Swarm Space – Uplink Payload formatter Proof of Concept(PoC)

My Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway will support the translation of Base64 encoded uplink payloads to Javascript Object Notation (JSON) so they can be processed by Azure IoT Hub client applications and Azure IoT Central. This PoC uses CS-Script by Oleg Shilo to transform the Swarm Eval Kit Base64 encoded JSON uplink messages.

Swarm Hive message list with a message payload

A sample decoded (JSON) Swarm Eval Kit uplink message


A Webhook Delivery method forwards uplink messages to my Azure IoT Hub Cloud Identity Translation Gateway.

Swarm Hive Delivery configuration with recent uplink messages

My first hard-coded payload formatter adds an Azure IoT Central compatible location to the telemetry event payload.

const string codeSwarmSpaceUplinkFormatterCode = @"
   using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

   public class UplinkFormatter : PayloadFormatter.ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink
       public JObject Evaluate(JObject telemetryEvent, string payloadBase64, byte[] payloadBytes, string payloadText, JObject payloadJson)
           if ((payloadText != """" ) && ( payloadJson != null))
               JObject location = new JObject() ;

               location.Add(""Lat"", payloadJson.GetValue(""lt""));
               location.Add(""Lon"", payloadJson.GetValue(""ln""));
               location.Add(""Alt"", payloadJson.GetValue(""a""));

               telemetryEvent.Add( ""location"", location);

           return telemetryEvent;

The PayloadFormatter namespace was added to reduce the length of the payload formatter C# interface declarations.

namespace PayloadFormatter 
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

    public interface ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink
        public JObject Evaluate(JObject telemetry, string payloadBase64, byte[] payloadBytes, string payloadText, JObject payloadJson);

    public interface ISwarmSpaceFormatterDownlink
        public string Evaluate(JObject payloadJson, string payloadText, byte[] payloadBytes, string payloadBase64);

namespace devMobile.IoT.SwarmSpace.AzureIoT.Connector
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

    using CSScriptLib;

    using PayloadFormatter;

    public interface ISwarmSpaceFormatterCache
        public Task<ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink> PayloadFormatterGetOrAddAsync(int userApplicationId);


    public class SwarmSpaceFormatterCache : ISwarmSpaceFormatterCache
        private readonly ILogger<SwarmSpaceFormatterCache> _logger;

        public SwarmSpaceFormatterCache(ILogger<SwarmSpaceFormatterCache>logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public async Task<ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink> PayloadFormatterGetOrAddAsync(int deviceId)
            return CSScript.Evaluator.LoadCode<PayloadFormatter.ISwarmSpaceFormatterUplink>(codeSwarmSpaceUplinkFormatterCode);

The parameters of the formatter are Base64 encoded, textual and a Newtonsoft JObject representations of the uplink payload and a telemetry event populated with some uplink message metadata.

Azure IoT Central uplink telemetry message payload

The initial “compile” of an uplink formatter was taking approximately 2.1 seconds so they will be “compiled” on demand and cached in a Dictionary with the UserApplicationId as the key. A default uplink formatter will be used when a UserApplicationId specific uplink formatter is not configured.

5 thoughts on “Swarm Space – Uplink Payload formatter Proof of Concept(PoC)

  1. Pingback: Swarm Space – Uplink Payload formatter caching and files | devMobile's blog

  2. Pingback: Myriota – Uplink Payload formatters and caching | devMobile's blog

  3. Pingback: Myriota – Uplink Payload formatters revisited | devMobile's blog

  4. Pingback: Myriota – Uplink Payload Formatters Test Harness | devMobile's blog

  5. Pingback: Myriota Connector- Payload formatters revisited again | devMobile's blog

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