The Things Network HTTP Integration Part9

Simplicating and securing the HTTP handler

There was lots of code in nested classes for deserialising the The Things Network(TTN) JSON uplink messages in my WebAPI project. It looked a bit fragile and if the process failed uplink messages could be lost.

My first attempt at an Azure HTTP Trigger Function to handle an uplink message didn’t work. I had decorated the HTTP Trigger method with an Azure Storage Queue as the destination for the output.

public static class UplinkProcessor
   [return: Queue("%UplinkQueueName%", Connection = "AzureStorageConnectionString")]
   public static async Task<IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, ILogger log)
      string payload;

      log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

      using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(request.Body))
         payload = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

      return new OkObjectResult(payload);

When I returned OkObjectResult(object value) the message JSON was prefixed with “value”. This broke message deserialisation in the Azure queue trigger function for processing uplink events.

There were a couple of other versions which failed with encoding issues.

Invalid uplink event JSON
public static class UplinkProcessor
   [return: Queue("%UplinkQueueName%", Connection = "AzureStorageConnectionString")]
   public static async Task<string> Run([HttpTrigger("post", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, ILogger log)
      string payload;

      log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

      using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(request.Body))
         payload = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

      return payload;

I finally settled on returning a string, which with the benefit of hindsight was obvious.

Valid JSON message

By storing the raw uplink event JSON from TTN the application can recover if it they can’t deserialised, (message format has changed or generated class issues) The queue processor won’t be able to process the uplink event messages so they will end up in the poison message queue after being retried a few times.

I hadn’t added any security plumbing to the my other test application but I really did need to secure my uplink message endpoint in production (this functionality is disabled when running locally). Azure http trigger functions support host and method scope API key authorisation which integrates easily with TTN.

In the Azure management portal I generated a method scope API key.

Azure HTTP function API key management

I then added an x-functions-key header in the TTN application integration configuration and it worked second attempt due to a copy and past fail.

Things Network Application integration

To confirm my APIKey setup was correct I changed the header name and my requests started to fail with a 401 Unauthorised error.

After some experimentation it took less than two dozen lines of C# to create a secure endpoint to receive uplink messages and put them in an Azure Storage queue.

2 thoughts on “The Things Network HTTP Integration Part9

  1. Pingback: The Things Network HTTP Azure IoT Central Integration | devMobile's blog

  2. Pingback: The Things Network MQTT Client | devMobile's blog

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