ML.Net YoloV5 + Security Camera “async” fail

While debugging my AzureIoTSmartEdgeCamera application I kept on getting file locked errors when the image from the security camera downloading which was a bit odd. So, I went back to basics and started with only the compiler directives required to build a “minimalist” version of the application.

If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the issue here. I had missed that in the first block of System.Console.Writelines that the image download finished after the YoloV5 inferencing started.

private void SecurityCameraImageCapture()
	_logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download start");

	NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential()
		UserName = _securityCameraSettings.CameraUserName,
		Password = _securityCameraSettings.CameraUserPassword,

	using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
		client.Credentials = networkCredential;

		client.DownloadFile(_securityCameraSettings.CameraUrl, _applicationSettings.ImageCameraFilepath);

	_logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download done");

I had replaced the System.Net.WebClient(deprecated) image download implementation with code that retrieved images from the security camera using System.Net.Http.HttpClient.

      private async Task SecurityCameraImageCapture()
         _logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download start");

         using (Stream cameraStream = await _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_securityCameraSettings.CameraUrl))
         using (Stream fileStream = File.Create(_applicationSettings.ImageCameraFilepath))
            await cameraStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

         _logger.LogTrace("Security Camera Image download done");

If I had been paying attention, I would have also noticed the issue here..

Console output of maximalist application

When I changed the compiler definitions to turn on pretty much every feature the issue became really really obvious because the “Security Camera Image download done” message wasn’t displayed.


The original code to get the image from the camera was synchronous and I had forgotten to add an await.

            await SecurityCameraImageCaptureAsync();

I then updated the code and the application worked as expected.

Console output of working maximalist application


Would have saved myself a lot of time if I had paid attention to the debugging information and compiler warnings.