance); 

	,listing_url as ListingUrl
	,Listing.Location.STDistance(@Origin) as Distance
	,Location.STAsBinary() as Location
FROM [listing] 
WHERE (Location.STWithin(@Circle) = 1) 
ORDER BY Distance

Then converted to and from NTS Point values using WKBReader and SqlServerBytesWriter

SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new PointHandlerWkb());
class PointHandlerWkb : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<Point>
   public override Point Parse(object value)
      var reader = new WKBReader();

      return (Point)reader.Read((byte[])value);

   public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, Point? value)
      ((SqlParameter)parameter).SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Udt;  // @Origin parameter?
      ((SqlParameter)parameter).UdtTypeName = "GEOGRAPHY";

      var geometryWriter = new SqlServerBytesWriter { IsGeography = true };

      parameter.Value = geometryWriter.Write(value);
Successful Location processing with WKBReader

The location columns could also be returned as Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Well Known Text(WKT) format using the STAsText and SqlServerBytesWriter;

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ListingsSpatialNearbyNTSWkt]
	@distance AS INTEGER
DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Origin.STBuffer(@distance); 

	,listing_url as ListingUrl
	,Listing.Location.STDistance(@Origin) as Distance
	,Location.STAsText() as Location
FROM [listing] 
WHERE (Location.STWithin(@Circle) = 1) 
ORDER BY Distance

Then converted to and from NTS Point values using WKTReader and SqlServerBytesWriter

class PointHandlerWkt : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<Point>
   public override Point Parse(object value)
      WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();

      return (Point)wktReader.Read(value.ToString());

   public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, Point? value)
      ((SqlParameter)parameter).SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Udt;  // @Origin parameter?
      ((SqlParameter)parameter).UdtTypeName = "GEOGRAPHY";

      parameter.Value = new SqlServerBytesWriter() { IsGeography = true }.Write(value);
Successful Location processing with WKBReader

I have focused on getting the spatial queries to work and will stress/performance test my implementations in a future post. I will also revisit the /Spatial/NearbyGeography method to see if I can get it to work without “Location.Serialize() as Location”.

Downloaded Microsoft.Data.SqlClient source code and in SqlConnection.cs this doesn’t help….

  private Assembly ResolveTypeAssembly(AssemblyName asmRef, bool throwOnError)
      Debug.Assert(TypeSystemAssemblyVersion != null, "TypeSystemAssembly should be set !");
      if (string.Equals(asmRef.Name, "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
          if (asmRef.Version != TypeSystemAssemblyVersion && SqlClientEventSource.Log.IsTraceEnabled())
              SqlClientEventSource.Log.TryTraceEvent("SqlConnection.ResolveTypeAssembly | SQL CLR type version change: Server sent {0}, client will instantiate {1}", asmRef.Version, TypeSystemAssemblyVersion);
          asmRef.Version = TypeSystemAssemblyVersion;
          return Assembly.Load(asmRef);
      catch (Exception e)
          if (throwOnError || !ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
              return null;

Airbnb Dataset – Microsoft spatial searching

The Inside Airbnb London has the polygons of 33 neighbourhoods and each of the roughly 87900 listings has a latitude and longitude. The WebMinimalAPIDapper Spatial project uses only Microsoft SQL Server’s Spatial functionality for searching and distance calculations. 

Spatial Projections supported by SQL Server

The “magic number” 4326 indicates that the latitude and longitude values are expressed in the World Geodetic System 1984(WGS84) which is also used by the Global Positioning System (GPS) operated by the United States Space Force.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Neighbourhood](
	[id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[NeighbourhoodUID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
	[name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[neighbourhood_url] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
	[boundary] [geography] NOT NULL,
	[id] ASC
-- Then create a spatial index on GEOGRAPHY which contains the boundary polygon(s)
CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [ISX_NeighbourhoodBoundary] ON [dbo].[Neighbourhood]

I added a GEOGRAPHY column to the Listing table, populated it using the Latitude and Longitudes of the Listings then added a spatial index.

-- Use latitude and longitude to populate Location GEOGRAPHY column
UPDATE listing
SET Listing.Location = geography::Point(latitude, longitude, 4326)

-- Then index Location column after changing to NOT NULL
CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [IXS_ListingByLocation] ON [dbo].[listing]

The first spatial search uses the latitude and longitude (most probably extracted from image metadata) to get a Listing’s neighbourhood.

Testing listing in Neighbourhood SQL

It uses the STContains method to find the neighbourhood polygon (if there is one) which the listing location is inside.

const string ListingInNeighbourhoodSQL = @"SELECT neighbourhoodUID, name, neighbourhood_url as neighbourhoodUrl FROM Neighbourhood WHERE Neighbourhood.Boundary.STContains(geography::Point(@Latitude, @Longitude, 4326)) = 1";

app.MapGet("/Spatial/Neighbourhood", async (double latitude, double longitude, [FromServices] IDapperContext dapperContext) =>
   Model.NeighbourhoodSearchDto neighbourhood;

   using (var connection = dapperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      neighbourhood = await connection.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<Model.NeighbourhoodSearchDto>(ListingInNeighbourhoodSQL, new { latitude, longitude });

   if (neighbourhood is null)
      return Results.Problem($"Neighbourhood for Latitude:{latitude} Longitude:{longitude} not found", statusCode: StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

   return Results.Ok(neighbourhood);
.Produces(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound )

The case sensitivity of the OGC geography methods tripped me up a few times.

Testing listing Neighbourhood lookup with Swagger user interface

In a future blog post I will compare the performance of STContains vs. STWithin with a load testing application.

Testing listings near a location SQL

The second search simulates a customer looking for listing(s) within a specified distance of a point of interest.

const string ListingsNearbySQL = @"DECLARE @Origin AS GEOGRAPHY = geography::Point(@Latitude, @Longitude, 4326); 
                                  DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Origin.STBuffer(@distance); 
                                  --DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Origin.BufferWithTolerance(@distance, 0.09,true); 
                                  SELECT uid as ListingUID, Name, listing_url as ListingUrl, 
@Origin.STDistance(Listing.Location) as Distance 
                                  FROM [listing] 
                                  WHERE Listing.Location.STWithin(@Circle) = 1 ORDER BY Distance";
app.MapGet("/Spatial/NearbyText", async (double latitude, double longitude, double distance, [FromServices] IDapperContext dapperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dapperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<Model.ListingNearbyListDto>(ListingsNearbySQL, new { latitude, longitude, distance });

The STBuffer command returns a geography object that represents represent a circle centered on @Location with a radius of @distance.

Testing listings near a location with Swagger user interface

The third and final search simulates a customer looking for listing(s) within a specified distance of a point of interest with the latitude and longitude of the listing included in the results.

Testing listings near a location SQL with latitude & Longitude
const string ListingsNearbyLatitudeLongitudeSQL = @"DECLARE @Location AS GEOGRAPHY = geography::Point(@Latitude, @longitude,4326)
                                 DECLARE @Circle AS GEOGRAPHY = @Location.STBuffer(@distance);
                                 SELECT UID as ListingUID
	                              ,listing_url as ListingUrl
	                              ,Listing.Location.STDistance(@Location) as Distance
                                 FROM [listing]
                                 WHERE Listing.Location.STWithin(@Circle) = 1
                                 ORDER BY Distance";

app.MapGet("/Spatial/NearbyLatitudeLongitude", async (double latitude, double longitude, double distance, [FromServices] IDapperContext dapperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dapperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<Model.ListingNearbyListLatitudeLongitudeDto>(ListingsNearbyLatitudeLongitudeSQL, new { latitude, longitude, distance });
Testing listings near a location with latitude & Longitude with Swagger user interface

The next couple of posts will use the third-party libraries Geo and NetTopolgySuite

Airbnb Dataset – Neighbourhoods & GEOJSON boundary information

The Inside Airbnb London dataset download has a GeoJSON file with neighbourhood boundaries.

Neighbourhood boundaries rendered with GeoJSON.IO

To load the GeoJSON I used GeoJSON.Text to deserialise the neighbourhood Feature boundaries (polygon & multipolygon).

using System.Text.Json;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;

using Dapper;

string jsonString = File.ReadAllText("your geoJSON file");

using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection("This is not the connection string you are looking for"))

   var neighbourHoods = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GeoJSON.Text.Feature.FeatureCollection>(jsonString)!;

   foreach (var feature in neighbourHoods.Features)
      string neighbourhood = feature.Properties["neighbourhood"].ToString();


      var geometery = (GeoJSON.Text.Geometry.MultiPolygon)feature.Geometry;

      var s = new SqlGeographyBuilder();


      s.BeginGeography(OpenGisGeographyType.Polygon); // A
      Console.WriteLine($"Polygon cordinates:{geometery.Coordinates.Count}");
      foreach (var coordinates in geometery.Coordinates)
        //s.BeginGeography(OpenGisGeographyType.Polygon); // B

         Console.WriteLine($"Linestring cordinates:{coordinates.Coordinates.Count}");
         foreach (var c in coordinates.Coordinates)
            Console.WriteLine($"Point cordinates:{c.Coordinates.Count}");

            s.BeginFigure(c.Coordinates[0].Latitude, c.Coordinates[0].Longitude, null, null);

            for (int i = 1; i < c.Coordinates.Count; i++)
               s.AddLine(c.Coordinates[i].Latitude, c.Coordinates[i].Longitude);


         //s.EndGeography(); //B

      s.EndGeography(); //A
      s.EndGeography(); // OpenGisGeographyType.MultiPolygon

      connection.Execute("INSERT INTO Neighbourhood (Name, Boundary) VALUES( @Neighbourhood, geography::STMPolyFromText(@boundary, 4326))", new { neighbourhood, boundary = s.ConstructedGeography.ToString()});


Console.WriteLine("loaded press <enter> to exit");

The neighbourhood feature loader utility is pretty “nasty” and was built for my specific scenario

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Neighbourhood](
	[NeighbourhoodUID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
	[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Boundary] [geography] NOT NULL,
	[NeighbourhoodUID] ASC

I used Dapper to insert rows into the Neighbourhood table


SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.512837,-0.2894983, 4326) --Flat
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.5053469,-0.0262693,4326) -- Canary Wharf
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.476853,0.0,4326) -- Greenwich
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.501476,-0.140634, 4326) -- Buckingham palace
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.533611, -0.318889, 4326) -- Hoover factory
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.5045, -0.0865, 4326) -- Shard
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.5145683288574,-0.0194199997931719, 4326) -- D0FD60C0-CC45-4517-91F6-00161E710F28 Tower Hamlets
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.5553092956543,0.00039999998989515, 4326) -- 80264AED-BC74-4150-B393-02D42711E2E6 Waltham Forest
--SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.4925193786621,-0.192310005426407, 4326) -- D36E4D1C-4A35-4B6E-B9A7-01E8D732FD3B Kensington and Chelsea
SET @PointGeography = geography::Point(51.5185317993164,-0.199739992618561, 4326) -- 2CAE3CAE-5E43-4F20-9550-01B86D7EF6FF Westminster

SELECT Name, @PointGeography.STWithin(Neighbourhood.Boundary) as 'STWithin', Neighbourhood.Boundary.STContains(@PointGeography) as 'STContains'
FROM Neighbourhood

To test the neighbourhood geography I built a test harness with some “known” locations 

SQL Server Management Studio Query “inverted” results

The query results were the inverse of what I was expecting.

SQL Server Management Studio Query “reorientated” results

I had forgotten that GeoJSON uses the right-hand rule and Microsoft SQL server uses the left-hand rule for polygons.

UPDATE Neighbourhood SET Boundary = Boundary.ReorientObject()

The neighbourhood dataset is tiny so I used ReorientObject to fix the boundary geography polygons.

Airbnb Dataset – Extracting Host information

The Inside Airbnb London dataset is regularly scraped from the Airbnb site a surprising amount of data is duplicated, or incomplete.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[listingsRaw](
	[id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[listing_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[scrape_id] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,
	[last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[source] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[description] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[neighborhood_overview] [nvarchar](1050) NULL,
	[picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[host_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_since] [date] NULL,
	[host_location] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
	[host_about] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[host_response_time] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_response_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_acceptance_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_is_superhost] [bit] NULL,
	[host_thumbnail_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_neighbourhood] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_total_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_verifications] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_has_profile_pic] [bit] NULL,
	[host_identity_verified] [bit] NULL,
	[neighbourhood] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
	[neighbourhood_cleansed] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[neighbourhood_group_cleansed] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[latitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[longitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[property_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[room_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[accommodates] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[bathrooms] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[bathrooms_text] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[bedrooms] [tinyint] NULL,
	[beds] [tinyint] NULL,
	[amenities] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[price] [money] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_minimum_nights] [smallint] NULL,
	[maximum_minimum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[minimum_maximum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[maximum_maximum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[minimum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NULL,
	[maximum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NULL,
	[calendar_updated] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[has_availability] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[availability_30] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_60] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_90] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_365] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[calendar_last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_ltm] [int] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_l30d] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[first_review] [date] NULL,
	[last_review] [date] NULL,
	[review_scores_rating] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_accuracy] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_cleanliness] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_checkin] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_communication] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_location] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_value] [float] NULL,
	[license] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[instant_bookable] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms] [int] NOT NULL,
	[reviews_per_month] [float] NULL
SQL Server Management Studio displaying raw Listings

The ListingsRaw table had 87946 rows and there were 53394 hosts so some hosts must have many listings

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM listingsRaw


When I queried the TOP(5) hosts

SELECT [Host_id], COUNT(Host_id) as HostCount
FROM listingsRaw
GROUP BY host_id
ORDER BY COUNT(Host_id) DESC, host_id ASC
Host_id	    HostCount
129230780	595
33889201	312
314162972	301
28820321	288
1432477	    259

I was interested in the five hosts with the most listings.

Host_id: 129230780
Name: STK Homes	
About: Hello from Staykeepers Homes! We are a group of people who love traveling and sharing their experiences with others. But more so, we like to think of ourselves as people who constantly search to challenge and improve themselves.	

Host_id: 33889201
Name: Veeve
About: Greetings from the Veeve team!   Veeve manage the largest collection of homes to rent for short stays in London since 2011, launching in Paris in 2017. Our rental homes are predominantly privately-owned, lived-in homes in vibrant neighbourhoods. Thanks to our fully managed service, when you stay in a Veeve property you can benefit from the spaciousness, personal style and relaxed feel of a home – but with all the amenities of a hotel.   Once a booking is confirmed our Customer Service team will become your main point of contact and get in touch with you to organise your arrival at the property (including airport transfers, upon request); after which our on-the-ground management team will look after all aspects of your stay, with in-stay support available to help with any queries.   We have strict cleanliness guidelines for our cleaners and all staff who enter our properties and have reinforced existing cleaning procedures in line with official WHO, British and French government guidance.   As always, our team ensure that all properties are cleaned to a professional standard before and after each stay, with increased focus on touch-point cleaning (door handles, kitchen surfaces, kettles, taps etc.).   All staff who enter properties will follow the below procedures:    - Carry and regularly use alcohol-based hand rub - Sanitise their mobile phones  - Focus extra attention when cleaning key touch-point areas (door handles, kitchen surfaces, kettles, taps etc.) - Wear protective gear where appropriate - Wash and disinfect work shoes   We might be able to arrange for property viewings, upon request, for stays of over 28 nights.   Please be aware once a booking is confirmed you will be required to complete a Rental Agreement and also  ID verification via our partners Superhog. This is mandatory for all our stays and in accordance to short lets requirements with Veeve.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be sure to answer you promptly.

Host_id: 314162972
Name: Blueground	
About: We’re Blueground, a global proptech company with several thousand move-in-ready apartments in a growing number of major cities around the world. With flexible terms and homes in vibrant, centrally based neighborhoods, you’ll feel at home and free to roam for as long as you want — a month, a year, or longer.   Each apartment is thoughtfully designed with exclusive furnishings, fully equipped kitchens, and incredible amenities – making every day a five-star experience. From day one, you’ll enjoy high-speed Wi-Fi, premium linens, and smart home entertainment. Plus, access to pools, gyms, and outdoor spaces in select buildings.  Why stress over your apartment? We provide a hassle-free alternative — a consistent, quality guest experience that starts even before you arrive. Because we let you book our most up-to-date apartment listings online, confirm with a click, pay securely, and check in easily.   During your stay Upon arrival, you’ll either be greeted personally by a Blueground team member or given self-check-in instructions. The entire apartment is yours! You’ll enjoy reliable support via email, phone, and our Guest App, where you can request everything from a home cleaning to extra towels.   We’ll share all details upon confirmation of your stay.	

Host_id: 28820321
Name: Veronica
About: I moved to London to follow my love who is a Londoner, I have a 4 years old daughter and two cats. we live in a beautiful house surrounded by parks and trees in Muswell Hill.  The Airbnb experience has been very positive and from that experience I set up a company called HelloGuest to provide excellent hassle-free Airbnb management services for short stay rental properties in London and across all the UK advertised on Airbnb.  Our services cover everything from full property management (guest communication, check-in & out, cleaning & laundry, manage the listing, 24/7 support service, etc) to partly managed or individual services depending on your needs.  Our aim is to provide professional services for high quality properties to deliver an excellent guest experience.  We are here to help, so please get in touch with any questions you have.

host_id: 1432477
Name: City Relay
About: City Relay is a property management company that looks after a bright and diverse portfolio of properties in London! We are committed to offering the best stay to each and every one of our guests. We provide some unique services that most of the other hosts cannot provide.   All our properties are selected carefully in order to offer you the best stay! From the moment you book to the moment you arrive at the apartment, we are helping you through all the processes so that your stay is hassle-free!   In order to address health and safety concerns, all our properties receive a deep professional cleaning and disinfection after each stay.	

After looking at the listings table this was my first attempt at a Host table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Host](
	[Id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[Url] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL,
	[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Since] [date] NOT NULL,
	[About] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[Response_time] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Response_rate] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Acceptance_rate] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Thumbnail_url] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL,
	[Picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL,
	[Identity_verified] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[Identity_verifications] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Id] ASC

Which I populated with the following SELECT INTO statement

   ,host_url as url
   ,[Host_Name] as Name
   ,host_since as Since
   ---,host_location as
   ,host_about as About
   ,host_response_time as Response_time
   ,host_response_rate as ResponseRate
   ,host_acceptance_rate as Acceptance_rate
   ,host_thumbnail_url as thumbnail_url
   ,host_picture_url as picture_url
   ,host_verifications as Identity_verifications
   ,host_identity_verified as Identity_verified
FROM listingsRaw

After extracting the hosts information both needed some more “curation” so I wrote some queries (like the following) to find incomplete records.

SELECT id, Url from Host WHERE Url is null 
SELECT id, Name from Host WHERE Name is null 
SELECT id, Since from Host WHERE Since is null 
SELECT id, response_time from Host WHERE response_time is null 
SELECT id, response_rate from Host WHERE response_rate is null 
SELECT id, Acceptance_rate from Host WHERE Acceptance_rate is null 
SELECT id, Thumbnail_url from Host WHERE Thumbnail_url is null 
SELECT id, Picture_url from Host WHERE Picture_url is null 
SELECT id, Identity_verified from Host WHERE Identity_verified is null 
SELECT id, Identity_verifications from Host WHERE Identity_verifications is null 
SELECT id, About from Host WHERE About is null 

At the end of my data cleansing the Listing table has 87940 rows and the Host table 53388 rows.

Airbnb Dataset – JSON Long Integer Issue

The Inside Airbnb London dataset has 87946 listings and the id column (which is the primary key) has a minimum value of 13913 and maximum of 973895808066047620 in the database.

Back in the early 90’s I used to live next to the Ealing Lawn Tennis Club in London

I used “Ealing” as the SearchText for my initial testing and tried different page numbers and sizes

Testing the search functionality with SwaggerUI

The listings search results JSON looked good but I missed one important detail…

    "id": 32458423,
    "name": "Bed and breakfast in Ealing  · ★5.0 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 private bath",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 7905935,
    "name": "Guest suite in Ealing Broadway · ★4.93 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 private bath",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 5262733,
    "name": "Home in Ealing · ★4.97 · 1 bedroom · 1 shared bath",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 685148830257321200,
    "name": "Home in Ealing London · ★5.0 · 4 bedrooms · 8 beds · 2.5 baths",
    "listingURL": ""
    "id": 10704599,
    "name": "Home in ealing, london · ★4.47 · 3 bedrooms · 4 beds · 1 bath",
    "listingURL": ""

To “smoke test” to the lookup functionality I tried a couple of the listing ids

Swagger user interface successful lookup listing 7905935
Swagger user interface unsuccessful lookup of listing 685148830257321200

The HTTP GET method routing parameter and the response Data Transfer Object(DTO) the Airbnb listing Id properties are long values (ulong might have been a better choice) which should have sufficient range

string LookupByIdSql = @"SELECT Id, [Name], Listing_URL AS ListingURL
                     FROM ListingsHosts
                     WHERE id = @Id";

public record ListingLookupDto
   public long Id { get; set; }
   public string? Name { get; set; }
   public string? ListingURL { get; set; }


app.MapGet("/Listing/Results/{id:long}", async (long id, IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      ListingLookupDto result = await connection.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<ListingLookupDto>(LookupByIdSql, new { id });
      if (result is null)
         return Results.Problem($"Listing {id} not found", statusCode: StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

      return Results.Ok(result);

The id values in the search response and lookup DTOs were correct

Visual Studio 2022 Debugger inspecting listing id value

I had missed the clue in the search response JSON the listing id and the listingURL id didn’t match.

 "id": 685148830257321200,
 "name": "Home in Ealing London · ★5.0 · 4 bedrooms · 8 beds · 2.5 baths",
 "listingURL": ""

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format(RFC7159) specification for numbers explains the discrepancy.

This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range
and precision of numbers accepted. Since software that implements
IEEE 754-2008 binary64 (double precision) numbers [IEEE754] is
generally available and widely used, good interoperability can be
achieved by implementations that expect no more precision or range
than these provide, in the sense that implementations will
approximate JSON numbers within the expected precision.
Airbnb listing from listingURL

Airbnb Dataset – Querying the Raw Listings

My initial ASP.NET Core Minimal AP exploration uses the Inside Airbnb London dataset which has 87946 listings. The data is pretty “nasty” with lots of nullable and wide columns so it took several attempts to import.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[listingsRaw](
	[id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[listing_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[scrape_id] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,
	[last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[source] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[description] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[neighborhood_overview] [nvarchar](1050) NULL,
	[picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[host_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_since] [date] NULL,
	[host_location] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
	[host_about] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[host_response_time] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_response_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_acceptance_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_is_superhost] [bit] NULL,
	[host_thumbnail_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_neighbourhood] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_total_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_verifications] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_has_profile_pic] [bit] NULL,
	[host_identity_verified] [bit] NULL,
	[neighbourhood] [nvarchar](100) NULL,
	[neighbourhood_cleansed] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[neighbourhood_group_cleansed] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[latitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[longitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[property_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[room_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[accommodates] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[bathrooms] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[bathrooms_text] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[bedrooms] [tinyint] NULL,
	[beds] [tinyint] NULL,
	[amenities] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[price] [money] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_minimum_nights] [smallint] NULL,
	[maximum_minimum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[minimum_maximum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[maximum_maximum_nights] [int] NULL,
	[minimum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NULL,
	[maximum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NULL,
	[calendar_updated] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[has_availability] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[availability_30] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_60] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_90] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_365] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[calendar_last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_ltm] [int] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_l30d] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[first_review] [date] NULL,
	[last_review] [date] NULL,
	[review_scores_rating] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_accuracy] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_cleanliness] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_checkin] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_communication] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_location] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_value] [float] NULL,
	[license] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[instant_bookable] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms] [int] NOT NULL,
	[reviews_per_month] [float] NULL

There are other data quality issues e.g. the host information is duplicated in each of their Listings e.g. host_id, host_name, host_since, host_* etc. which will need to be tidied up.

Swagger user interface for Raw Listings search functionality.

I have implemented basic (“incomplete”) OpenAPI support for functionality and stress testing.

Swagger user interface parameterised search functionality.

The search results are paginated and individual listings can be retrieved using the Airbnb listing “id”.

const string SearchPaginatedSql = @"SELECT Uid,Id,[Name], neighbourhood
                     FROM listings
                     WHERE[Name] LIKE N'%' + @SearchText + N'%'
                     ORDER By[Name] 
                     OFFSET @PageSize *(@PageNumber - 1) ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY";

public record ListingListDto
   public long Id { get; set; }
   public string? Name { get; set; }
   public string? Neighbourhood { get; set; }
Swagger user interface search functionality with untyped response.

The first HTTP GET implementation returns an untyped result-set which was not very helpful.

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search", async (string searchText, int pageNumber, int pageSize, [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText, pageNumber, pageSize });
Swagger user interface search functionality with typed response

The second HTTP GET implementation returns a typed result-set which improved the “usability” of clients generated from the OpenAPI definition file.

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/Typed", async (string searchText, int pageNumber, int pageSize, [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<ListingListDto>(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText, pageNumber, pageSize });

The third HTTP GET method uses the Listing id specified in a routing parameter to lookup a Listing

string LookupByIdSql = @"SELECT Id,[Name], neighbourhood
FROM ListingsHosts
WHERE id = @Id";

public record ListingLookupDto
public long Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? Neighbourhood { get; set; }
Swagger user interface Listing lookup functionality
app.MapGet("/Listing/{id:long}", async (long id, IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      ListingLookupDto result = await connection.QuerySingleOrDefaultWithRetryAsync<ListingLookupDto>(LookupByIdSql, new { id });
      if (result is null)
         return Results.Problem($"Listing {id} not found", statusCode: StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);

      return Results.Ok(result);

The lack of validation of the SearchText, PageSize and PageNumber parameters allow uses to enter invalid values which caused searches to fail.

Swagger user interface search functionality with an invalid page number

My initial approach was to decorate the parameters of the ValidatedQuery method with DataAnnotations to ensure only valid values were accepted.

const byte SearchTextMinimumLength = 3;
const byte SearchTextMaximumLength = 20;
const byte PageNumberMinimum = 1;
const byte PageNumberMaximum = 100;
const byte PageSizeMinimum = 5;
const byte PageSizeMaximum = 50;

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/ValidatedQuery", async (
   [FromQuery,Required, MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLength"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   string searchText,
   [FromQuery, Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   int pageNumber,
   [FromQuery, Range(PageSizeMinimum, PageSizeMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageSizeMinimum PageSizeMaximum")]
   int pageSize,
   [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<ListingListDto>(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText, pageNumber, pageSize });

This wasn’t a great solution because the validation of the parameters was declared as part of the user interface and would have to be repeated everywhere listing search functionality was provided.

Swagger user interface search functionality with parameter validation

The final HTTP GET method uses DataAnnotations on the SearchParameter(DTO) and AsParameters to bind the query string values.

app.MapGet("/Listing/Search/Parameters", async ([AsParameters] SearchParameters searchParameters,
   [FromServices] IDapperContext dappperContext) =>
   using (var connection = dappperContext.ConnectionCreate())
      return await connection.QueryWithRetryAsync<ListingListDto>(SearchPaginatedSql, new { searchText = searchParameters.SearchText, searchParameters.PageNumber, searchParameters.PageSize });

public record SearchParameters
   // possibly related?
   public const byte SearchTextMinimumLength = 3;
   public const byte SearchTextMaximumLength = 15;
   public const int PageNumberMinimum = 1;
   public const int PageNumberMaximum = 100;
   public const byte PageSizeMinimum = 5;
   public const byte PageSizeMaximum = 50;

   //[FromQuery, Required, MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMinimumLegth"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   //[Required, MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMinimumLegth"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   [MinLength(SearchTextMinimumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMinimumLegth"), MaxLength(SearchTextMaximumLength, ErrorMessage = "SearchTextMaximumLegth")]
   public string SearchText { get; set; }

   //[FromQuery, Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   //[Required, Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   [Range(PageNumberMinimum, PageNumberMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageNumberMinimum PageNumberMaximum")]
   public int PageNumber { get; set; }

   [Range(PageSizeMinimum, PageSizeMaximum, ErrorMessage = "PageSizeMinimum PageSizeMaximum")]
   public int PageSize { get; set; }
Swagger user interface search functionality with parameter validation

This last two implementations worked though the error messages I had embedded in the code were not displayed I think this is related to this Swashbuckle Issue.

There is also an issue looking up some listings with larger listing ids which I will need some investigation.

Airbnb Dataset – Initial import of the Listings

For the next series of random posts about ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs I wanted a much larger dataset for testing. When looking for datasets for another project I stumbled across Inside Airbnb which has a selection of datasets scraped from the Airbnb website. I started with the Melbourne Victoria Australia dataset which had 24652 listings.

SSMS Import Flat File task configuration

I used the SQL Server Managment Studio (SSMS) “Import flat file” task to load listings.csv.

SSMS Import Flat File task column selection failure

I had to manually update some of the “suggested” column types which “broke” the import flat file task.

SSMS Import Flat File task column designer

The tinyint or smallint columns which caused conversion errors were changed to an integer column and any text column that which caused a truncation error was changed to an NVARCHAR(MAX) column.

SSMS Import Flat File task data preview

The Melbourne Victoria Australia dataset turned out to be pretty “nasty” with lots of nullable and columns that looked like several values had been concatenated.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[listings](
	[id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[listing_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[scrape_id] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,
	[last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[source] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[name] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
	[description] [nvarchar](1050) NULL,
	[neighborhood_overview] [nvarchar](1050) NULL,
	[picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NOT NULL,
	[host_id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[host_url] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_since] [date] NULL,
	[host_location] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_about] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[host_response_time] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_response_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_acceptance_rate] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_is_superhost] [bit] NULL,
	[host_thumbnail_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_picture_url] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
	[host_neighbourhood] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_total_listings_count] [int] NULL,
	[host_verifications] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[host_has_profile_pic] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[host_identity_verified] [bit] NULL,
	[neighbourhood] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
	[neighbourhood_cleansed] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[neighbourhood_group_cleansed] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[latitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[longitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[property_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[room_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[accommodates] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[bathrooms] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[bathrooms_text] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[bedrooms] [tinyint] NULL,
	[beds] [tinyint] NULL,
	[amenities] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[price] [money] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_minimum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_maximum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_maximum_nights] [int] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NOT NULL,
	[maximum_nights_avg_ntm] [float] NOT NULL,
	[calendar_updated] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[has_availability] [bit] NOT NUL\L,
	[availability_30] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_60] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_90] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[availability_365] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[calendar_last_scraped] [date] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews] [int] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_ltm] [int] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_l30d] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[first_review] [date] NULL,
	[last_review] [date] NULL,
	[review_scores_rating] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_accuracy] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_cleanliness] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_checkin] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_communication] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_location] [float] NULL,
	[review_scores_value] [float] NULL,
	[license] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[instant_bookable] [bit] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count] [int] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms] [bit] NULL,
	[reviews_per_month] [float] NULL,
	[id] ASC

On the Kaggle website there was a study of an Airbnb dataset from Singapore which looked better but was a significantly smaller with only 3483 listings. After some “exploration” of the available datasets on Inside Airbnb the London one looked pretty good.

Inside Airbnb map of London listings

The “suggested” table structure for the London dataset looks a lot better so I will use if for my ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs posts

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[listings](
	[id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
	[name] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
	[host_id] [int] NOT NULL,
	[host_name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[neighbourhood_group] [nvarchar](1) NULL,
	[neighbourhood] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[latitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[longitude] [float] NOT NULL,
	[room_type] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[price] [money] NOT NULL,
	[minimum_nights] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews] [int] NOT NULL,
	[last_review] [date] NULL,
	[reviews_per_month] [float] NULL,
	[calculated_host_listings_count] [int] NOT NULL,
	[availability_365] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[number_of_reviews_ltm] [int] NOT NULL,
	[license] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
	[id] ASC

Some of the columns will need to be “unpacked” e.g. “Rental unit in Islington · ★4.80 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 shared bath” but this shouldn’t be an issue.

.NET Core web API + Dapper – Redis Cache

The IDistributedCache has Memory, SQL Server and Redis implementations so I wanted to explore how the Stack Exchange Redis library works. The ConnectionMultiplexer class in the Stack Exchange Redis library hides the details of managing connections to multiple Redis servers, connection timeouts etc. The object is fairly “chunky” so it should be initialized once and reused for the lifetime of the program.

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

    // Add services to the container.

    // Add services to the container.
    builder.Services.AddTransient<IDapperContext>(s => new DapperContext(builder.Configuration));


    builder.Services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(s => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("Redis")));

    var app = builder.Build();

    // Configure the HTTP request pipeline.


I trialed the initial versions of my Redis project with Memurai on my development machine, then configured an Azure Cache for Redis. I then load tested the project with several Azure AppService client and there was a significant improvement in response time.

public class StockItemsController : ControllerBase
    private const int StockItemSearchMaximumRowsToReturn = 15;
    private readonly TimeSpan StockItemListExpiration = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

    private const string sqlCommandText = @"SELECT [StockItemID] as ""ID"", [StockItemName] as ""Name"", [RecommendedRetailPrice], [TaxRate] FROM [Warehouse].[StockItems]";
    //private const string sqlCommandText = @"SELECT [StockItemID] as ""ID"", [StockItemName] as ""Name"", [RecommendedRetailPrice], [TaxRate] FROM [Warehouse].[StockItems]; WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'";

    private readonly ILogger<StockItemsController> logger;
    private readonly IDbConnection dbConnection;
    private readonly IDatabase redisCache;

    public StockItemsController(ILogger<StockItemsController> logger, IDapperContext dapperContext, IConnectionMultiplexer connectionMultiplexer)
        this.logger = logger;
        this.dbConnection = dapperContext.ConnectionCreate();
        this.redisCache = connectionMultiplexer.GetDatabase();

    public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>>> Get()
        var cached = await redisCache.StringGetAsync("StockItems");
        if (cached.HasValue)
            return Content(cached, "application/json");

        var stockItems = await dbConnection.QueryWithRetryAsync<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>(sql: sqlCommandText, commandType: CommandType.Text);

        string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(stockItems, typeof(List<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>), Model.StockItemListDtoV1GenerationContext.Default);
        string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(stockItems);

        await redisCache.StringSetAsync("StockItems", json, expiry: StockItemListExpiration);

        return Content(json, "application/json");


    public async Task<ActionResult> ListCacheDelete()
        await redisCache.KeyDeleteAsync("StockItems");

        logger.LogInformation("StockItems list removed");

        return this.Ok();

Like Regular Expressions in .NET, the System.Test.Json object serialisations can be compiled to MSIL code instead of high-level internal instructions. This allows .NET’s just-in-time (JIT) compiler to convert the serialisation to native machine code for higher performance.

public class StockItemListDtoV1
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public decimal RecommendedRetailPrice { get; set; }

    public decimal TaxRate { get; set; }

[JsonSourceGenerationOptions(PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonKnownNamingPolicy.CamelCase)]
public partial class StockItemListDtoV1GenerationContext : JsonSerializerContext

The cost of constructing the Serialiser may be higher, but the cost of performing serialisation with it is much smaller.

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>>> Get()
    var cached = await redisCache.StringGetAsync("StockItems");
    if (cached.HasValue)
        return Content(cached, "application/json");

    var stockItems = await dbConnection.QueryWithRetryAsync<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>(sql: sqlCommandText, commandType: CommandType.Text);

    string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(stockItems, typeof(List<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>), Model.StockItemListDtoV1GenerationContext.Default);
    string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(stockItems);

    await redisCache.StringSetAsync("StockItems", json, expiry: StockItemListExpiration);

    return Content(json, "application/json");

I used Telerik Fiddler to empty the cache then load the StockItems list 10 times (more tests would improve the quality of the results). The first trial was with the “conventional” serialiser

The average time for the conventional serialiser was 0.028562 seconds

The average time for the generated version was 0.030546 seconds. But, if the initial compilation step was ignored the average duration dropped to 0.000223 seconds a significant improvement.

.NET Core web API + Dapper – MiniProfiler Revisited

While exploring some of the functionality of MiniProfiler there were some 3rd party examples which caught my attention.

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=...; Initial Catalog=SyncDB; Trusted_Connection=Yes"))
    using (ProfiledDbConnection profiledDbConnection = new ProfiledDbConnection(connection, MiniProfiler.Current))
    if (profiledDbConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select * From Authors", connection))
        using (ProfiledDbCommand profiledDbCommand = new ProfiledDbCommand(command, connection, MiniProfiler.Current))
            var data = profiledDbCommand.ExecuteReader();

            //Write code here to populate the list of Authors

“Inspired” by code like this my first attempt to retrieve a list of stock items didn’t look right.

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>>> GetAdoProfiledOtt()
    List<Model.StockItemListDtoV1> response = new List<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>();

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(configuration.GetConnectionString("default")))
        using (ProfiledDbConnection profiledDbConnection = new ProfiledDbConnection(connection, MiniProfiler.Current))
            await profiledDbConnection.OpenAsync();

            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlCommandText, connection))
                using (ProfiledDbCommand profiledDbCommand = new ProfiledDbCommand(command, profiledDbConnection, MiniProfiler.Current))
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                        using (ProfiledDbDataReader profiledDbDataReader = new ProfiledDbDataReader(reader, MiniProfiler.Current))
                            var rowParser = profiledDbDataReader.GetRowParser<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>();

                            while (await profiledDbDataReader.ReadAsync())

            await profiledDbConnection.CloseAsync();

Often Dapper has functionality like closing the connection if it needed to open it to reduce the amount of code required and this code looked verbose.

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>>> Get()
	IEnumerable<Model.StockItemListDtoV1> response = null;

	using (SqlConnection db = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString))
		response = await db.QueryWithRetryAsync<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>(sql: @"SELECT [StockItemID] as ""ID"", [StockItemName] as ""Name"", [RecommendedRetailPrice], [TaxRate] FROM [Warehouse].[StockItems]", commandType: CommandType.Text);
	return this.Ok(response);

It seemed a bit odd that so many “usings” were needed so I had a look at ProfiledDBConnection.cs

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProfiledDbConnection"/> class.
/// Returns a new <see cref="ProfiledDbConnection"/> that wraps <paramref name="connection"/>,
/// providing query execution profiling. If profiler is null, no profiling will occur.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connection"><c>Your provider-specific flavour of connection, e.g. SqlConnection, OracleConnection</c></param>
/// <param name="profiler">The currently started <see cref="MiniProfiler"/> or null.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws when <paramref name="connection"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
public ProfiledDbConnection(DbConnection connection, IDbProfiler? profiler)
    _connection = connection ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection));
    _connection.StateChange += StateChangeHandler;

    if (profiler != null)
        _profiler = profiler;
/// <summary>
/// Dispose the underlying connection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">false if preempted from a <c>finalizer</c></param>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
    if (disposing && _connection != null)
        _connection.StateChange -= StateChangeHandler;
    _connection = null!;
    _profiler = null;

One less “using” required as ProfiledDbConnection “automagically” disposes the SqlConnection. It also seemed a bit odd that the SqlCommand had a “using” so I had a look at ProfiledDbCommand.cs

 /// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProfiledDbCommand"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">The command.</param>
/// <param name="connection">The connection.</param>
/// <param name="profiler">The profiler.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Throws when <paramref name="command"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
public ProfiledDbCommand(DbCommand command, DbConnection? connection, IDbProfiler? profiler)
    _command = command ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command));

    if (connection != null)
        _connection = connection;

    if (profiler != null)
        _profiler = profiler;
/// <summary>
/// Releases all resources used by this command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">false if this is being disposed in a <c>finalizer</c>.</param>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
   if (disposing && _command != null)
    _command = null!;

Another “using” not required as ProfiledDbCommand “automagically” disposes the SqlCommand as well. It also seemed a bit odd that the SqlDataReader had a using so I had a look at profileDbDataReader.cs

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProfiledDbDataReader"/> class (with <see cref="CommandBehavior.Default"/>).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
/// <param name="profiler">The profiler.</param>
public ProfiledDbDataReader(DbDataReader reader, IDbProfiler profiler) : this(reader, CommandBehavior.Default, profiler) { }

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProfiledDbDataReader"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
/// <param name="behavior">The behavior specified during command execution.</param>
/// <param name="profiler">The profiler.</param>
public ProfiledDbDataReader(DbDataReader reader, CommandBehavior behavior, IDbProfiler? profiler)
    WrappedReader = reader;
    Behavior = behavior;
    _profiler = profiler;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="DbDataReader"/> that is being used.
/// </summary>
public DbDataReader WrappedReader { get; }

/// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.Dispose(bool)"/>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
    // reader can be null when we're not profiling, but we've inherited from ProfiledDbCommand and are returning a
    // an unwrapped reader from the base command

Another “using” not required as ProfiledDbDataReader “automagically” disposes the SqlDataReader. This was my final version of profiling the System.Data.SqlClient code to retrieve a list of stock items.

public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>>> GetProfiledAdo()
    List<Model.StockItemListDtoV1> response = new List<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>();

    using (ProfiledDbConnection profiledDbConnection = new ProfiledDbConnection((SqlConnection)dapperContext.ConnectionCreate(), MiniProfiler.Current))
        await profiledDbConnection.OpenAsync();

        using (ProfiledDbCommand profiledDbCommand = new ProfiledDbCommand(new SqlCommand(sqlCommandText), profiledDbConnection, MiniProfiler.Current))
            DbDataReader reader = await profiledDbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            using (ProfiledDbDataReader profiledDbDataReader = new ProfiledDbDataReader(reader, MiniProfiler.Current))
                var rowParser = profiledDbDataReader.GetRowParser<Model.StockItemListDtoV1>();

                while (await profiledDbDataReader.ReadAsync())

    return this.Ok(response);

The profileDbDataReader.cs implementation was “sparse” and when loading a longer list of stock items there were some ReadAsync calls which took a bit longer.

/// <summary>
/// The profiled database data reader.
/// </summary>
public class ProfiledDbDataReader : DbDataReader
    private readonly IDbProfiler? _profiler;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProfiledDbDataReader"/> class (with <see cref="CommandBehavior.Default"/>).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
    /// <param name="profiler">The profiler.</param>
    public ProfiledDbDataReader(DbDataReader reader, IDbProfiler profiler) : this(reader, CommandBehavior.Default, profiler) { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProfiledDbDataReader"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
    /// <param name="behavior">The behavior specified during command execution.</param>
    /// <param name="profiler">The profiler.</param>
    public ProfiledDbDataReader(DbDataReader reader, CommandBehavior behavior, IDbProfiler? profiler)
        WrappedReader = reader;
        Behavior = behavior;
        _profiler = profiler;

    /// <summary>Gets the behavior specified during command execution.</summary>
    public CommandBehavior Behavior { get; }

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.Depth"/>
    public override int Depth => WrappedReader.Depth;

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.FieldCount"/>
    public override int FieldCount => WrappedReader.FieldCount;

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.HasRows"/>
    public override bool HasRows => WrappedReader.HasRows;

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.IsClosed"/>
    public override bool IsClosed => WrappedReader.IsClosed;

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.RecordsAffected"/>
    public override int RecordsAffected => WrappedReader.RecordsAffected;

    /// <summary>
    /// The <see cref="DbDataReader"/> that is being used.
    /// </summary>
    public DbDataReader WrappedReader { get; }

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.this[string]"/>
    public override object this[string name] => WrappedReader[name];

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.this[int]"/>
    public override object this[int ordinal] => WrappedReader[ordinal];
    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.GetString(int)"/>
    public override string GetString(int ordinal) => WrappedReader.GetString(ordinal);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.GetValue(int)"/>
    public override object GetValue(int ordinal) => WrappedReader.GetValue(ordinal);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.GetValues(object[])"/>
    public override int GetValues(object[] values) => WrappedReader.GetValues(values);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.IsDBNull(int)"/>
    public override bool IsDBNull(int ordinal) => WrappedReader.IsDBNull(ordinal);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(int, CancellationToken)"/>
    public override Task<bool> IsDBNullAsync(int ordinal, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => WrappedReader.IsDBNullAsync(ordinal, cancellationToken);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.NextResult()"/>
    public override bool NextResult() => WrappedReader.NextResult();

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.NextResultAsync(CancellationToken)"/>
    public override Task<bool> NextResultAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => WrappedReader.NextResultAsync(cancellationToken);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.Read()"/>
    public override bool Read() => WrappedReader.Read();

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.ReadAsync(CancellationToken)"/>
    public override Task<bool> ReadAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => WrappedReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken);

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.Close()"/>
    public override void Close()
        // reader can be null when we're not profiling, but we've inherited from ProfiledDbCommand and are returning a
        // an unwrapped reader from the base command

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.GetSchemaTable()"/>
    public override DataTable? GetSchemaTable() => WrappedReader.GetSchemaTable();

    /// <inheritdoc cref="DbDataReader.Dispose(bool)"/>
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        // reader can be null when we're not profiling, but we've inherited from ProfiledDbCommand and are returning a
        // an unwrapped reader from the base command

In the [HttpGet(“DapperProfiledQueryMultipleStep”)] method I wrapped ReadAsync and could see in the profiling that every so often a call did take significantly longer.

using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("invoiceSummaryLine.ReadAsync"))
   response.InvoiceLines = await invoiceSummary.ReadAsync<Model.InvoiceLineSummaryListDtoV1>();

I did consider modifying profileDbDataReader.cs to add some instrumentation to the Read… and Get… methods but, the authors of miniprofiler are way way smarter than me so there must be a reason why they didn’t.