Swarm Space – Uplink Payload formatter Proof of Concept(PoC)

My Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway will support the translation of Base64 encoded uplink payloads to Javascript Object Notation (JSON) so they can be processed by Azure IoT Hub client applications and Azure IoT Central. This PoC uses CS-Script by Oleg Shilo to transform the Swarm Eval Kit Base64 encoded JSON uplink messages.

Swarm Hive message list with a message payload

A sample decoded (JSON) Swarm Eval Kit uplink message


A Webhook Delivery method forwards uplink messages to my Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway.

Swarm Hive Delivery configuration with recent uplink messages

My first hard-coded payload formatter adds an Azure IoT Central compatible location to the telemetry event payload.

const string codeSwarmSpaceUplinkFormatterCode = @"
   using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

   public class UplinkFormatter : PayloadFormatter.ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink
       public JObject Evaluate(JObject telemetryEvent, string payloadBase64, byte[] payloadBytes, string payloadText, JObject payloadJson)
           if ((payloadText != """" ) && ( payloadJson != null))
               JObject location = new JObject() ;

               location.Add(""Lat"", payloadJson.GetValue(""lt""));
               location.Add(""Lon"", payloadJson.GetValue(""ln""));
               location.Add(""Alt"", payloadJson.GetValue(""a""));

               telemetryEvent.Add( ""location"", location);

           return telemetryEvent;

The PayloadFormatter namespace was added to reduce the length of the payload formatter C# interface declarations.

namespace PayloadFormatter 
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

    public interface ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink
        public JObject Evaluate(JObject telemetry, string payloadBase64, byte[] payloadBytes, string payloadText, JObject payloadJson);

    public interface ISwarmSpaceFormatterDownlink
        public string Evaluate(JObject payloadJson, string payloadText, byte[] payloadBytes, string payloadBase64);

namespace devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.Connector
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

    using CSScriptLib;

    using PayloadFormatter;

    public interface ISwarmSpaceFormatterCache
        public Task<ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink> PayloadFormatterGetOrAddAsync(int userApplicationId);


    public class SwarmSpaceFormatterCache : ISwarmSpaceFormatterCache
        private readonly ILogger<SwarmSpaceFormatterCache> _logger;

        public SwarmSpaceFormatterCache(ILogger<SwarmSpaceFormatterCache>logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public async Task<ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink> PayloadFormatterGetOrAddAsync(int deviceId)
            return CSScript.Evaluator.LoadCode<PayloadFormatter.ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink>(codeSwarmSpaceUplinkFormatterCode);

The parameters of the formatter are Base64 encoded, textual and a Newtonsoft JObject representations of the uplink payload and a telemetry event populated with some uplink message metadata.

Azure IoT Central uplink telemetry message payload

The initial “compile” of an uplink formatter was taking approximately 2.1 seconds so they will be “compiled” on demand and cached in a Dictionary with the UserApplicationId as the key. A default uplink formatter will be used when a UserApplicationId specific uplink formatter is not configured.

Swarm Space – Azure IoT FromDevice with webhooks

The initial versions of the Swarm Space Azure Cloud Identity Gateway were based on my The Things Industries(TTI) Azure IoT Connector which used six HTTP Triggered Azure Functions. My Swarm Space Azure IoT connector only has one webhook endpoint so a .NET Core WebAPI with controllers based solution appeared to be more practical. The first step was to get some sample JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) uplink message payloads with the SwarmSpace-From Device with Webhooks project.

  "packetId": 0,
  "deviceType": 1,
  "deviceId": 0,
  "userApplicationId": 0,
  "organizationId": 65760,
  "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QgbWVzc2FnZS4gVGhlIHBhY2tldElkIGFuZCBkZXZpY2VJZCBhcmUgbm90IHBvcHVsYXRlZCwgYnV0IHdpbGwgYmUgZm9yIGEgcmVhbCBtZXNzYWdlLg==",
  "len": 100,
  "status": 0,
  "hiveRxTime": "2022-11-29T04:52:06"

I used JSON2CSharp to generate an initial version of a Plain Old CLR(ComonLanguage Runtime) Object(POCO) to deserialise the Delivery Webhook payload.

    // Root myDeserializedClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(myJsonResponse);
    public class Root
        public int packetId { get; set; }
        public int deviceType { get; set; }
        public int deviceId { get; set; }
        public int userApplicationId { get; set; }
        public int organizationId { get; set; }
        public string data { get; set; }
        public int len { get; set; }
        public int status { get; set; }
        public DateTime hiveRxTime { get; set; }

I then “tweaked” the JSON2CSharp class

 public class UplinkPayload
        public int PacketId { get; set; }

        public int DeviceType { get; set; }

        public int DeviceId { get; set; }

        public int UserApplicationId { get; set; }

        public int OrganizationId { get; set; }

        public string Data { get; set; }

        public int Len { get; set; }

        public int Status { get; set; }

        public DateTime HiveRxTime { get; set; }

This class is used to “automagically” deserialise Delivery Webhook payloads. There is also some additional payload validation which discards test messages (not certain this is a good idea) etc.

// Copyright (c) December 2022, devMobile Software
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
namespace devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.Connector.Controllers
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

    public class UplinkController : ControllerBase
        private readonly ILogger<UplinkController> _logger;
        private readonly IAzureIoTDeviceClientCache _azureIoTDeviceClientCache;

        public UplinkController(ILogger<UplinkController> logger, IAzureIoTDeviceClientCache azureIoTDeviceClientCache)
            _logger = logger;
            _azureIoTDeviceClientCache = azureIoTDeviceClientCache;

        public async Task<IActionResult> Uplink([FromBody] Models.UplinkPayload payload)
            DeviceClient deviceClient;

            _logger.LogDebug("Payload {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, Formatting.Indented));

            if (payload.PacketId == 0)
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-payload simulated DeviceId:{DeviceId}", payload.DeviceId);

                return this.Ok();

            if ((payload.UserApplicationId < Constants.UserApplicationIdMinimum) || (payload.UserApplicationId > Constants.UserApplicationIdMaximum))
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-payload invalid User Application Id:{UserApplicationId}", payload.UserApplicationId);

                return this.BadRequest($"Invalid User Application Id {payload.UserApplicationId}");

            if ((payload.Len < Constants.PayloadLengthMinimum) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.Data))
                _logger.LogWarning("Uplink-payload.Data is empty PacketId:{PacketId}", payload.PacketId);

                return this.Ok("payload.Data is empty");

            Models.AzureIoTDeviceClientContext context = new Models.AzureIoTDeviceClientContext()
                OrganisationId = payload.OrganizationId,
                UserApplicationId = payload.UserApplicationId,
                DeviceType = payload.DeviceType,
                DeviceId = payload.DeviceId,

            deviceClient = await _azureIoTDeviceClientCache.GetOrAddAsync(payload.DeviceId.ToString(), context);

            JObject telemetryEvent = new JObject
                { "packetId", payload.PacketId},
                { "deviceType" , payload.DeviceType},
                { "DeviceID", payload.DeviceId },
                { "organizationId", payload.OrganizationId },
                { "ApplicationId", payload.UserApplicationId},
                { "ReceivedAtUtc", payload.HiveRxTime.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
                { "DataLength", payload.Len },
                { "Data", payload.Data },
                { "Status", payload.Status },

            // Send the message to Azure IoT Hub
            using (Message ioTHubmessage = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telemetryEvent))))
                // Ensure the displayed time is the acquired time rather than the uploaded time. 
                ioTHubmessage.Properties.Add("iothub-creation-time-utc", payload.HiveRxTime.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                ioTHubmessage.Properties.Add("OrganizationId", payload.OrganizationId.ToString());
                ioTHubmessage.Properties.Add("ApplicationId", payload.UserApplicationId.ToString());
                ioTHubmessage.Properties.Add("DeviceId", payload.DeviceId.ToString());
                ioTHubmessage.Properties.Add("deviceType", payload.DeviceType.ToString());

                await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(ioTHubmessage);

                _logger.LogInformation("Uplink-DeviceID:{deviceId} SendEventAsync success", payload.DeviceId);

            return this.Ok();

I initially debugged and tested the Uplink controller with Telerik Fiddler using sample payloads captured with the SwarmSpace-From Device with Webhooks project.

Using Telerik Fiddler to make test delivery webhook calls

Which I could then inspect with Azure IoT Explorer as they arrived

Azure IoT Explorer displaying a test message

The next step was to create a new Delivery Method

Swarm delivery webhook creation

Configured to call my Uplink controller endpoint.

Swarm delivery webhook configuration

The webhook was configured to “acknowledge messages on successful delivery”. I then checked my Delivery Method configuration with a couple of “Test” messages.

My Swarm Space Eval Kit arrived md-week and after some issues with jumper settings it started reporting position and status information.

Swarm Eval Kit in my backyard

The first position was just of the coast of West Africa(null island)

Swarm Map centered on Null Island

After the Global Positioning System(GPS) receiver got a good fix the location of the Eval Kit was in the middle of my backyard.

Azure IoT Explorer displaying payload with good latitude and longitude
Swarm Map displaying the location of my device (zoomed out)

Swarm Space – Payload formatters with CS-Script

My Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway needs to support the translation of Base64 encoded uplink payloads to Javascript Object Notation (JSON) and downlink payloads to Base64 encoded from Javascript Object Notation (JSON) . This so uplink and downlink messages can be processed and generated by Azure IoT Hub connected and Azure IoT Central applications.

To format uplink and downlink messages I had been looking at CS-Script by Oleg Shilo which is a Common Language Runtime(CLR) based scripting system that uses European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)-compliant C# as a programming language.

I started with a modified version of the first sample on Github.

public class Samples
    const string codeMethod = @"
        int Multiply(int a, int b)
            return a * b;

    public void Execute1()
       dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator.LoadMethod(codeMethod);

        int result = script.Multiply(3, 2);

        Console.WriteLine($"Product 1:{result}");
internal class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new Samples().Execute1();
        Console.WriteLine($"Press Enter to exit");

I then modified it to use a C# interface and the application failed with an exception

  Message=(2,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'IMultiplier' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

   at CSScriptLib.RoslynEvaluator.Compile(String scriptText, String scriptFile, CompileInfo info)
   at CSScriptLib.EvaluatorBase`1.LoadCode[T](String scriptText, Object[] args)
   at devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.Samples.Execute2A() in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\SwarmSpaceAzureIoT\PayloadFormatterCSScipt\Program.cs:line 90
   at devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\BrynLewis\source\repos\SwarmSpaceAzureIoT\PayloadFormatterCSScipt\Program.cs:line 375

After some trial and error, I figured out I had the namespace wrong

const string codeClassA = @"
    public class Calculator : devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.IMultiplier
        public int Multiply(int a, int b)

            return a * b;

public void Execute2A()
    IMultiplier multiplierA = CSScript.Evaluator.LoadCode<IMultiplier>(codeClassA);

    Console.WriteLine($"Product 2A:{multiplierA.Multiply(3, 2)} - Press Enter to exit");

The long namespace would have been a pain in the arse (PITA) for users creating payload formatters and after some experimentation I added another interface with a short namespace. (Not certain this is a good idea).

namespace PayloadFormatter // Additional namespace for shortening interface for formatters
    public interface IMultiplier
        int Multiply(int a, int b);
public void Execute2B()
      PayloadFormatter.IMultiplier multiplierB = CSScript.Evaluator.LoadCode<PayloadFormatter.IMultiplier>(codeClassB);

     Console.WriteLine($"Product 2B:{multiplierB.Multiply(3, 2)} - Press Enter to exit");

I then wanted to figure out how to limit the namepaces the script has access to

const string codeClassDebug = @"
    using System.Diagnostics;

    public class Calculator : devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.IMultiplier
        public int Multiply(int a, int b)
           Debug.WriteLine(""Oops""); // Comment out the using System.Diagnostics;

            return a * b;

public void Execute3()

    IMultiplier multiplier = CSScript.Evaluator

    int result = multiplier.Multiply(6, 2);

    Console.WriteLine($"Product 3:{result}");

The CSScript.Evaluator.Reset(true); removes all of the “default” references but a using directive could make namespaces available, so this needs some more investigation

The next step was to build the simplest possible payload formatter a “pipe” which displayed the text encoded in Base64 string.

const string codeSwarmSpaceFormatterPipe = @"
    public class SwarmSpaceFormatter:devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.ISwarmSpaceFormatterPipe
        public string Pipe(string payloadBase64)
            var payloadBase64Bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(payloadBase64);

             return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBase64Bytes);
public void Execute4()
    ISwarmSpaceFormatterPipe SwarmSpaceFormatter = CSScript.Evaluator

    string payload = SwarmSpaceFormatter.Pipe(PayloadBase64);


The Base64 encoded uplink payloads will have to be converted to JSON and the downlink JSON payloads will have to be converted to Base64 encoded binary, so I created an uplink and downlink formatters.

public void Execute5()
    string namespaces = $"using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;using System;\n";
    string code = namespaces + codeSwarmSpaceFormatter;

    JObject telemetry = new JObject
            { "ApplicationID", 12345 },
            { "DeviceID", 54321 },
            { "DeviceType", 2 },
            { "ReceivedAtUtc", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },

    ISwarmSpaceFormatter SwarmSpaceFormatter = CSScript.Evaluator.LoadCode<ISwarmSpaceFormatter>(code);

    string pipePayload = SwarmSpaceFormatter.Pipe(PayloadBase64);


    JObject uplinkPayload = SwarmSpaceFormatter.Uplink(telemetry, PayloadBase64, Convert.FromBase64String(PayloadBase64));


    JObject command = new JObject
        {"Temperature", 1},

    string downlinkPayload = SwarmSpaceFormatter.Downlink(command);


I found that having both the byte array and Base64 encoded representation of the uplink payloads was useful. The first formatter converts the temperature field of the downlink payload into a four byte array then reverses the array to illustrate how packed byte payloads could be constructed.

const string codeSwarmSpaceFormatter1 = @"
    public class SwarmSpaceFormatter : devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.ISwarmSpaceFormatter
        public string Pipe(string payloadBase64)
            var payloadBase64Bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(payloadBase64);

            return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBase64Bytes);

        public JObject Uplink(JObject telemetryEvent, string payloadBase64, byte[] payloadBytes)
            var payloadBase64Bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(payloadBase64);

            telemetryEvent.Add(""PayloadBase64"", payloadBase64Bytes);

            return telemetryEvent;

        public string Downlink(JObject command)
            int temperature = command.Value<int>(""Temperature"");

            return System.Convert.ToBase64String(BitConverter.GetBytes(temperature));

const string codeSwarmSpaceFormatter2 = @"
    public class SwarmSpaceFormatter:devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.PayloadFormatterCSScript.ISwarmSpaceFormatter
        public string Pipe(string payloadBase64)
            var payloadBase64Bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(payloadBase64);

            return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBase64Bytes);

        public JObject Uplink(JObject telemetryEvent, string payloadBase64, byte[] payloadBytes)
            var payloadBase64Bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(payloadBase64);

            telemetryEvent.Add(""PayloadBase64"", payloadBase64Bytes);

            return telemetryEvent;

        public string Downlink(JObject command)
            int temperature = command.Value<int>(""Temperature"");

            byte[] temperatureBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(temperature);


            return System.Convert.ToBase64String(temperatureBytes);
public void Execute6()
    string namespaces = $"using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;using System;\n";
    string code1 = namespaces + codeSwarmSpaceFormatter1;
    string code2 = namespaces + codeSwarmSpaceFormatter2;

    JObject telemetry = new JObject
        { "ApplicationID", 12345 },
        { "DeviceID", 54321 },
        { "DeviceType", 2 },
        { "ReceivedAtUtc", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },

    var formatters = new Dictionary<string, ISwarmSpaceFormatter>();

    Console.WriteLine($"Evaluator start");
    DateTime evaluatorStartAtUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

    ISwarmSpaceFormatter SwarmSpaceFormatter1 = CSScript.Evaluator

    ISwarmSpaceFormatter SwarmSpaceFormatter2 = CSScript.Evaluator

    Console.WriteLine($"Evaluator:{DateTime.UtcNow - evaluatorStartAtUtc}");

    Console.WriteLine($"Evaluation start");
    DateTime evaluationStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

    formatters.Add("F1", SwarmSpaceFormatter1);
    formatters.Add("F2", SwarmSpaceFormatter2);

    JObject command = new JObject
        {"Temperature", 1},

    ISwarmSpaceFormatter downlinkPayload;
    downlinkPayload = formatters["F1"];
    Console.WriteLine($"Downlink F1:{downlinkPayload.Downlink(command)}");
    downlinkPayload = formatters["F2"];
    Console.WriteLine($"Downlink F2:{downlinkPayload.Downlink(command)}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Evaluation:{DateTime.UtcNow - evaluationStartUtc}");

    const int iterations = 100;
    Console.WriteLine($"Evaluations start {iterations}");
    DateTime evaluationsStartUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

    for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)
        JObject command1 = new JObject
            {"Temperature", 1},

        downlinkPayload = formatters["F1"];
        Console.WriteLine($" Downlink F1:{downlinkPayload.Downlink(command1)}");
        downlinkPayload = formatters["F2"];
        Console.WriteLine($" Downlink F2:{downlinkPayload.Downlink(command1)}");

    Console.WriteLine($"Evaluations:{iterations} Took:{DateTime.UtcNow - evaluationsStartUtc}");

On my development box the initial “compile” of each function was taking approximately 2.1 seconds so I cached the “compiled” formatters in a dictionary so they could be reused. Cached in the dictionary executing the two formatters 100 times took approximately 15 milliseconds (which is close to native .NET performance).


To check that the CS-Script tooling could run on a machine without the .NET 6 Software Development Kit (SDK) I tested the application on a laptop which had a “fresh” install of Windows 10.

CS-Script application failing due to missing .NET 6 runtime
Installing the .NET 6 Runtime
CS-Script application running after .NET runtime installation

The CS-Script library is pretty amazing and has made the development of uplink and downlink payload formatters significantly less complex than I was expecting.

Swarm Space – FromDevice with webhooks

I modified my TTI V3 Connector Azure Storage Queues project which uses Azure Functions HTTP Triggers to put messages into Azure Storage Queues to process Swarm FromDevice Webhook messages.

First step was to configure a webhook with the Swarm dashboard

Swarm dashboard webhooks configuration

I configured the webhook, and to “acknowledge messages on successful delivery”. Then checked my configuration with a couple of “Test” messages.

Swarm dashboard webhook configuration

The Swagger API documentation has methods for configuring endpoints which can be called by an application.

Swagger API Documentation for managing endpoints

I queued a couple of messages on my Satellite Transceiver Breakout and when the next satellite passed overhead, shortly after they were visible in the Swarm Dashboard Messages tab.

Swarm Dashboard with test and live fromdevice messages

The messages were also delivered to an Azure Storage Queue, and I could view them with Azure Storage Explorer.

Azure Storage Explorer displaying a webhook message payload

Swarm Space – Azure IoT Basic Client

To figure out how to poll the Swarm Hive API I have built yet another “nasty” Proof of Concept (PoC) which gets ToDevice and FromDevice messages. Initially I have focused on polling as the volume of messages from my single device is pretty low (WebHooks will be covered in a future post).

Like my Azure IoT The Things Industry connector I use Alastair Crabtrees’s LazyCache to store Azured IoT Hub DeviceClient instances.

NOTE: Swarm Space technical support clarified the parameter values required to get FromDevice and ToDevice messages using the Bumbleebee Hive API.

Swarm API Docs messages functionality

The Messages Get method has a lot of parameters for filtering and paging the response message lists. Many of the parameters have default values so can be null or left blank.

Swarm API Get User Message filters

I started off by seeing if I could duplicate the functionality of the user interface and get a list of all ToDevice and FromDevice messages.

Swarm Dashboard messages list

I first called the Messages Get method with the direction set to “fromdevice” (Odd this is a string rather than an enumeration) and the messages I had sent from my Sparkfun Satellite Transceiver Breakout – Swarm M138 were displayed.

Swarm API Docs displaying “fromdevice” messages

I then called the Messages Get method with the direction set to “all” and only the FromDevice messages were displayed which I wasn’t expecting.

Swarm API Docs displaying ToDevice and FromDevices messages

I then called the Messages Get method with the direction set to “FromDevice and no messages were displayed which I wasn’t expecting

Swarm API Docs displaying “todevice” messages

I then called the Message Get method with the messageId of a ToDevice message and the detailed message information was displayed.

Swarm API Docs displaying the details of a specific inbound message

For testing I configured 5 devices (a real device and the others simulated) in my Azure IoT Hub with the Swarm Device ID ued as the Azure IoT Hub device ID.

Devices configured in Azure IoT Hub

My console application calls the Swarm Bumblebee Hive API Login method, then uses Azure IoT Hub DeviceClient SendEventAsync upload device telemetry.

Nasty console application processing the three “fromdevice” messages which have not been acknowledged.

The console application stores the Swarm Hive API username, password and the Azure IoT Hub Device Connection string locally using the UserSecretsConfigurationExtension.

internal class Program
    private static string AzureIoTHubConnectionString = "";
    private readonly static IAppCache _DeviceClients = new CachingService();

    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Debug.WriteLine("devMobile.SwarmSpace.Hive.AzureIoTHubBasicClient starting");

        IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

        AzureIoTHubConnectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("AzureIoTHub");

        using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
            BumblebeeHiveClient.Client client = new BumblebeeHiveClient.Client(httpClient);

            client.BaseUrl = configuration.GetRequiredSection("SwarmConnection").GetRequiredSection("BaseURL").Value;

            BumblebeeHiveClient.LoginForm loginForm = new BumblebeeHiveClient.LoginForm();

            loginForm.Username = configuration.GetRequiredSection("SwarmConnection").GetRequiredSection("UserName").Value;
            loginForm.Password = configuration.GetRequiredSection("SwarmConnection").GetRequiredSection("Password").Value;

            BumblebeeHiveClient.Response response = await client.PostLoginAsync(loginForm);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Token :{response.Token[..5]}.....{response.Token[^5..]}");

            string apiKey = "bearer " + response.Token;
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", apiKey);

            var devices = await client.GetDevicesAsync(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            foreach (BumblebeeHiveClient.Device device in devices)
                Debug.WriteLine($" Id:{device.DeviceId} Name:{device.DeviceName} Type:{device.DeviceType} Organisation:{device.OrganizationId}");

                DeviceClient deviceClient = await _DeviceClients.GetOrAddAsync<DeviceClient>(device.DeviceId.ToString(), (ICacheEntry x) => IoTHubConnectAsync(device.DeviceId.ToString()), memoryCacheEntryOptions);

            foreach (BumblebeeHiveClient.Device device in devices)
                DeviceClient deviceClient = await _DeviceClients.GetAsync<DeviceClient>(device.DeviceId.ToString());

                var messages = await client.GetMessagesAsync(null, null, null, device.DeviceId.ToString(), null, null, null, null, null, null, "all", null, null);
                foreach (var message in messages)
                    Debug.WriteLine($" PacketId:{message.PacketId} Status:{message.Status} Direction:{message.Direction} Length:{message.Len} Data: {BitConverter.ToString(message.Data)}");

                    JObject telemetryEvent = new JObject
                        { "DeviceID", device.DeviceId },
                        { "ReceivedAtUtc", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },


                    using (Message telemetryMessage = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telemetryEvent))))
                        telemetryMessage.Properties.Add("iothub-creation-time-utc", message.HiveRxTime.ToString("s", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(telemetryMessage);

                    //BumblebeeHiveClient.PacketPostReturn packetPostReturn = await client.AckRxMessageAsync(message.PacketId, null);

            foreach (BumblebeeHiveClient.Device device in devices)
                DeviceClient deviceClient = await _DeviceClients.GetAsync<DeviceClient>(device.DeviceId.ToString());

                await deviceClient.CloseAsync();

    private static async Task<DeviceClient> IoTHubConnectAsync(string deviceId)
        DeviceClient deviceClient;

        deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(AzureIoTHubConnectionString, deviceId, TransportSettings);

        await deviceClient.OpenAsync();

        return deviceClient;

    private static readonly MemoryCacheEntryOptions memoryCacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
        Priority = CacheItemPriority.NeverRemove

    private static readonly ITransportSettings[] TransportSettings = new ITransportSettings[]
        new AmqpTransportSettings(TransportType.Amqp_Tcp_Only)
            AmqpConnectionPoolSettings = new AmqpConnectionPoolSettings()
                Pooling = true,

While testing I disabled the message RxAck functionality so I could repeatedly call the MessagesGet method so I didn’t have to send new messages and burn through my 50 free messages.

Azure IoT Explorer telemetry displaying the three messages processed by my console application.


Updated parameters based on feedback from Swarm technical support

Need to have status set to -1

Swarm Space – Bumblebee Hive Basic Emulator

One of the main problems building a Cloud Identity Translation Gateway (like my TTIV3AzureIoTConnector) is getting enough devices to make testing (esp. scalability) realistic. This is a problem because I have only got two devices, a Sparkfun Satellite Transceiver Breakout – Swarm M138 and a Swarm Asset Tracker. (Considering buying a Swarm Eval Kit)

Satellite Transceiver Breakout – Swarm M138
Swarm Asset Tracker

So, I can simulate lots of devices and test more complex configurations I have started build a Swarm Bumble Bee Hive emulator based on the API and Delivery-API OpenAPI files.

NSwagStudio configuration for generating ASP.NET Core web API

As well as generating clients NSwagStudio can also generate ASP.NET Core web APIs. To test my approach, I built the simplest possible client I could which calls the generated PostLoginAsync and GetDeviceCountAsync.

Swagger UI for NSwagStudio generated ASP.NET Core web API

Initially the BumblebeeHiveBasicClientConsole login method would fail with an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type error.

BumblebeeHiveBasicClientConsole application 415 Unsupported Media Type error

After some trial and error, I modified the HiveController.cs and HiveControllerImplementation.cs Login method signatures so the payload was “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” rather than “application/json” by changing FromBody to FromForm

Task<Response> IAuthController.PostLoginAsync([FromForm] LoginForm body)
     return Task.FromResult(new Response()
        Token = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

Modifying code generated by a tool like NSwagStudio should be avoided but I couldn’t work out a simpler solution

/// <summary>
/// POST login
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// &lt;p&gt;Use username and password to log in.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;On success: returns status code 200. The response body is the JSON &lt;code&gt;{"token": "&amp;lt;token&amp;gt;"}&lt;/code&gt;, along with the header &lt;code&gt;Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=&amp;lt;token&amp;gt;; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly;&lt;/code&gt;. The tokens in the return value and the &lt;code&gt;Set-Cookie&lt;/code&gt; header are the same. The token is a long string of letters, numbers, and punctuation.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;On failure: returns status code 401.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;To make authenticated requests, there are two ways: &lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;(Preferred) Use the token as a Bearer Authentication token by including the HTTP header &lt;code&gt;Authorization: Bearer &amp;lt;token&amp;gt;&lt;/code&gt; in further requests.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;li&gt;(Deprecated) Use the token as the JSESSIONID cookie in further requests.&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>Login success</returns>
[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.HttpPost, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Route("login")]
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Response> PostLogin([Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.FromForm] LoginForm body)

    return _implementation.PostLoginAsync(body);

BumblebeeHiveBasicCLientConsole application calling the simulator
BumblebeeHiveBasicClientConsole application calling the production system

After some initial problems with content-types the Swarm Hive API (not tried the Delivery-API yet) appears to be documented and easy to use. Though, some of the variable type choices do seem a bit odd.

public virtual async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> GetDeviceCountAsync(int? devicetype, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Swarm Space – Bumblebee Hive API Basic client

Back in July I purchased a Satellite Transceiver Breakout – Swarm M138 from SparkFun and it has been sitting on the shelf since then. I want to get telemetry from a sensor to an Azure IoT Hub or Azure IoT Central over a Swarm Space link for a project I am working on.

I’ll need to solder on some headers and cut a couple of tracks on the breakout board so my device (most probably a SparkFun – ESP32-S2 WROOM) can connect to the Swarm-M1138 modem. The NET nanoFramework team have an IoT.Device Swarm Tile NuGet package which I will use to interface the device to the modem.

I have started with a “nasty” Proof of Concept(PoC) to figure out how to connect to the Swarm Hive API.

The Swarm Hive API has been published with Swagger/OpenAPI which is really simple to use. I used NSwagStudio to generate a C# client to I didn’t have to “handcraft” one.

Initially the code would compile but I found a clue in a Github Issue from September 2017 which was to change the “Operation Generation Model” to SingleClientFromOperationId.(The setting is highlighted above).

static async Task Main(string[] args)
    using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
        BumblebeeHiveClient.Client client = new BumblebeeHiveClient.Client(httpClient);

        client.BaseUrl = "https://bumblebee.hive.swarm.space/hive/";

        BumblebeeHiveClient.LoginForm loginForm = new BumblebeeHiveClient.LoginForm();

        // https://bumblebee.hive.swarm.space/login/
        loginForm.Username = "...";
        loginForm.Password = "...";

        Console.WriteLine($"devMobile SwarmSpace Bumblebee Hive Console Client");

        Console.WriteLine($"Login POST");
        BumblebeeHiveClient.Response response = await client.PostLoginAsync(loginForm);

        Console.WriteLine($"Token :{response.Token[..5]}.....{response.Token[^5..]}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Press <enter> to continue");

        string apiKey = "bearer " + response.Token;

        httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", apiKey);

        Console.WriteLine($"Device count GET");

        string count = await client.GetDeviceCountAsync(1);

        Console.WriteLine($"Device count :{count}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Press <enter> to continue");

        Console.WriteLine($"Device(s) information GET");

        var devices = await client.GetDevicesAsync(1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

        foreach (var device in devices)
            Console.WriteLine($" Id:{device.DeviceId} Name:{device.DeviceName} Type:{device.DeviceType} Organisation:{device.OrganizationId}");

        Console.WriteLine($"Press <enter> to continue");

        Console.WriteLine($"User Context GET");
        var userContext = await client.GetUserContextAsync();

        Console.WriteLine($" Id:{userContext.UserId} Name:{userContext.Username} Country:{userContext.Country}");

        Console.WriteLine("Additional properties");
        foreach ( var additionalProperty in userContext.AdditionalProperties)
            Console.WriteLine($" Id:{additionalProperty.Key} Value:{additionalProperty.Value}");

        Console.WriteLine($"Press <enter> to exit");

I tried a couple of ways to attach the Swarm Hive API authorisation token (returned by the Login method) to client requests. After a couple for failed attempts, I “realised” that adding the “Authorization” header to the HttpClient defaultRequestHeaders was by far the simplest approach.

My “nasty” console application calls the Login method, then requests the number of devices (I only have one), gets a list of the properties of all the devices(very short list) then gets the User Context and displays their ID, Name and Country.